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Welcome In order to access txMyZone, you must log on to the system. After 20 minutes of inactivity, the system will time out. You will then be returned.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome In order to access txMyZone, you must log on to the system. After 20 minutes of inactivity, the system will time out. You will then be returned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome In order to access txMyZone, you must log on to the system. After 20 minutes of inactivity, the system will time out. You will then be returned to the Login page. From this screen, click the Student Course Request button. Link:

2 Login This screen will prompt you for the students ID, Date of Birth and the last four digits of the Social Security Number/State ID. After entering this information, click the Login button. For security reasons, the Social Security Number/State ID is blanked out as you type.

3 Campus Message This is the Campus Message to update you on any information you may need to know. Click the Close button to close the Campus Message and continue to the select Courses Application.

4 Course Selection The Subject Section is located across the top of the screen. Click the appropriate subject you would like to view. You can also click the Next Subject or Previous Subject buttons at the bottom- left corner. When a subject link is clicked, the list of courses under the Available Courses section will change to correspond with the subject selected. To select a course from the Available Courses listed, click the red button with the green checkmark. That will move the course to the Requested Courses. Click the red button with the green ‘A’ to add to the Alternate Courses. The Units Remaining in the top-right corner of the page indicates how many semester courses you have left to select. This will decrease each time a course is selected for the Requested Courses area. If you wish to Logout, the toolbar in the top-right of the page allows you to logout when you click the link. At that point, no changes will be saved and you will return to the Login page of txMyZone.

5 Course Section Continued Once the Units Remaining field is zero, you will not be able to select additional courses unless you remove a previously selected course from the Requested Courses section. To remove a course from the Requested Courses section, click the red button with the black ‘x’. This will move the course back to the Available Courses list. If a course displays in the Requested Courses list and it does not have the red button with the black ‘x’, then it is a course the campus preloaded.

6 Confirmation Prior to clicking Submit, verify the courses that have been selected. Once the Continue button is clicked, the only way to make a schedule change is to see your Counselor.

7 Review The Confirmation Page allows the student to view and print the submitted course requests. At any time, the student may still log on to the txMyZone Student Course Request application and view or print this information.

8 If you need further assistance, please contact the Help Desk at 830-221-2027. Assistance

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