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Food. Second Conditional Language Competence: Second Conditional, enlarging vocabulary on the topic Speech Competence: talking about food preferences,

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Presentation on theme: "Food. Second Conditional Language Competence: Second Conditional, enlarging vocabulary on the topic Speech Competence: talking about food preferences,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food. Second Conditional Language Competence: Second Conditional, enlarging vocabulary on the topic Speech Competence: talking about food preferences, healthy food Sociocultural Competence: getting to know about junk food

2 Answer the questions What’s the difference between English breakfast and Continental breakfast? What’s the main meal of the day? What is “plain food”?

3 Healthy or unhealthy?


5 hamburgers crisps chocolate bars hot dogs pizzas high in calories lacking in nutrition high in saturated fat great risk of cancer gaining weight heart and liver diseases CAUSE SIDE EFFECTS

6 Why do we eat junk food? lack of time loss of tradition lack of money

7 enjoy like love don’t like hate can’t stand nutritious healthy unhealthy lacking in nutrition harmful

8 Our choice is HEALTHY food BECAUSE it is rich in vitamins it is rich in minerals

9 … is a typical … dish




13 burrito

14 … is a typical … dish ratatouille

15 … is a typical … dish sushi

16 … is a typical … dish baklava

17 What do the stars like to eat and drink? Demi Moore Helen Hunt Eddie Murphy Whoopi Goldberg Bill Murrey Mickey Rourke bacon sandwiches fried chicken watermelon (without seeds) turkey sandwiches carrot juice poached eggs

18 Let’s make Christmas pudding. 1 фунт смородини 2 фунти родзинок 5 унцій тертого яблука 1 фунт хлібних крихот 1 фунт жиру 6,5 унцій цукатів 8 унцій муки 8 унцій цукру 5 яєць 0,5 унції меленої кориці 0,25 унції меленої гвоздики 0,25 унції меленого мускатного горіха Чверть чайной ложки приправи для пудинга Чверть джила бренді Чверть джила рому Пінта пива

19 Conditional Sentences Type 1 Real Type 2 Unreal (present/future) Type 3 Unreal (past)

20 If you cut the carrots, (b) I’ll make the soup if-clause I’ll make the soup.(a) main clause if you cut the carrots. main clauseif-clause if-clause,main clausemain clauseif-clause

21 (d) If we don’t have class tomorrow, I’ll go skiing. I’m going to go on vacation. if-clause (c) main clause If I have enough money, main clauseif-clause SIMPLE PRESENT in if-clauses future time

22 Winston, if you were my husband, I would poison your coffee. If you were my wife, Nancy, I would drink it.

23 Tired Traveler I wish I could brush my teeth right now. If I had more money, I would stay at better hotels.

24 Unreal conditionals are sentences that describe situations that are untrue, unlikely, or impossible in the present or the past. In present-time situations, use the simple past in the if clause and would, could, or might plus the base form of the verb in the result clause. If I had enough money, I would visit Paris. She doesn’t have enough money and she won’t visit Paris.

25 He didn’t travel with a map, so he got lost. Use the simple past in the if clause. If the verb is be, use were for all persons. Use could, might, or would + base form in the result clause. If I were a better planner I wouldn’t travel without a map.

26 Your Know-How If you want to talk about imaginary or unreal situations in the present or future use the Second Conditional: If-clausemain clause If I had more money, I'd buy clothes and shoes for each day. V ed / II formwould / could / might V

27 Match the following sentences: If I had time, If they found the money, If she changed her mind, I would see her I would get it if I got time off. I would go. if it fit. she would be happier. they would be rich.

28 Fill in the gaps Although Frantz wants to go to New York next month and visit his sister, he can’t take time off from work. If Frantz (GO) ________________________ to New York next month, he (VISIT) ________________________ his sister. went would visit

29 Marie wants to invite Lucy and Kate to her party next Saturday. She hasn’t seen them in class tonight. She (INVITE) _______________________ Lucy and Kate if she (SEE) _______________________ them in class tonight. would invite saw

30 Tom doesn’t have Joanne’s telephone number. If he (HAVE) __________________________ her phone number, he (CALL)___________ and (TELL) __________ her about the exam. had would call tell

31 Cristina isn’t here at the moment. If she (BE) ____________ here, she (KNOW) ____________ what to do. were would know

32 It is very expensive to fly to Argentina. If the air fare (BE) _____________ less expensive, Marcelo (FLY) _______________ there and (SPEND) __________ this Christmas with his family. were would fly spend

33 Alexa would love to get a sports car, but she can’t afford one. If she (HAVE) ______________ the money, she (BUY) ______________ a Porsche. had would buy

34 Elbert doesn’t pay attention to his driving when he is behind the wheel. He (AVOID) _______________ getting so many tickets if he (BE) ___________ a more careful driver. would avoid were

35 Complete the following sentences If I felt better today, ______________________________________ ______________________________________ If he exercised more often, ______________________________________ ______________________________________ If we had more money, ______________________________________ ______________________________________

36 I would be more patient with him if ______________________________________ ______________________________________ He would be happy if ______________________________________ ______________________________________ He would learn English faster if ______________________________________ ______________________________________

37 Make up sentences If /cake / be chocolate/ he / eat / it

38 If / shoes/ fit / she / buy them

39 If / he / lose weight / he / be a superhero

40 If / it / be a steak / he / eat it

41 Thanks a lot!

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