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Lesson Planning Collin College EDUC 1301.  Identify interests, TEKS  Brainstorm (What do you wonder or What would you like to know about) using a web.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Planning Collin College EDUC 1301.  Identify interests, TEKS  Brainstorm (What do you wonder or What would you like to know about) using a web."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Planning Collin College EDUC 1301

2  Identify interests, TEKS  Brainstorm (What do you wonder or What would you like to know about) using a web format (see coming slide)  Identify curricular areas and create a curriculum web  Develop Activities and Put into lesson plan  Locate materials  Conduct activities  Evaluate unit  Keep the Ideas and materials that worked!  Using Books to lesson plan!

3 Brainstorming Web Brainstorming

4 CurriculumPlanning Web Curriculum Web

5  TEKS  Objective/Outcomes (TSW)  Rationale  Lesson Plan  Anticipatory Set or Introduction  Process Instructional strategies you will use to teach the lesson Questions (based on various levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy) Closure  Bloom’s Taxonomy  Practice  Materials/Equipment  Area of Development Physical Social EmotionalIntellectual  Accomodations  Differentiated Learning Styles  Classroom Strategies  Curriculum Integration  Assessment/Evaluation  Resources (APA) Copyright by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. 9 - 5

6  First do a brainstorming web (see next slide)  Use your ideas from webbing  Determine your basic curricula areas, such as math, science, etc…  Create a curriculum web putting in specific activities under each curricula area (use your brainstorming web for ideas)  Create your lesson plan  Detail your activities: Materials needed Time needed Domains of development covered

7  A lesson is the smallest individual piece of a concept, theme, or topic to be taught  A lesson should only include one element to avoid confusion or overload  Once students have mastered a lesson, the teacher can move on to the next piece  A lesson is NOT necessarily what can be covered in 45 minutes or bell-to-bell  Individual lessons make up a unit 7

8  The “what” for the lesson. What is(are) the expectation(s) for the student. What will they learn or be able to do as a result of the lesson?  Daily/Lesson objectives should align with your long-range goals and district curriculum and the TEKS  Example: The student will be able to correctly identify at least 45 of the 50 U.S. State Capitals on the unit exam. 8

9  TEKS (Objective)  In Texas, you must list the TEKS addressed in the lesson alongside the objective(s).  If you can’t find a corresponding TEKS for your objective, then DON’T teach it.  Cite your TEKS as below: 6th Grade Mathematics: 111.22(b)(9)(B) – “Find the probability of a simple event and it’s compliment and describe the relationship between the two.” 9

10  Parts of a Good Objective  Conditions – under which the behavior is to be performed  Behavioral Verb – action word that connotes an observable student behavior  Criteria – specifies how well the student must perform the behavior 10

11  Knowledge  Comprehension  Application  Analysis  Synthesis  Evaluation  (See handout in back of Lab Manual). 9 - 11

12  Cooperative Groups  Technology  Independent Activities  Charts/Graphs/Maps  Problem Solving  Peer tutoring  Hand-On Centers  Simulation  Lecture  Whole-group Activity  Pairing Copyright by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. 9 - 12

13  An activity where the teacher formally determines that students learned the knowledge or skills outlines in the lesson objective(s)  Lesson assessments should directly measure the objectives (TEKS)  Examples: Test or exam, project, term paper, presentation, rubric, written or verbal report, performance of understanding, activity Copyright by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. 9 - 13

14  Citation Machine   Include at least two resources – include one article or book and one on-line resource Copyright by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. 9 - 14

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