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HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page.

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1 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page

2 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page You and your fellow classmates have been given the opportunity to come and visit the local zoo. However, a few of the animals have escaped from their environments into other exhibits. The zookeepers have asked for your help in finding the animals and placing them in their correct environment in order to stay alive.

3 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page Your task is to design a shoebox environment exhibit in which the correct animal belongs. As you complete this WebQuest, write down the information you find in your zoo journal. Some of the questions you need to answer are:zoo journal What types of trees and plants are in your animal’s environment? What type of food does your animal eat? What type of weather is in your animal’s environment? What types of predators are in your animal’s environment? What types of adaptations does your animal have? What does your animal look like?

4 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page Click on the animals to learn more about them. More Resources

5 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page

6 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page You need to get into groups of 3 and assign jobs to be completed by each group member. 1.Tour Guide – Someone to work through the WebQuest 2.Record Keeper – Someone to write down information 3.Exhibit Designer – Someone to work on the shoebox exhibit design *Everyone needs to have a turn doing each job! Choose an animal that your group wants to put back into its correct home. Every group must choose a different animal. The animals that have escaped are shown on the resources page. Click on your animal and you will be led to information about the animal. Click here for more directions

7 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page After you have found out all you need to know about your animal, you will build an environment for the animal to live in. Remember all the facts you discovered to help you make a home for your animal that is like its natural habitat. You will be using a shoe box and the art materials we have in the classroom to complete this project. Everyone in the group needs to work on the exhibit for your animal.

8 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page Requirements: Grading Scale: Correctly Followed Directions Teamwork Completed Shoebox Exhibit Creativity 4 Team members correctly follow directions by: writing notes about their animal and completing an animal exhibit. Teams work together to get the job done correctly as well as taking turns doing each job. Students correctly complete shoebox exhibit by only choosing one animal. Correctly displays the animal in the correct environment. Students uses at least 4 different colors in shoebox. Shoebox looks neat and not messy. Students uses 2 other materials besides construction paper. 3 Team members complete animal exhibit, but do not write down notes. Teams work together but do not take turns completely each others jobs. Students choose one animal, but doesn’t have characteristics of animal or environment correct. Students use 3 different colors and has a neat appearance. Only uses 1 extra material. 2 Team members take notes, but do not complete animal exhibit. Only one or two team members work in the group. Students use a couple animals and creates a environment that places them all in the same environment. Students use 2 colors. Shoebox is messy, but 1 extra material is used. 1 Team members do not write notes about their animal or complete animal exhibit. Team shows no effort or does not share each others jobs. Student doesn’t choose a animal or place animal in a environment. Students shoebox is messy. Only uses 1 color and doesn’t use any other materials. 100 pts. 50 pts. 75 pts. 25 pts.

9 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page Congratulations, the animals have been returned to their environments. The zookeepers would like to thank you. Your group helped save these animals’ lives, and at the same time you became experts about various animals that live in the zoo. Remember what you learned, and when you visit the zoo you will be able to tell other people facts about the exhibits.

10 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page The intent of this WebQuest was to allow third grade students to explore different environments and animals around the world. The students accomplished this task by using the Internet to discover these different environments and animals. Three P-5 Elementary Education majors collaborated to make this WebQuest– Mrs. Felicia Leischner, Ms. Tracy Howard, and Ms. Sheila Carey. Core Content, Program of Studies, KERA, and Academic Expectations Unified Objective, Materials, and Resources Other Ways to use Zoo Webquest ISTE Standards

11 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page

12 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page Core Content: SC-EP-3.4.1 Students will explain the basic needs of organisms. DOK 2 AH-EP-1.4.1Principles of design:Organization of visual compositions Program of Studies: SC-P-UD-U-1 Students will understand that most living things need water, food and air. AH-P-SA-S-VA2Students will use the elements of art and principles of design in creating artworks independently and with others KERAGoals 1. Use Basic Math and Communication Skills 2. Apply Core Concepts and Principles 4. Responsible Group Membership 5. Think and Solve Problems 6. Connect and integrate Academic Expectations 1.1 Access information 1.2 Reading 1.11Communica te/ Writing 1.12Communica te/ Speaking 1.13 Visual Arts 1.16 Technology 2.1 Scientific Skills 2.4 Models/Scales 2.19 Geographic interactions 2.23 Artistic Products 2.24 Creativity/Value Arts 4.1 Interpersonal Skills 4.2 Productive Team Membership 4.5 Multicultural/ World/View 5.1 Critical Thinking 5.2 Creative Thinking 6.1 Connect Knowledge, Diff. Area 6.2 Acquire, Develop, Interpret 6.3 Making Connections

13 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page Unified Objective By the end of this WebQuest project students will demonstrate the ability to explain the basic needs of organisms and show an understanding of organization in visual compositions by, researching environments for different animals and designing an exhibit for a zoo animal to live. Materials needed in the classroom: Computer with Internet access Shoe box Art supplies such as clay, paint, brushes, cotton balls, construction paper, fake plants, markers, glue, scissors, etc. Zoo journal printed off from WebQuest Pencils Teacher Resources: Down on the Farm WebQuest by Kyle Hadley, Rex Booth, and Morgan Alderson

14 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page Ways to Use For Other Grades For higher grades: Students should be required to research more detailed facts about their animals. Instead of a Zoo Journal they could write out a report. Also, their diorama shoebox can be more detailed. For lower grades: Students should not be required to perform as extensive research. Their shoebox may be less detailed, and not as many facts will be found.

15 HomeIntroductio n TaskResources ProcessEvaluationConclusion Teacher PageTeacher Page 1.Basic operations and concepts a.Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. b.Students are proficient in the use of technology. 3. Technology productivity Tools a.Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. b.Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhances models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works. 5. Technology Research Tools a. Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. ISTE National Standards

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