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Lecture D31 : Linear Harmonic Oscillator

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1 Lecture D31 : Linear Harmonic Oscillator
Spring-Mass System Spring Force F = −kx, k > 0 Newton’s Second Law (Define) Natural frequency (and period) Equation of a linear harmonic oscillator

2 Solution General solution or, Initial conditions Solution, or,

3 Graphical Representation
Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration

4 Energy Conservation No dissipation T + V = constant Potential Energy
Equilibrium Position No dissipation T + V = constant Potential Energy At Equilibrium −kδst +mg = 0,

5 Energy Conservation (cont’d)
Kinetic Energy Conservation of energy Governing equation Above represents a very general way of de-riving equations of motion (Lagrangian Me-chanics)

6 Energy Conservation (cont’d)
If V = 0 at the equilibrium position,

7 Examples Spring-mass systems Rotating machinery
Pendulums (small amplitude) Oscillating bodies (small amplitude) Aircraft motion (Phugoid) Waves (String, Surface, Volume, etc.) Circuits . . .

8 The Phugoid Idealized situation
Small perturbations (h′, v′) about steady level flight (h0, v0) L = W (≡ mg) for v = v0, but L ∼ v2,

9 The Phugoid (cont’d) Vertical momentum equation
Energy conservation T = D (to first order) Equations of motion

10 The Phugoid (cont’d) h′ and v′ satisfy a Harmonic Oscillator Equa-
tion Natural frequency and Period Light aircraft v0 ∼ 150 ft/s → τ ∼ 20s Solution

11 The Phugoid (cont’d) Integrate v′ equation

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