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Henry Robert on Trial California State Association of Parliamentarians 65 th Annual Convention Foster City.

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Presentation on theme: "Henry Robert on Trial California State Association of Parliamentarians 65 th Annual Convention Foster City."— Presentation transcript:

1 Henry Robert on Trial California State Association of Parliamentarians 65 th Annual Convention Foster City

2 Discipline in RONR 11 “A thorough revision of Chapter XX, Disciplinary Procedures, including more detailed treatment of removal of officers and trials as well as expanded provisions on remedies for abuse of authority by the chair in a meeting and on handling disruptions by members.” [Preface, p. xxvi]

3 Presented by Scott M. Burns, PRP 5960 So. Land Park Dr. #408 Sacramento CA 95822 916.803.2495

4 Why you are sitting through this presentation When RONR has been adopted “ the rules within it…are binding upon the body and constitute that body’s rules of order” [RONR 11th ed. p. xxix]

5 RONR 10 th ed., pp. 624-44 Section 61 – Offenses Occurring in a Meeting – Offenses Elsewhere Than a Meeting: Trials – Remedies Against Misconduct or Dereliction of Duty in Office RONR 11 th ed.,pp 643-669 Section 61: Discipline of Members and Guests Section 62: Removal from Office and Other Remedies for Dereliction of Duty in Office or Misconduct Section 63: Investigation and Trial

6 Dilatory Motions

7 “A motion is dilatory if it seeks to obstruct or thwart the will of he assembly as clearly indicated by the existing parliamentary situation.”

8 Dilatory Motions “It is the duty of the presiding officer to prevent members from misusing the legitimate forms of motions, or abusing the privilege of renewing certain motions, merely to obstruct business.” [RONR, 11 th ed., p. 342-43]

9 Disruptive Nonmembers

10 Exclude individuals from meeting Move into Executive Session

11 Disruptive Members

12 Advise: Admonish Name Discipline

13 Disruptive Members Advise:Rap the Gavel Admonish: Call to Order Name: Put in Minutes Discipline:

14 Naming the Offender - Penalties Enter in Minutes Require an Apology Remove from meeting Suspension Expulsion

15 Discipline in Boards

16 Discipline in Committees

17 Abuse of Authority by the Chair


19 What if Chair Ignores the Point of Order/Appeal Repeat Put the P/O or appeal to the vote yourself

20 What if Chair Ignores the Decision of Body? Suspend the rules and appoint a new chair Declare the chair vacant

21 Choosing a Successor Ranking VP Individual Named in Motion to Suspend the Rules Elect a temporary chair

22 Removal of Officers and Directors

23 “For a term of … years or until their successors are elected”

24 “For a term of … years and until their successors are elected” Investigation and Trial

25 Investigation & Trial Conduct of Member Outside a Meeting Conduct of Member During Meeting, but discipline occurs at a later time Removal from Office

26 Due Process

27 Due Process Rights Charges brought on reasonable grounds Notice of Charges Right to Appear and Defend Fair and Reasonable Procedures

28 Investigative Process Appoint Investigating Committee Committee Investigates Committee Prefers Charges (or Exonerates) Assembly Adopts Charges/Specifications Notify Member of Charges Trial

29 Committee Investigates Confidential Reasonable Attempt to Interview Accused Committee Reports

30 Exonerates Reports Informal Resolution Prefers Charges

31 Charges Offenses specified in bylaws or policies Misconduct or Neglect of Duty Specifications

32 Notice Secretary mails letter with copy of resolution and direction to appear Must confirm delivery

33 Trial Process:1 Secretary reads the charges Chair verifies notice properly sent Chair identifies managers Chair asks if accused has counsel Secretary reads the charges and specifications Chair asks for plea

34 Trial Process: 2 Opening statements Managers examine their witnesses Defense witnesses Rebuttals….. Closing arguments

35 Trial Process: 3 Chair Acts as Judge Members may appeal rulings Members may submit written questions to chair Motions limited to Priv. and conduct of meeting or trial, submitted in writing

36 Deliberations Accused leaves (counsel remains if a member) Debate of specifications and charges May be amended (within scope of notice) Vote guilty/not guilty Lesser charges permitted Motion for penalty Advise accused

37 Disciplinary Committees Conduct hearing or trial Report recs to assembly Accused/counsel may make statement Committee may rebut Accused leaves the meeting Assembly may decrease but not increase discipline

38 Henry Robert and the LAW

39 Cal. Corp. Code 5341, 7341 No member may be expelled or suspended and no membership or membership rights may be terminated or suspended except by procedures conducted in good faith and in a fair and reasonable manner.

40 “fair and reasonable” Disciplinary procedures must be in the articles or bylaws or sent to members annually 15 day notice of action to be taken Opportunity to defend 5 days < effective date Procedures Need not be Formal

41 Questions

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