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Calibration of the calorimeter by punch-through muons and cosmic muons Doroshenko M. E391 collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Calibration of the calorimeter by punch-through muons and cosmic muons Doroshenko M. E391 collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calibration of the calorimeter by punch-through muons and cosmic muons Doroshenko M. E391 collaboration

2 Punch-through muon Beam: muon

3 Punch-through muon Crystal, ID CsI crystall: 7x7x30 cm – 168 MeV 5x5x50 cm – 280 MeV Relative error Gain

4 Cosmic muon Cosmic track and guard region Azimuth angle, rad Chi^2

5 Cosmic track Charge, pQ Normalized reply, pQ/cm Calculated path length, cm Crystal 7x7 cm

6 Cosmic muon Crystal, ID Crystall,ID Relative error Gain 5.63 MeV/cm GAIN= --------------- mean pQ/cm

7 Compare cosmic and punch-through data Punch-through muon gains Cosmic gains

8 Timing The delays: a – from PMT up to A/D card – by cosmic tracks b – from A/D card up to TDC – by pulser

9 Timing The signal time of a crystal in a track: T – trigger timing R – length of the track dz – distance from track up to PMT c – speed of light c/n – speed of light in CsI +

10 Timing HV, volts Time delay, ns

11 Conclusion  ADC calibration Good agreement between punch-through and cosmic muon’s data  TDC calibration The cosmic muon tracking allows to estimate the time delays between detectors The difference in the delays mainly come from the HV settings  The E391a detector works well Calibration constants from cosmic data is a good enough for first step study physics data    calibration  K 0 study

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