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Catastrophic health insurance and health savings accounts in the US February, 2008.

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1 Catastrophic health insurance and health savings accounts in the US February, 2008

2 Some rationales and definitions Since 2004, special tax treatment has been offered to households that combine catastrophic health insurance (CHI) and an earmarked Health Savings Account (HSA) CHI: Comprehensive insurance with (Single person) deductible greater than $1100 and max out of pocket of $2900. HSA: Interest yielding savings account maintained either by HH or employer for uncovered medical spending (broad definition). Intended to encourage more “skin in the game.”

3 Application of the deductible  Need not apply to primary preventive services and some secondary prevention (statins for someone who had heart attack).  All covered services must be subject to the master deductible but payments for out of network care do not count toward out of pocket limit. Other limits OK (like # visits).  Many plans direct people toward a discounted network (for under- deductible spending too).

4 Account contributions and withdrawls  Can contribute up to $2900/yr tax free.  Accounts earn interest and can accumulate (roll-over).  Can use money for any qualified purchase (including aspirin) and for any family member.  Withdrawls for non medical purposes are taxed as income and subject to 10% penalty before age 65.

5 Employer possibilities  Employer can set up a health “reimbursement” account and manage it for worker.  Employers can make automatic transfers to account subject only to “negative election.”  There are limits on employer-managed insurance and account portability.

6 Some early data I  About 4.5 million with these accounts as of 2/2007 (2-3% of all privately insured).  Treasury projects 25 million by 2010 under current law.  Some consultants/cheer leaders project 20%+ share in long run.  One estimate is that 42% of early joiners had family incomes below $50K

7 Some early data II  31 % of new buyers were previously uninsured  33% got it from a small business that previously offered no coverage  49% were older than 40  Typical plan had $2400 ded and $3400 max.  Compared to typical PPO with $400 ded and $2250 max but $1000 more in premium.  Really high risks often better off in HSA/CHP.

8 Economic issues  Primary economic rationale is as a second best modification of the employment-based insurance tax subsidy.  Suppose either an aggressive managed care plan or catastrophic insurance both yielded $3000 in expected benefit, but MC had a premium of $3000 while CHP had a $2000 premium. Under old law MC saved about $300 more in taxes (at 30% marginal rate).

9 Policy solutions  First best: abolish or limit all tax subsidies at the margin.  But an employer offered HSA/CHP combination has expected tax subsidy equivalent to that of MC plan (if $1000 is expected value of out of pocket payment).

10 Analysis and alternatives  Under high deductible plans with tax shielded out of pocket spending, there is more out of pocket payment than “distorted” policy but the out of pocket incentives are less potent.  It seems that the former somewhat offsets the latter, leading to expected savings (in studies by researchers) of about 5%.  You could get about the same thing by allowing full deductibility of all premiums and all out of pocket payments

11 Alleged advantages of these plans (relative to status quo)  More affordable (stimulated marketing)  More flexible (across spending; no rules)  Better controlled by informed insureds.  Portable across jobs  Insurance and account owned by consumer.  Helps with low US savings rate and anti-savings distortions in tax laws.

12 Alleged disadvantages and current evidence  They only benefit the rich and the healthy.  They confuse people  They discourage needed preventive care  They erode the American way of employment based insurance.  My answer to all of these: “not really that much.”

13 My views  There is not much room for additional risk selection (compared to individual insurance) and these plans do protect the really high risks.  Estimated savings are less than advocates allege (e.g., by just comparing premiums) and are less than one year’s spending growth.  The taste for risk may not be very widespread.  There will be a backlash.

14 My predictions  These plans will establish a market share of about 10% if current law is not changed.  They have already established a special interest constituency so may be hard to roll back.  Just as with managed care, they suffer more from propaganda of friends.  Limit access to HH’s with higher incomes?

15 Health economics issues raised by CHP/HSA plans  What does the distribution of risk aversions look like? Need to know this to know demand.  What is the social gain if any from lower bounds to deductibles and higher bounds to total out of pocket spending? Let the market decide?  How might lower income people behave with a high deductible plan? Underuse or overburden?

16 My normative evaluation  They probably don’t do great harm  But they distract policy attention from revamping the whole tax treatment of insurance toward a really neutral system and from policies more directed at uninsureds.  HSA/CHP advantages high deductible insurance, in individual market especially. Have we traded one distortion for another?  Emphasis on covering catastrophes is helpful.

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