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GAIA binary star simulations: 1) Further tests of sampling windows and observation strategies 2) Resolution-limits in sep/dm Staffan Söderhjelm Lund Observatory.

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Presentation on theme: "GAIA binary star simulations: 1) Further tests of sampling windows and observation strategies 2) Resolution-limits in sep/dm Staffan Söderhjelm Lund Observatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 GAIA binary star simulations: 1) Further tests of sampling windows and observation strategies 2) Resolution-limits in sep/dm Staffan Söderhjelm Lund Observatory

2 Previous conclusions (GAIA I) across-scanWindow-effects (dsep, sigpi...) start at separation depending on the across-scan window-size. ‘Absolutely’ constant errors, relatively more conspicous for bright doubles Standard strategy ‘1B(ig)2S(mall)’ ‘Big’-window should not be 12x8, but rather 12x10 or 12x12

3 1B2S For along-scan sep < 8 (pxl) and across-scan sep < 8, single 12x12 window with geometrical centre pointing For larger separations, individual 6x8 windows

4 New simulations for GAIA II Larger PSF (smaller optics) Fewer CCD:s, larger pixels Modified scanning (60”/sec scan-rate) Main parts of simulation/solution programs unchanged

5 Conclusions (as expected..) ‘Big’ window-heights need to be 12 or preferrably 14 pixels Typical 1B2S: 16x14 for along-scan sep<14 pixels, else two individual 6x10 windows Unsolved question: Observing strategy in dense fields

6 Ideal (post-mission) double star resolution limits Distant (no relative motion) binaries with assumed sep/dm and realistic colors Simple color-dependent PSF (width proportional to effective λ) Simulated data solved with single or DS model ‘Resolved’ if χ 2 significantly lower for DS

7 PSF-calibration in the DS solution For a barely resolved binary, the BBP gives an observed mean color Iteratively, and from spectral information, we assume the primary color can be estimated with some σ(V-I) The secondary color is obtained from the mean and the primary value, and an appropriate PSF is used for each component

8 Preliminary results For bright stars, the color calibration is a dominating effect (shape of central PSF), for faint stars much less so The derived resolution-limits are ‘hard-to-reach’ ideals, because finding the approximate DS parameters to improve will be difficult The limiting curves in the (lg_sep)/dm-plane are very close to earlier rough estimates, although based now on literally millions of DS solutions...

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