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PWC Preferred Instruments a division of Preferred Utilities Mfg. Corp. Plant Wide Controller (PWC) Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "PWC Preferred Instruments a division of Preferred Utilities Mfg. Corp. Plant Wide Controller (PWC) Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 PWC Preferred Instruments a division of Preferred Utilities Mfg. Corp. Plant Wide Controller (PWC) Overview

2 PWC The Plant Wide Controller TM (PWC) is a state-of- the-art boiler sequencing, control and monitoring system. The PWC combines innovative ease of operation, communication and expansion capabilities with boiler application expertise. Off-the-shelf, standard modulating Lead-Lag applications can be expanded to control circulating water variable speed pumps and isolation valves while monitoring the flame safeguard and boiler control systems. Plant Wide Controller

3 PWC Easy to Operate Key lockable Door Security

4 PWC Easy to Operate q Hardwired Control Switches & Indications: Boiler On-Off-Auto Status Indications Firing Rate Control Dial Firing Rate Auto / Man 0 - 100 % Bargraph

5 PWC Easy to Operate q Easy to use displays for: n Boiler Plant Control & Monitoring n Historical Trending n Alarm & Event Handling n Boiler Plant Setup LCD Graphic Display and Keypad

6 PWC q Home Page - n Boiler Overview Display q Arrow Keys - n Move Cursor q Menu, Page Up, Down - n Display Selection q Alarm List - n Alarm, Event Display q Alarm Silence PB Easy to Operate Display Keys

7 PWC Home Page q Lead / Lag Control q Start Qty Control q Sequence Control n Custom n Lead Rotate q Alarm Status n Time / Date Stamped q Header Status n Pressure / Temperature n Setpoint n Outside Temperature q Status n Started Boilers n Warming Boilers n Modulating Boilers n Tripped Boilers

8 PWC Alarm & Event Summary q Up to 200 Alarms & Events q First in - First out q Operator Actions q Events q Alarms q Time & Date Stamped

9 PWC Historical Trending q An Essential Monitoring Tool q Multiple(4) Pen “Charts” q 8 min, 40 min., and 2, 8, & 24 hour charts q 8 channel, 2 Hr Historical Memory - Standard q 32 Mb Historical Memory - Optional n 32 ch AI + 32 ch DI every 15 seconds for 30 days n 90 or more days for less channels with low activity (depends on data compression efficiency)

10 PWC Easy Setup q Fill In The Blanks n Boiler Sequence n PID Tuning n Outdoor Reset Setup n Day / Night Setback n Day / Week Setback n Week / Year Setback

11 PWC Outdoor Reset / Setback Temp. q Easily Configured: n Normal Setpoints n Setback Setpoints n High & Low Limits n Outdoor Cutoff q Automatic Graphical Representation

12 PWC EXPANDABLE PWC Front Door Open (2 to 5 boiler lead / lag configuration shown with three spare slots)

13 PWC CPU Board q (2) Analog Inputs (4-20 mAdc /Thermistor) q (1) Relay Output (SPDT, 8A) q (1) RS232 programming Port q (1) Isolated RS485 Port n (Modbus or Bacnet Option) q (1) Telephone Modem Option Card n Dial in or dial out, 33.6 kb, RJ-11 jack, Data and Pagers q (1) Printer Port (Alarms / Logs)

14 PWC Discrete Input q (15) Inputs, 120 Vac, optically isolated q (5) groups of isolated neutrals q (15) LED status indications q (2) 2A / 120 Vac Fuses

15 PWC Hand-Off-Auto Relay Output q (5) Relay Outputs n (8A inductive, 1/2 Hp, 120 Vac) q (5) Hand-Off-Auto Toggle Switches n Toggle Switch is directly wired into output circuit. q (5) LED's for Output ON / OFF q (5) LED's for ”Call for Operation” q (2) 2A / 120 Vac Fuses

16 PWC Auto/Manual Analog Output q (5) Modulating Analog Outputs q (5) Auto-Manual Toggle Switches n "Manual" hardware overrides CPU n Bumpless Manual to Auto Transfer q (5) 0-100% Output Control Knobs q (5) 0-100% Output Bargraphs q Requires (1) Output Card per active channel, Any combination of 4-20 mA and 135 ohm cards

17 PWC Analog Input q (8) UNIVERSAL Inputs n Switch Selectable as: »2 wire 4-20 mA, with internal 24 Vdc »Thermistor, -60F - 300 F »Thermocouple, Type J, 0 - 1200 F, 0-5 Vdc, potentiometers and other signals »Pulse, 0.6 ppm - 4000 Hz, 0-15 Vdc pulsers for Oil, Gas, Water, & kWh meters »Enables Fuel Budget Fuel Consumption Tracking q (8) LED status indications n Power Ouputs and Signal Inputs are short circuit protected

18 PWC Relay Output q (8) Isolated Relay Outputs n ( 8A inductive, ½ Hp, 120 Vac) n (2) SPDT, (6) NO-SPST q (8) LED status indications q (2) 2A / 120 Vac Fuses

19 PWC Communications To Customer’s Building Automation Systems (Modbus / Bacnet) Pagers Diesels Chillers etc. Boilers (Modbus / Bacnet)

20 PWC Advanced Communication Capability q Communications n Modbus communication to BAS or SCADA n Dial In From PC n Dial Out to Alpha Numeric Pager

21 PWC Dial In From PC

22 PWC Availability q Hard Service Manual n Every Boiler Start / Stop Command & Firing Rate can be set manually in the unlikely event of a CPU hardware failure or software corruption n A CPU failure will not prevent central manual control of the boiler plant n This is a UNIQUE FEATURE! q Fault Monitoring n Analog Inputs (thermisters, 4-20mA signals) are monitored & LED used to show fault status

23 PWC Installation 3/4” conduit connections Screwed fast Cable Tie Downs Power Fuses Spare Terminals (typical) Physical Separation Between Operation and Wiring

24 PWC Custom Blockware

25 PWC Custom Displays

26 PWC Custom Charts

27 PWC Preferred Instruments 31-35 South Street Danbury CT T: (203) 743-6741 F: (203) 798-7313

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