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Organizational Meeting – May 20, 2010 P ARENT /C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT C OMMITTEE.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizational Meeting – May 20, 2010 P ARENT /C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT C OMMITTEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizational Meeting – May 20, 2010 P ARENT /C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT C OMMITTEE


3 I NTRODUCTIONS  Chairs:  Ginny Gleason, Parent Involvement Resource Teacher  Lynn Clifton, District Volunteer/Business Partner Coordinator Tell us who you are and how you’re engaged.

4 P URPOSE  Review research  Determine current levels of engagement:  Parents  Volunteers  Business Partners  Community  Make recommendations for enhancements

5 H ISTORY OF P ARENT AND C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT  Volunteers: Apple Corps became Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) in 2004  Parents: Parent Leadership Team established in 2004, annual parenting workshop  Business Partners: 276  Community: Town Hall meetings held to rally support for education funding

6 H ISTORY OF P ARENT AND C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT  Read to Succeed program that provides books to low-income students  Make-It Take-It program that teaches students how to build their own computer  FIRST Robotics  STEAM Academy  Other academies

7 N EW S TRATEGIC P LAN Goal 1 – Student Achievement  Maximize student potential in core area achievement  Close achievement gaps  Deliver quality non-core area learning opportunities that provide students with a well- rounded education

8 N EW S TRATEGIC P LAN Goal 2 – Safe, Healthy and Productive Learning and Work Environment  Foster shared purpose and collaboration throughout the organization

9 N EW S TRATEGIC P LAN Goal 3 – Capable and Engaged Work Force  Promote continual learning and innovation through reasonable levels of autonomy, accountability and ownership

10 N EW S TRATEGIC P LAN Goal 4 – Fiscal Responsibility and Organizational Effectiveness  Maintain effective school/community communication and partnerships

11 T HE D ATA S PEAKS  Parent Engagement leads to improved educational performance (Epstein etal.,2002; Fan& Chen,2001; NMSA,2003; Sheldon & Epstein, 2002; Van Voorhis,2003).  Parent Engagement fosters better student classroom behavior (Fan & Chen,2001; NMSA, 2003).

12 The Data Speaks …..  Parents who participate in decision making, experience greater feelings of ownership and are more committed to supporting the school’s mission (Jackson & Davis,2000).

13 The Data Speaks…..  Parent engagement increases support of schools (NMSA, 2003 ).  Parent engagement improves school attendance (Epstein et al.,2002)

14 G OALS  Get parents more involved in their child’s school  How?  Get businesses more engaged in our schools  How?  Get volunteers more involved in all schools and district offices  How?  Get other members of the community engaged in school activities  How?

15 F OCUS G ROUPS  What individuals could assist in small group meetings to help us form strategies?

16 T IMELINE  May 2010 – Organizational Meeting  June-July 2010 – Read materials, research, think about what priorities should be  August 2010 – Strategies and Reporting Meeting  Sept.-Jan. 2011 – Focus Group Meetings  February 2011 – Develop plan  March 2011 – Finalize plan  April 2011 – Present plan to Superintendent

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