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Update from the Director OSR-Evanston Quarterly Network Elizabeth Adams November 19, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Update from the Director OSR-Evanston Quarterly Network Elizabeth Adams November 19, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update from the Director OSR-Evanston Quarterly Network Elizabeth Adams November 19, 2013

2 Staffing Update New Senior Contract & Grant Officer, Ben Frey New Grants Assistant, Tamar Daskin

3 Sequestration Sequestration is still happening…and it will become more obvious in FY14 – Barring a Congressional reversal – Took effect March 2013 All sectors of the American economy are affected Northwestern is still evaluating the institutional impacts of sequestration Awards rose at Northwestern in FY13 by 8% ($40.9M) to $549.3M On the other hand, we are beginning to see some concerning patterns Likely pressure on nonsponsored sources of funding

4 Nontraditional funding sources Currently, a significant majority of sponsored research funding at Northwestern arrives in the form of federal grants Over the next several years, we will likely see more nontraditional funding sources – Industry agreements (research and services) – International agreements – Federal contracts We need to be ready for this

5 What are the OMB Circulars Again? The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is not a sponsor – Its main job is to assist the President to prepare the budget – It also measures the quality of agency programs, policies, and procedures – OMB issues instructions to federal agencies in the form of “circulars”

6 What are the OMB Circulars Again? The circulars that currently govern universities in the area of grants management are: – A-21, Cost Principles – A-110, Administrative Requirements – A-133, Audits Important to note that universities are not the only recipients of federal grants (e.g., state, local, tribal governments; nonprofit research institutions; hospitals)

7 Proposed “Omni Circular” Much-anticipated “Proposed OMB Uniform Guidance: Cost Principles, Audit, and Administrative Requirements for Federal Awards” – Published in the February 1, 2013 Federal Register – 244 pages – Northwestern’s institutional response submitted on June 2 (see it on – This is about grants reform, for agencies and for awardees Iterative process, but we are currently awaiting “final” issuance of the Omni from OMB The Shutdown affected the Omni work schedule December 2013-January 2014 release? OMB does not want significant rewrites, but may address remaining serious issues of concern Northwestern will need to consider the impacts (policy, training, etc.)

8 NRSAs (December deadlines) Recent NRSA workshop led by WCAS and McCormick Internal consistency Always budget for the full tuition (irrespective of cap) TGS does not need to confirm they will cover any differences in the tuition amount at the proposal or award stages For diversity fellowships, the eligibility letter should be signed by the department chair Eligibility information (e.g., green card) should be provided at the JIT or award stages (as this is not a proposal requirement; it is an award requirement)

9 Questions? Thanks!

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