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T HE A DDIE M ODEL EDTC 3320 Instructional Design By: Jessica Hernandez.

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1 T HE A DDIE M ODEL EDTC 3320 Instructional Design By: Jessica Hernandez

2 W HAT IS THE ADDIE MODEL ? o The Addie model is a process that is used by instructional designers. o This process helps instructional designers stay organized, helps them design the course and how it is taught. o Instructional designers use a five step process to guide them in building an effective curriculum. Analysis Pre planning phase Think and analyze course Design Design the course on paper Create a “blue print” for the course Develop Develop course materials Implement Start teaching Evaluation Evaluate course outcome

3 H ISTORY OF THE ADDIE MODEL The Addie model was created in 1975 by Florida State University for the US Army The model was made to be used as the primary development system for the military. The model was not always a five step process. It first had many more steps but over the years it was revised into the five step model we know today.

4 P HASES OF THE A DDIE M ODEL The model consist of five phases 1. Analysis Phase 2. Design Phase 3. Development Phase 4. Implementation Phase 5. Evaluation Phase o The five phases are done in this specific order to best achieve the outcome desired by the instructional designer.

5 A NALYSIS P HASE o This is the pre-planning of the course o Identify learning goals o Identify your audience and its needs o Identify the timeline for the project o Identify if there are any learning limitations

6 D ESIGN PHASE In this phase the design of the course is created During this phase a user interface is created Prototypes can be created during this phase Written instructions are created Some questions to consider during this phase are: a)How should the content be organized? b)What should the delivery format be? c)What kind of activities will be best for the learners?

7 D EVELOPMENT P HASE During this phase all the content is actually put together based on the design phase and the course is assembled. Create content, assignments and assessments.

8 I MPLEMENTATION PHASE o This is the phase where the actual teaching begins o Materials are delivered to students or target group o Ask for feedback to evaluate the course material effectiveness

9 E VALUATION PHASE o This is the final phase of the ADDIE model and is divided into two sections formative and summative. o During this phase you look at the course and evaluate the outcomes. o Some questions to consider during this phase are: a) Did the students achieve the expected learning objectives? b) How can this course be improved in the future?

10 SUMMARY o The ADDIE model is a five step process that is used by instructional designers to deliver a course. 1)Analysis 2)Design 3)Development 4)Implementation 5)Evaluation This model has proven to be successful throughout the years in helping produce effective learning outcomes.

11 W ORKS C ITED Brown, A., & Green, T. (2011). The essentials of instructional design. (2nd ed., Vol. ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education. Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2012, September). ADDIE Model at Retrieved September 21, 2012 from Castagnolo, C. (2008, January 15). The addie model: why use it?. Retrieved from addie-model-why-use-it-305218.html addie-model-why-use-it-305218.html Clark, D. (1995, July 13). Why instructional system design. Retrieved from Images: x-FSU_seal.svg.png xghvKPmld7s/TtvCJa2eLfI/AAAAAAAADy0/Sp_zYuK6VLA/s1600/De sign%2BPhase.PNG

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