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New calculations of mental health expectancy from EPReMeD Carol Jagger Funded by the EUROPA Public Health Programme 2003-2008.

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Presentation on theme: "New calculations of mental health expectancy from EPReMeD Carol Jagger Funded by the EUROPA Public Health Programme 2003-2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 New calculations of mental health expectancy from EPReMeD Carol Jagger Funded by the EUROPA Public Health Programme 2003-2008

2 EPReMeD European Policy Information Research on Mental Disorders (EPREMED) aims to: qualitatively and quantitatively improve mental health policy practices and potential in Europe using recently completed ESEMeD/MHEDEA survey and other related European studies and through analyses data synthesis including mental health expectancy effective dissemination to relevant stakeholders provision of training and mobility

3 ESEMeD/MHEDEA survey design Cross-sectional, stratified, multistage, clustered area, probability sample design 21 425 adults aged 18+ from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain between Jan 2001 and Aug 2003 Sample frame generally a register of residents or postal registries (France - a commercial list of telephone numbers) Non-institutionalised individuals speaking language of their national survey was delivered The Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WMH-CIDI) was administered by home interviews using Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) technology Response rate varied from 78.6% (Spain) to 45.9% (France)

4 Methods for Mental HE Sullivan’s method Life tables from the EHEMU Information System for the 6 countries Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain Age and sex specific 12 month prevalence of 4 mental disorders (ICD10) anxiety disorder major depression episode dysthymia mood disorder Data weighted to adjust for sampling probabilities, differences between the age and gender characteristics of the national samples and the census distributions of their general populations, and for differences in population size of the countries involved

5 Results Context LE at birth in 6 countries Cross-national comparison of LE with each of 4 mental disorders LE with and without anxiety at age 25 Cross-national comparison of proportion of remaining life with each of 4 mental disorders Proportion of remaining life at age 25 with anxiety Relative burden of disorders at age 25 radar plots of proportion of remaining life at age 25 by gender

6 Context: LE at birth for 6 countries 1995-2004

7 LE with and without anxiety at age 25

8 Proportion of LE with anxiety at age 25

9 Relative burden of disorders at age 25


11 Dissemination Scientific papers Focus groups with policy makers Country report

12 Design of country report Four A4 pages on folded A3 Front HE background

13 What is HE Mental HE Calculating HE Data sources Index of report

14 Format Four A4 pages on folded A3 Front HE background Back Comparison of relative burden (proportion of LE) of all disorders OR Bar charts of years spent in good mental health (free of any disorder) by country

15 Relative burden age 25 Contact details Relative burden age 55

16 Format Four A4 pages on folded A3 Front HE background Back Comparison of relative burden (proportion of LE) of all disorders Middle Left – LE with and without each disorder by gender age 25 and definition of disorders Right – LE with and without each disorder by gender age 55 and references to other country specific mental HE and HE

17 MHE at age 55 by gender and disorder Key results Other HE references

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