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1 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Understanding Your Health! Presented by: Bill Byron.

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2 1 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Understanding Your Health! Presented by: Bill Byron

3 2 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Program objectives… 1.Review the health care problems and challenges we face in New Hampshire 2.Introduce the concepts of Medical Consumerism and Medical Self-Care 3.Provide an overview of the health and safety programs and resources available to State of New Hampshire employees and their families

4 3 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 The Big Picture New technologies continue to emerge and be utilized at accelerating rates Defensive Medicine - Malpractice Providers are consolidating Medical inflation trend is growing at rates above 10% Prescription drug costs continue to rise significantly The workforce is aging, exposing employers and employees to the cost impact of rising demographics All populations are highly entitled to health care 47+ Million uninsured and another 15+ under-insured The health care world is changing dramatically

5 4 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Determinants of Health Behavior is a key factor in health

6 5 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Understanding Your Health New Hampshire’s Health Challenges leading causes of death… Heart Disease Invasive Cancer Cerebrovascular Disease – Stroke Unintentional Injuries Diabetes Source: NH Citizens Health Initiative, US CDC

7 6 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Understanding Your Health Did You Know… 59.9% of NH residents are overweight or obese 44% of NH adults do not participate in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per week Only 29.1% of NH adults consume 5 or more fruits and vegetables each day Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in NH –NH Smoking-related medical expenditures and lost productivity cost approximately $1.084 billion annually. NH Tobacco Data Book - 2000- 2007 Source: NH Citizens Health Initiative, US CDC

8 7 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Prevention is the key… Source: American Heart Association

9 8 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Schedule your Preventive Screenings and Visits $0 CO-PAY! Prevention is best. Early detection is next! Medical AND Dental

10 9 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Medical Consumerism & Medical Self-Care

11 10 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 The High Cost of Health Care United States… 2009 U.S. cost of health care 2.5 trillion almost 16% of U.S. gross domestic product Source: NH Citizens Health Initiative, US CDC

12 11 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 The High Cost of Health Care New Hampshire… Source: NH Center for Public Policy Studies 2008 NH cost of health care $10.16 billion 18.1% of NH gross state product

13 12 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Medical Consumerism Q. How much do you think the current health plan coverage costs? POSHMO $6,848.04 $5,953.20 (One Person) $13,524.72$11,735.04(Two-person) $21,537.00$18,673.08(Family) Source: Anthem

14 13 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 What do you think….. An average hospital stay cost? An average physician visit cost? An emergency room visit cost? An average prescription drug cost? $10,404.00 $ 96.69 $ 619.00 $81.29 Source: NH Local Government Center HealthTrust, July 2007 pool

15 14 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Economic case for Medical Consumerism In 2005, Americans went to hospital emergency rooms 114 million times Estimates identify that 55.4% of ER visits were for non-urgent conditions Source: US CDC An observation…

16 15 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Snapshot of Benefits Program All Costs * $ 247,300,000 *Medical Claims, Prescription Drug claims, administration costs paid in FY2010 FY2010 Plan Costs Benefit Plan Employees Spouses and Dependents Total Active & Retirees 21,49618,39939,895 Approximately $70 million are attributed to prescription drug costs

17 16 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Pharmaceutical Costs Number of Prescriptions 716,986 Employee Cost Co-Payment $$$ $4,701,765 Employer Cost Amount Paid $65,635,662 Total Cost Amount Paid by Insurance $70,337,427 State of New Hampshire Source: CVS Caremark

18 17 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 As health care costs rise, your employer is paying high health care premiums and you are paying too, in terms of... –Lower wages from increases in co-insurance –Less $ for training programs –Decrease in raises –Decrease in contributions to pension programs Rising Cost of Health Care Everyone pays

19 18 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Medical Self-Care If you or a family member had a minor health problem? What would you do…

20 19 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Medical Self-Care two main things we can do… I.Take charge II.Work in partnership with our doctor

21 20 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Program Eligibility Who is eligible to participate in the HRA benefit program? All State of New Hampshire employees enrolled in either the State’s HMO or POS employee health plan may participate in the Health Reimbursement Arrangement

22 21 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 What does our Health Plan Administrator Recommend we do?

23 22 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Take the Health Assessment How healthy are you? What are your next steps Talk with your doctor Keep it up to date Nobody will see your information It is a tool for you and your family $200 also comes in handy for both expected and unexpected co- pays.

24 23 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 New Health Assessment Tool for 2011 Effective January 1, 2011 will have a new HAT administered by Anthem’s Better Health. Employees will need to re-take the HAT using the new web portal to be eligible for the $200 HRA for use toward co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles. Why a new HAT? –The new HAT is tailored to the individual based on the responses provided to each question For example; if an employee indicates they are not a smoker, then the system will not ask any more questions about smoking –Assists to populate new Digital Coaching tools as part of the new “Better Health” Digital Coaching Program

25 24 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Member Experience Starts at Member visits and registers/logs in Once logged in, member navigates to Health and Wellness landing page

26 25 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Better Health Digital Coaching Programs

27 26 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Complete Health Assessment Receive $200 Debit Reimbursement Health Plan Medical co-payments Health Plan Deductibles & POS co-insurance Health Plan Prescription drug co-payments Health Reimbursement Arrangement

28 27 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Take an HRA Online Health Risk Assessment Personalized reporting with action steps Over 180 risk factors identified Assesses member’s level of readiness for change Better Health Assessment is a secure online health analysis that helps members pinpoint personal health risks

29 28 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Online Tools and Resources MyHealth@Anthem MyHealth Assessment MyHealth Record Condition Centers Online Community Specialoffers@Anthem AudioHealth Library Care Management 24/7 NurseLine Future Moms ConditionCare ComplexCare Comprehensive Medical Management The Solution: Anthem Comprehensive Wellness Benefits

30 29 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 NURSE ON DUTY 24/7 access to a registered nurse Seamlessly integrates with our comprehensive suite of preventive care programs and wellness initiatives Appropriate use of services Our 24/7 Nurseline provides members toll-free access to trained registered nurses any time of the day or night The Solution: Anthem Nurseline

31 30 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Future Moms Future Moms provides expectant moms with personal support to help promote a healthy pregnancy and delivery The Solution: Anthem Future Moms

32 31 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Helps members manage these conditions: Asthma Diabetes CAD COPD Heart Failure The Solution: Anthem ConditionCare

33 32 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 The Solution: Anthem ComplexCare ComplexCare identifies complicated medical cases and responds to assist members. Proactive member identification and engagement Integrated care Helps reduce absenteeism, condition-related disability, hospitalizations and ER visits

34 33 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Members have access to a registered nurse 24/7 A single point of contact… Members proactively identified through predictive modeling Holistic member management and Greater understanding and control of health risks and condition Members have access to an entire multidisciplinary team to help, if needed The Solution: Anthem ConditionCare & ComplexCare

35 34 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Compass SmartShopper Compass always points to savings!

36 35 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Compass SmartShopper is a free, voluntary service offered to State employees that provides cost information for healthcare facilities in your area. By using a more cost-effective facility for common medical procedures and diagnostic tests, you can help the State Health Benefit Program avoid higher claims costs. These savings are shared back to you through financial incentive rewards. For more information on how the program works, contact Compass at 1-800-824-9127 M-F 8:30am-5:00pm Earn financial rewards simply by getting the healthcare services you need!

37 36 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Procedures Adenoidectomy Carpal Tunnel Colonoscopy CT Scan EGD Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy Tonsillectomy Tympanoplasty Tympanoplasty- Mastoidectomy Typanostomy New Compass SmartShopper Procedures Added in October 2010 Current Compass SmartShopper Procedures: Bone Density Scan Bone Imaging Heart Imaging Ultrasounds (non-maternity) Hernia Repair Knee Arthroscopy Mammogram MRI Myringotomy Septoplasty Shoulder Arthroscopy

38 37 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Worksite Wellness Collaborates with State of NH Wellness Program and other partners. Provides wellness workshops, blood pressure and body mass index screenings. Help members take an active role in healthy lifestyles. Promote health awareness Encourage behavior change Conveniently located at the workplace Availability to all employees regardless of location Annual flu clinics

39 38 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 New Hampshire Local Government Center Worksite Health and Safety Workshops A Piece of Peace Back Safety Blood Borne Pathogens Disease Management Ergonomics Fitness 101 Injury Prevention for the Weekend Warrior Men’s Health Nutrition 101 Self-Care and Medical Consumerism Summer Safety Understanding Your Health Winter Safety Women’s Health

40 39 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 New Hampshire Local Government Center Interactive Demonstrations Body Composition Analysis Fatal Vision® Goggles Hand Washing Demonstration Grip Strength Dynamometer MyPyramid Nutrition Toolkit Simulated Smoker’s Lung Demonstration Sit and Reach Box Skin Health Awareness To schedule an Interactive Health & Safety demonstration, or Health and Safety workshop contact your LGC Health Management Representative, Bill Byron at 226-2861 ext: 208 or e-mail

41 40 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Supplemental Benefits Discount Program –Provides significant discounts throughout New Hampshire –Network includes:

42 41 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Supplemental Benefits -Discounts include: Vision Care Services (exam with dilation) Frames (35% off retail price) Standard Plastic Lenses (Single vision, bifocal and trifocal) Lens Options Contact Lenses (conventional)

43 42 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010

44 43 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Pharmacy Benefit Program Enhancements – Effective 10/1/2010 New Coverage for Physician-Prescribed Tobacco Treatment Medications and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications You may purchase tobacco treatment prescriptions and over-the counter medications to help you quit using tobacco products –Nicotine Replacement Therapy Patches, Gum, and Lozenge –Bupropion –Zyban –Nicotrol Nasal Spray –Nicotrol Inhaler –Varenicline –Chantix

45 44 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Pharmacy Benefit Program Enhancements – Effective 10/1/2010  Ask your doctor if a prescription or OTC medications would help you with your quit attempt –A prescription is also required for all OTC medications  Present your CVS Caremark prescription ID card with your prescription at the local retail pharmacy, or you can fill through the mail order program  The same copays apply to tobacco treatment medications and OTC medications as all other prescription copays

46 45 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Pharmacy Benefit Program Enhancements – Effective 10/1/2010 Dependence counseling programs available  Your Employee Assistance Program – Call 800.852.3345, ext. 4336  NH Smokers’ Helpline 800-Try-To- STOP (800.879.8678)  Other group counseling programs are also offered in your local community, hospital and workplace setting

47 46 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Toll free:888.726.1630 7 days a week 24 hours a day Caremark Customer Care

48 47 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 LGC Member Services Call Center Regular Hours –8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M., Monday thru Friday Enrollment Hours –7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. (8/29 – 9/9, except for weekends and Labor Day holiday) Toll-free number –1.800.527.5001 Email address -

49 48 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 LGC Member Services Call Center Call Center Inquiries: –Questions about the prescription benefits –Questions on enrolled status –Ordering a supply of forms, brochures and envelopes –Employee hasn’t received ID cards after the enrollment effective date –Ordering additional ID cards

50 49 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Corporate Office Address One Delta Drive PO Box 2002 Concord NH 03302-2002 Phone 800-537-1715 603-223-1000 Fax: 603-223-1199 Website: Customer Service General Benefits/Claims Inquiries 800-832-5700 or 603-223-1234

51 50 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 State of New Hampshire Employee Assistance Program Here to give you and your loved ones … an extra hand to meet life’s challenges 1-800-852-3345, ext. 4336

52 51 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 State of New Hampshire – Employee Assistance Program What is it? Counseling Services Information & Referrals and Professional Coaching Who is eligible? Any State of New Hampshire employee and their immediate family.

53 52 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Why would I use the EAP? To Navigate Work & Life Events Adjusting to Demands at Work Coping with Stressful Situations Becoming a Better Communicator Managing Debt

54 53 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 * Referrals * Drug/Alcohol Testing * Employee Orientation How Do I Use the EAP? 2. Initial Consultation 3. Action Plan Employee/Family Services Educational Programs 1. Call Toll-Free 1-800-852-3345, ext. 4336 * Respect in the Workplace * Humor as a Stress Reliever * Workplace Change Management Services * Supervisory Coaching * Management Consultation * Work Culture Audit

55 54 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010

56 55 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Why are we here today? The State of NH knows that a healthier employee is a happier employee, and that is why we are committed to preserving a healthy workplace for our number one resource - our dedicated employees. Together, Our Wellness Program is designed to support a commitment to your wellbeing.

57 56 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 What is a Healthy Lifestyle? Being Physically Active Making Good Food Choices Maintaining a Healthy Weight Receiving Preventive Care & Knowing Your Numbers Getting Quality Sleep Stressing Less Tobacco Cessation Quality HealthCare

58 57 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 The state will help pay for your path to health! Annual Health Assessment Tool (HAT) with a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) incentive of $200 for out of pocket health plan costs HMO plan- annual gym membership ($450) or exercise equipment ($200) HMO & POS - Annual Community Health Education ($150) $0 Co-pay for Preventive Visits FreeFree Annual Flu Clinics at workplace

59 58 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Utilize the Web Tools and Resources Anthem’s Website NH Dept. of Resource and Economic Development Division of Travel and Tourism NH Health & Human Services Employee Wellness Website Healthy Eating Active Living NH Centers for Disease Control and Prevention MY Pyramid - Sign up for Newsletters –NH Employee Wellness News, HPiM, EAP, Fish & Game, DRED, NH Audubon Society, NH HEAL, WebMD

60 59 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Stay Informed! Answer the annual interest survey Attend wellness related educational workshops Read the Newsletters Use the Health Assessment Tool often Involve your family Be an informed healthcare consumer for quality care

61 60 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Participate in Wellness Campaigns Regular Exercise Routines Tobacco Cessation Take the Stairs Wellness Challenges –Biggest Loser –Walking Challenges Health Fairs/On-site Classes Walking Trails

62 61 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Summary of main points Health care costs and chronic illness rates continue to be a problem, but we have options and the power to make choices We have many resources for handling major and minor health problems We can make a difference by leading healthy lifestyles and being wise health care consumers

63 62 ©NHLGC- HealthTrust 2010 Questions….

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