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Content Too Much Content and/or Happy Talk.

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Presentation on theme: "Content Too Much Content and/or Happy Talk."— Presentation transcript:



3 Content Too Much Content and/or Happy Talk







10 Content Too Much Content and/or Happy Talk Confusing or Unclear Terminology

11 Graduate Bulletin? What’s a Registrar?! Bursar!?!?! Don’t they have a catalogue?

12 Graduate Programs Transcripts/Records Tuition and Fees

13 Content Too Much Content and/or Happy Talk Confusing or Unclear Terminology PDFs or DOCs instead of Pages

14 Pages vs PDFs/DOCs When to make a webpage? For most text content. Works 100% of the time. When to use a PDF? Only to deliver an electronic copy of a paper document Requires a PDF reader – user may not have it When to use a DOC or DOCX Never This requires a student to have Microsoft Word or another application that can read the file format.

15 Content Too Much Content and/or Happy Talk Confusing or Unclear Terminology Files instead of Pages Too Many “Middle” Pages



18 Navigation Confusing navigation, too many items Name does not explain where the link goes Non-hierarchical order (ABC for example)

19 Images Outdated Not Sized Correctly (Bert and Ernie) File is too large

20 Mobile Devices Not Mobile Friendly


22 Review Does your homepage state what your department does Does it show current news and events If you knew nothing about your department, does the navigation makes sense? Is the content wordy? Would you read it? Do you use images? Can you easily find contact info? Does a student know where to go after they are done with your site? Is your website a dead end?


24 Solution part 1 Think Mobile First Reduce Content Bulleted Lists No Happy Talk Give them only information they need Reduce Clutter

25 Solution part 2 Think of Your Audience Meet Expectations Use terms they will understand Include News/Events Make Content a Conversation “You” instead of “a student” Make it personal Give them a “Call to Action”

26 Solution part 3 Categorize Navigation Most important items on top Focused content groupings Reduce amount of items


28 Moving Forward Responsive Design


30 Moving Forward Responsive Design Audience Funnels – Admission, Current Students, Alumni/Visitors “Customized” Editors – Focus on Content not Styling or Layout More Departmental Focus on Website – Include in Staff Meetings Help Yourself – Student Worker to help with requests – Please use form for all requests

31 Moving Forward Next Steps DEC 1: Navigation – Review your website navigation; reduce to no more than 6 items. Categorize items to make them easier for non-JSU person FEB 1: Reduce Content. Cut your content in half – then cut it in half again.

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