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© Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 1 Application of Sales Promotions in Billing January 2010.

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1 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 1 Application of Sales Promotions in Billing January 2010

2 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2 Objectives  Introduction  Variants of Sales Promotion  Importance of Priority  System parameters affecting Billing  Discounts/Promotions/Schemes - Hotkey F6  Behaviour of Hotkeys F7, F8 and F9  Billing scenarios  Catalogue Reports - Sales Promotions  Operational Reports – Bill-wise Items & Sales Promotions

3 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 3 Introduction  Sales promotions are applied to ease the billing process, increase productivity and billing accuracy  Sales promotions defined in Shoper 9 can be selected automatically or manually  The application of defined schemes are dependent on system parameter settings  Sales promotion reports in Shoper 9 o catalogue based reports o operational reports

4 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 4 Variants of Sales Promotion  Sales promotions can be classified as: o Conditional: These sales promotions are defined with condition(s) to be applied during billing Example : Buy 3 shirts of Brand A of Rs.1000/- MRP each, at a discount of 10% per shirt. o Unconditional: These are straight forward schemes without any conditions Example: Get 10% discount on purchase of any item

5 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 5 Priority of Sales Promotions  If more than one scheme is in force for an item, the Billing program applies the appropriate scheme based on its Priority For example: o Buy 2 Shirts of Brand A, Get 10% discount o Buy 2 Shirts of Brand A, at a value of Rs. 499/- In the above scenario when 2 shirts of Brand A are purchased, the Billing program considers the following elements:  Priority Number  Date of Creation  Time of Creation

6 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 6 System parameters affecting Billing  Mode of Sales Promotion Applicability in Billing  Auto Selection of Discount Code During Item Entry  If Sales Promotions are Applicable to New Items Created, Activate Immediately  General Discount Reason Configuration in Billing  Free Items Mandatory in Billing  Apply Bill Level Discount first

7 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 7 System Parameters affecting Billing - 1  Mode of Sales Promotion Applicability in Billing: To configure the mode of applying schemes during billing as per business requirements Values: o 1 - Auto Mode - appropriate schemes are applied automatically during billing without user intervention o 2 – Manual - appropriate schemes are selected by default and users have the flexibility of changing the schemes as per business requirements

8 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 8 System Parameters affecting Billing - 2  Auto Selection of Discount Code During Item Entry: In the Manual Mode, the Billing Program will display the most appropriate scheme to be applied A choice exists for the user to select or not select any other available scheme at all.

9 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 9 System Parameters affecting Billing - 3  If Sales Promotions are Applicable to New Items Created, Activate Immediately : To enable the inclusion of newly created stock items under existing sales promotions. The points of inclusion are: o In Item Master Entry o In Item Master Load o In PT File Load o In Goods Inwards Values: 1- Activate Immediately 0 - Do not Activate Immediately Example: Consider the situation where the Product Shirt of Brand X has 10 Styles under it. A scheme is defined for the period 1 Feb 2010 to 15 Feb 2010, for all the Styles. On 5 Feb 2010, the user created 3 more Styles for the same product and brand combination through any one of the above mentioned points.

10 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 10 System Parameters affecting Billing - 3 Contd…  If this system parameter is configured as 1, i.e., Activate Immediately o The Billing program will include the newly created items under the existing scheme and apply it during billing for these new items  If this system parameter is configured as 0, i.e., Do not Activate Immediately o The Billing program will not include the newly created items under the existing scheme and will not apply the scheme during billing on them. If required, the user has to define a separate new scheme for the newly created items.

11 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 11 System parameters affecting Billing - 4  General Discount Reason Configuration in Billing: To enable the user to enter/select the reason for providing the discount/offer. Values: o Value 1- Free Hand Text: Allows the user to enter the reason manually o Value 2 – Only Loaded Code Selected: The user can select the predefined reasons o Value 3 – Both: The user can either enter or select the reason

12 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 12 System parameters affecting Billing - 5  Free Items Mandatory in Billing: Enables to configure the treatment of FREE items given during billing in case of Offers For example: Buy 2 Shirts, Get 1 Shirt Free. Values: o 0 - Free items are not Mandatory o 1 - Free items are Mandatory If this system parameter is configured as 1 in the Auto Mode, the user has to scan the stock item that is offered free.

13 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 13 System parameters affecting Billing - 6  Apply Bill Level Discount first Enables you to configure the applicability of item level and bill level discounts based on business requirements. Values: o 0 – Apply item level discount first and later the bill level discount o 1 – Apply bill level discount first and later the item level discount

14 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 14 Discounts/Promotions/Schemes - Hotkey F6  F6-Display Discount - To Calculate / Display Discount/Promotions/Schemes during Billing in Shoper 9  On clicking the F6 key, two tabs are displayed o Item Level Promotional Details: Displays all the applicable discounts/offers for the items scanned. o Bill Level Promotional Details: The details of all discount/offer schemes defined at the bill level are displayed for selection

15 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 15 Behaviour of Hotkeys F7, F8 and F9  F7 – Save Bill (Exact Cash) o Performs the necessary calculations with respect to Discounts/Offers and the bill is settled as Exact Cash  F8 – Accept Payment o Performs the necessary calculations with respect to Discounts/Offers and the user is prompted to capture the payment information  F9 – Display Bill o Performs the necessary calculations in respect of Discounts/Offers and the user is prompted to perform any other activity related to billing In the above scenarios, the Billing program performs the F6 function automatically to facilitate the user to bill correctly and smoothly.

16 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 16 Billing Scenarios  The various scenarios where sales promotion schemes are applied in Billing are shown here Item Level Bill Level Conditional Unconditional Auto Mode Manl Mode Auto Mode Manl Mode Auto Mode Manl Mode Auto Mode Manl Mode Conditional Unconditional

17 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 17 Billing Scenarios - 1  Auto Mode + Unconditional + Item Level In this mode the billing program selects by default the appropriate discount at the line level and the user will not have the flexibility to change the scheme

18 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 18 Billing Scenarios - 2  Auto Mode + Conditional + Item Level In this mode on clicking the F6 key, the billing program selects by default the appropriate discount at the line level and user will not have the flexibility to change the scheme

19 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 19 Billing Scenarios - 3  Manual Mode + Unconditional + Bill Level In this mode when the F6 key is clicked, the billing program selects by default the appropriate discount at the bill level and users will have flexibility to change the scheme

20 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 20 Billing Scenarios - 4  Manual Mode + Conditional + Bill Level In this mode when the F6 key is clicked, the billing program by default selects the appropriate discount at the bill level and users will have flexibility to change the scheme.

21 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 21 Catalogue Reports-Sales Promotions  Sales Promotions To generate this report, Go to Catalogue > Listings > Sales Promotions The report is generated based on the options shown.

22 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 22 Catalogue Reports-Sales Promotions  Sales Promotions The Sales Promotions report displays all details of the defined/catalogued sales promotions schemes

23 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 23 Operational Reports-Bill-wise Items  Bill Wise Item List To generate this report, Go to Reports > Sales > Bill-wise Items The report is generated based on the options shown.

24 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 24 Operational Reports-Bill-wise Items  Bill-wise Items: This report provides information on discounts applied at both Bill level and Item levels during a period The information is grouped on bill/customer.

25 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 25 Operational Reports-Sales Promotions  Sales Promotions To generate this report, Go to Reports > MIS > Sales Promotions The report is generated based on the options shown.

26 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 26 Operational Reports-Sales Promotions  Sales Promotions: This report provides information on item /bill level discount sales made during a period. These include the Gross and Net Sales, Discount amount (item/bill level) and the count of bills raised.

27 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 27 Further References For more information on Sales Promotions in Shoper 9, refer:  Shoper 9 POS/HO CHM  Sales Promotions in Shoper 9.PDF in Partner portal in the Company website

28 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 28 Application of Sales Promotions in Billing Questions & Answers

29 © Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 29 Thank you

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