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Airports and the Internet. An Airport can be compared to a Website NO TRAFFIC NO REVENUE.

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Presentation on theme: "Airports and the Internet. An Airport can be compared to a Website NO TRAFFIC NO REVENUE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Airports and the Internet

2 An Airport can be compared to a Website NO TRAFFIC NO REVENUE

3 BASIC FUNTIONALITY OF AN AIRPORT WEBSITE (COST CENTER) Real time flight information Air connections national and international airlines Road / train / metro / taxi connections into the catchment area / cities Airport service and facilities such as: shopping,business centre, airport hotel, lounges, parking, etc.

4 Airport Website from cost into profit centre Advertising Pre-flight fare free ordering Mobile flight information services

5 Airport Website from cost into profit centre A2Ce-commerce / e-tickets A2Be-business

6 Airport Website development stages Design; should we design it ourselves Development, should we develop it ourselves Implementation; should we implement it ourselves Maintenance; should we maintain it ourselves Content; should we produce / maintain worldwide travel related content ourselves Advertising; should we sell advertising ourselves

7 Airport Website development stages Promotion; should we promote it ourselves and where? E-business, e-commerce, e-tickets; should we develop install and maintain it ourselves

8 Airport Website development stages If, yes to all points a)One time10 mioUS$ b)Yearly 2 mio.US$

9 Main mission Increase traffic (air) Become part of a network

10 Main mission (website) Increase traffic Become part of a network (internet community)

11 PROMOTION OF AIRPORTS Do people fly to an airport to visit the airport? Y / N Or do people fly to an airport to visit for the city, the region, the country, part of a continent, family, business or transit.

12 CONCLUSION 1 Cooperation board of tourism Peru Selection cooperation countries “the pearls of South America” (5 max. to start) Cooperation partner airports in south america Cooperation other boards of tourism in south america

13 CONCLUSION 2 Select a partner for website design, development, implementation, maintenance (technical, operational, content) advertising, worlwide promotion, ecommerce, e-business

14 CONCLUSION 3 Share cost Share internet revenues (advertising, e-commerce, e-tickets)

15 POTENTIAL PARTNER Bertelsmann subsidiary:Lycos Europe Telefonica subsidiary:Terra Lycos Internet community of 1.6 bio. users 44 countries Five languages 24 hours operation Etc.

16 HOW?? Create and control newco (for profit) Shareholders LAP / Santiago / Buenos Aires / Rio de Janeiro international airports Potential shareholders boards of tourism Peru, Chile, Argentine, Brasil Venture capital

17 INTERNET PRESENTATION THERE IS MORE ………. TO FOLLOW LATER Always think why Always think US$ Always passengers / airport Consumer first

18 For further information please contact us: Harris Boyiatzis Manager Business Development Atul Suri Manager Business Processes and Standards Peter Meier Managing Director Aviation Consultancy Network Frankfurt Airport Cargo City South/Bldg. 664c 60549 Frankfurt fon: + 49 69 70792037 fax: + 49 69 70792038

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