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American Heart Association Research Program Overview SouthWest Affiliate February 2014.

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1 American Heart Association Research Program Overview SouthWest Affiliate February 2014

2 Mission BUILDING HEALTHIER LIVES, FREE OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES AND STROKE We will have an extraordinary impact on your life by empowering you and your loved ones to save lives, live healthier and enjoy more peace of mind about cardiovascular health.

3 Impact Goal By 2020 to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20 percent.

4 Research - AHA Top Priority The AHA believes that learning more about the #1 and #3 killers in America is one of the best ways to accomplish our mission.

5 RESEARCH GOALS To discover new knowledge broadly related to the normal function of the CV system and the causes, prevention, treatment or control of CVD and stroke. Ensure that highly meritorious research and discovery continues, including supporting early career investigators Increase the capacity of the research community to generate the highest quality research Promote a research infrastructure that expedites the translation of basic, clinical, behavioral and population research into practice

6 TYPES OF RESEARCH Basic ResearchClinical ResearchPopulation Health Fundamental research is the study of life processes that are universal in their application to scientific knowledge Example: Childhood Obesity Early life determinants of metabolic syndrome in animal models: Interaction of perinatal environment and genetic predisposition Addresses important questions of normal function and disease using human subjects Example: Childhood Obesity Binge eating, purging, and CV risk in adolescents; The effect of weight-loss diets varying in protein and carbohydrate content on markers of CV risk Studies the distribution and determinants of health status as influenced by social, economic & physical environments, human biology, health policy & services, & disease prevention, prolonging life and promoting health at the population level Example: Childhood Obesity Walking to school vs. riding a bus to increase physical activity and attenuate rising BMI of elementary school children 6

7 Donor Dollar 28¢ 25¢ 75¢ National Center SWA Affiliate Research Allocation 15¢ Research 60¢ Programs, Projects, Operations 13¢ Awards & Grants 12¢ Programs, Projects, Operations Publicly Donated Dollar


9 Research Facts 2012

10 AHA-Funded Breakthroughs Our research funding has led to the discovery and development of many treatments and procedures: – First artificial heart valve – Techniques and standards for CPR – Implantable pacemakers – Treatment for infant respiratory distress syndrome – Cholesterol inhibitors – Drug-coated stents – Microsurgery – Links between dietary fat and cholesterol

11 Research Advancements Funded by the American Heart Association: 1956 – Dr. Ancel Keys links dietary fat with cholesterol. 1957 – Dr. William Wierich joined by Drs. Vincent Gott and Walter Lillehei implant the first externally powered pacemaker. 1966 – Dr. Maurice Sokolow announces results of his 20-year study showing hypertension can decrease life expectancy. 1972 – Dr. Arthur Guyton provides evidence of the overriding dominance of the kidneys in long-term regulation of blood pressure and in hypertension. 1985 - Dr. Joseph Goldstein and Dr. Michael Brown provide new insights into the ways fatty cholesterol enters body cells and why cholesterol levels my become too high. 1992 – Dr. Edwin Krebs joined by Dr. Edmond Fischer discover how proteins are switched to perform functions within the cells. 1998 – Dr. Andrew Marks develops a method to reduce re-blocking of the arteries after angioplasty.

12 National Research Statistics AHA has spent > $3.5 billion on research since 1949 AHA spent more than $134 million for new research in 2013 Currently funds about 2,100 scientists in US AHA is 2nd only to NHLBI in funding heart research AHA has funded the winners of 13 Nobel Prizes To avoid losing generations of researchers, AHA awards more than 73% of the research dollars to early career investigators ($99.37 Million)

13 Advocate for NIH Funding AHA advocates each year to increase research funding for the National Institute of Healthy 2013 the NIH funded over $1.5 Billion in SWA Arkansas$ 47Million Colorado$ 316Million New Mexico$ 90Million Oklahoma$ 88Million Texas$ 956Million Wyoming$ 8Million SWA Total$ 1.5Billion

14 SWA Research Statistics Fiscal Year 2013 AHA currently funds over $40 million in research in SWA AHA currently funds 246 researchers in 36 institutions in 22 cities SWA received over 634 applications in 2013 Overall success rate for 2013 applications is 16.2% AHA has funded more than $442 million in research in SWA states since 1951 SWA States: AR, CO, NM, OK, TX and WY

15 Affiliate Research Funding As of February 2014, SWA currently funds over $40 million in active research awards. Arkansas$ 925,000 Colorado$ 9,020,338 New Mexico$ 1,248,000 Oklahoma$ 3,993,392 Texas$25,464,220 Wyoming SWA Total$40,650,950

16 Arkansas Research Statistics Since 1951, AHA has funded more than $25 million in research in Arkansas AHA currently funds $925,000 in research in Arkansas AHA currently funds 10 projects in 1 institution

17 Colorado Research Statistics AHA currently funds $9,020,338 in research in Colorado AHA currently funds 53 projects in 6 institutions

18 New Mexico Research Statistics Since 1951, AHA has funded more than $12 million in research in New Mexico AHA is currently funding $1,248,000 in research in New Mexico AHA currently funds 9 projects in 1 institutions

19 Oklahoma Research Statistics Since 1951, AHA has funded more than $38 million in research in AHA is currently funding $3,993,392 in research in Oklahoma AHA currently funds 27 projects in 3 institutions Oklahoma

20 Texas Research Statistics Since 1951, AHA has funded more than $374 million in research in Texas AHA is currently funding $25,464,220 in research in Texas AHA currently funds 147 projects in 25 institutions

21 Wyoming Research Statistics Since 1981, we have funded $1,445,688 in Wyoming In 2010, we funded 1 award totaling $90,772 Note: No change in funding

22 North Texas Research Statistics AHA has funded more than $191 million in research in DFW since 1951 AHA is currently funding $5,781,448 million in DFW AHA currently funds 33 projects in 2 institutions in DFW Dallas $ 5,052,448 Arlington $ 140,000 Fort Worth $ 729,000 Richardson $ 140,000 Note: No current funding in Denton

23 Houston Area Research Statistics Since 1951, AHA has funded more than $137 million in research in Houston & $20 million in Galveston AHA currently funds $ 10,279,538 in research in Houston AHA currently funds 57 projects in 8 institutions AHA currently funds $ 1,266,612 in research in Galveston AHA currently funds 7 projects in 1 institution $ 10,279,538 in Houston $ 1,266,612 in Galveston

24 San Antonio Research Statistics Since 1951, AHA has funded more than $46 million in research in San Antonio AHA is currently funding $2,364,232 in research in San Antonio AHA currently funds 15 projects in 4 institutions

25 Denver Research Statistics AHA is currently funding $8,016,348 in research in Denver AHA currently funds 43 projects in 3 institutions

26 Life Cycle of a Research Application Hmm … Application submitted An idea begins Peer Review Committee E-mail notification Research completed Yea! Reports Published Findings translated Assigned to reviewers Critique developed Rank-ordered list Research Committee $ Funded

27 Research Programs NATIONAL CENTER AWARDS o Fellow-to-Faculty Award o Scientist Development Grant o Innovative Research Grant o Established Investigator Award o Mentored Clinical & Population Research Program o Strategically- Focused Research Networks o Mentor/AHA Mentee Award o Collaborative Science Award o Merit Award SWA AWARDS o Predoctoral Fellowship o Postdoctoral Fellowship o Beginning Grant-in-Aid o Grant-in-Aid o Mentored Clinical & Population Research Program o Undergraduate Student Program The AHA supports research broadly related to cardiovascular function and disease, stroke or to related clinical, basic science, bioengineering or biotechnology, and public health problems.

28 SWA’S RESEARCH PROGRAMS ProgramDescriptionAward Size Award Duration Undergraduate Research Fellowship (Pilot Program) Help students initiate careers in cardiovascular & stroke research $4,000 total 10 wks. Predoctoral FellowshipHelp undergraduate students initiate careers in cardiovascular & stroke research Target Audience: PhD, MD Students $25,000 per yr. MAX= $50,000 1-2 yrs. Postdoctoral FellowshipProvide training for & encourages pursuit of research careers Target Audience: PhD, MD not yet independent $44,264- 59,180 per yr. 2 yrs. Mentored Clinical & Population Research Program Encourage early career investigators to engage in high-quality introductory & pilot clinical or population studies Target Audience: Early career health care professionals with a Masters, M.D., D.O. or Ph.D. degree. $70,000 per yr. MAX= $140,000 2 yrs.

29 SWA’S RESEARCH PROGRAMS ProgramDescriptionAward Size Award Duration Beginning Grant-In-AidPromote independent status of promising beginning scientists Target Audience: First faculty/staff appt through Asst Professor $70,000 per yr. MAX= $140,000 2 yrs. Grant-In-AidSupport innovative, highly meritorious cardiovascular & stroke research projects from independent investigators Target Audience: All levels of faculty/staff members $70,000 per yr. MAX= $140,000 2 yrs. Scientist Development Grant Help promising beginning scientists move from completion of research training to independent investigators Target Audience: No more than 4 years since first faculty/staff appt $60,000 per yr. 3 or 4 yrs.

30 AHA’S RESEARCH PROGRAMS ProgramDescriptionAward Size Award Duration Innovative Research Grant (Pilot Program) Support highly innovative, high-risk, high-reward research that could ultimately lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will accelerate the field of cardiovascular & stroke research Target Audience: All levels of faculty/staff members $75,000 per yr. 2 yrs. Established Investigator Award Support mid-term investigators with unusual promise, an established record of accomplishments, & a demonstrated commitment to cardiovascular & stroke research Target Audience: 4-9 yrs since first faculty/staff appt $100,000 per yr. 5 yrs. Fellow-to-Faculty Transition Award Provide funding for beginning physician-scientists with outstanding potential for careers in cardiovascular & stroke research Target Audience M.D., M.D./PhD., D.O. or equivalent; not yet at faculty/staff position $593,000 total 5 yrs. Collaborative Science Award Fosters innovative, new collaborations between two or more principal investigators from different science areas leading to unique and novel discoveries Target Audience: Target Audience: All levels of faculty/staff members $250,000 per yr. 3 yrs.

31 AHA’S RESEARCH PROGRAMS ProgramDescription Award Size Award Duration Mentor/AHA Mentee Award Award to fund mentors working with mentees meeting specific criteria, including: underserved minorities, those working in new/difficult areas of inquiry and mentees at NIH AREA designated institutions Target Audience: Faculty /staff with proven mentoring success $20,000 per yr. 3 yrs. Strategically - Focused Research Networks Provides a platform to address key strategic issues, chosen by the AHA Board of Directors, in CVD and stroke. Includes 3-4 institutions conducting 3 projects each. Target Audience: All levels of faculty/staff, members including Fellows $3-5M per yr. 4 yrs. AHA Merit Award (Available FY 15-16) Funds highly competent individuals with an exceptional track record of success. Potential awardees must be renowned for creativity and embracing the unknown Target Audience: 10 years but no more than 20 years since first faculty/staff appt $200,000 per yr. 5 yrs.

32 SWA Success Rate by Program 2013 Program Type Description Number of Applications Received Number Funded Success Rate Beginning Grant-in-Aid 14014 10 Grant-in-Aid 20032 16 Postdoctoral Fellowship 16328 17.2 Predoctoral Fellowship 11224 21.4 Clinical Research Program 60 Undergraduate Fellowship 94 44.4 Grand Total 630102 16.2%

33 The Process – SWA Spring Funding JanuaryFebruaryMarch April May July Application Deadline Applications assigned to Committees Committee Chairs review assignments Committee Chairs finalize assignments Reviewers input preference Assignments sent to reviewers Peer Review Committee meets Research Committees meet Award Notification Award activation

34 The Process – SWA Fall Funding JulyAugustSeptember October November January Application Deadline Applications assigned to Committees Committee Chairs review assignments Committee Chairs finalize assignments Reviewers input preference Assignments sent to reviewers Peer Review Committee meets Research Committees meet Award Notification Award activation

35 Application Process What can you do to prepare for the application process? – Notify your third parties that you plan to apply – Develop your research plan and specific aims – Begin to recruit referents if you are a fellow – Develop your training plan with your sponsor if you are a fellow – Check with your Grants Office for internal institutional deadlines Go to Please call our department at 214-712-1328 or email at with questions

36 RESEARCH INFORMATION Key Websites PROGRAMS, DEADLINES, APPLICATIONS & GRANTS@HEART LOGIN-IN ortunities/Funding- Opportunities_UCM_316909_SubHomePage.jsp ortunities/Funding- Opportunities_UCM_316909_SubHomePage.jsp GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT RESEARCH CM_316889_SubHomePage.jsp CM_316889_SubHomePage.jsp EMAIL ADDRESS FOR PROGRAM OR TECHNICAL QUESTIONS

37 Reminders Research broadly related to cardiovascular function and disease, stroke, or to related basic science, clinical, bioengineering or biotechnology, and public health problems Consider criteria and evaluation priorities All basic disciplines as well as epidemiological, behavioral, community and clinical investigations Citizenship: US, permanent resident, Visa, E-3, etc. Sponsor criteria and support (see application instructions) Budget amounts for stipend/salary, project support, fringe benefits, travel, indirect costs and maximum annual amount Eligibility by virtue of degree, faculty rank, independence, years of experience, percentage of effort, citizenship, sponsor support, restrictions, location of work and overlap of funding Repeat applications (up to 3 times including original) Full assessment of peer review ongoing

38  AHA Professional Membership/Scientific Council  Scientific Statements/Guidelines  Scientific Sessions, Conferences and Workshops  AHA Scientific Journals Other AHA Scientific Products

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