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September 4, 2013 2013-14.  Clear expectations for beginning of school year  Discuss last year’s obstacles/challenges  2-3 goals is sufficient  Be.

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Presentation on theme: "September 4, 2013 2013-14.  Clear expectations for beginning of school year  Discuss last year’s obstacles/challenges  2-3 goals is sufficient  Be."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 4, 2013 2013-14

2  Clear expectations for beginning of school year  Discuss last year’s obstacles/challenges  2-3 goals is sufficient  Be flexible in your plan  Allow your child to take ownership of this plan

3  Establish a routine and stick to it!  Maybe right after school or 30 minute break with a snack (no electronics as it may be difficult to end!)  Key=consistency in routine  Take a break on Fridays  Allow time on weekends  Re-evaluate routine after a few weeks

4  Don’t re-teach and be your child’s study buddy  Encourage student communication with teacher  Child may contact teacher himself (electronically, agenda, personally, etc.)  If stuck, email teacher or send a note discretely

5  Let child select right spot to study  Must be distraction free- no TV, radio, video games, cell phones, conversations or loud siblings  The spot should be equipped with a timer  Posted calendar/schedule to keep organized  Pencils, colored pencils, pens, glue, scissors, paper, erasers, etc.

6  Help less over time….initially you may spend more time with child  Child is encouraged to think for himself before asking for help  Proofing homework is ok…..only partial to assure child understands what she is doing  Allow teacher to see what your child really understands and doesn’t understand

7  Give your child one chance that you bring his homework/agenda to school for him  Teach independence and responsibility to gather homework/agenda and place in backpack  Natural consequences between child and teacher

8  Homework is meant to reinforce what has been taught in class  Child to try his BEST!  PLEASE, do not DO homework for your child!  Careful for time spent on homework!  If too much time, check why  If too difficult, communicate with teacher  If your child is a perfectionist, discuss time frame for homework

9  Be realistic  Family obligations may interfere- you be the judge of what is realistic

10  Thanks for coming!

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