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M. Jordanova 1, D. Maslarov 2, I. Stoilova 2, T. Zenchenko 3, T. Breus 3 1 Space Research & Technology Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2 First.

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Presentation on theme: "M. Jordanova 1, D. Maslarov 2, I. Stoilova 2, T. Zenchenko 3, T. Breus 3 1 Space Research & Technology Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2 First."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Jordanova 1, D. Maslarov 2, I. Stoilova 2, T. Zenchenko 3, T. Breus 3 1 Space Research & Technology Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2 First Municipality Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria 3 Space research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

2 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia2 o Space Research & Technology Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria o First Municipality Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria o Institute for Population and Human Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria o University Hospital for Active Treatment “St. Anna”, Sofia, Bulgaria o Space research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia o Central Clinical Hospital GSC Russian Railways Moscow, Russia o Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, Pushchino, Russia

3 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia3  To study the relationships between geomagnetic activity (GMA) and meteorology factors and cerebral activity  Duration 2011 – 2015  Why geomagnetic activity and human brain?  A subset of the human population (10-15%) is a bona fide hypersensitive and predisposed to adverse health problems due to geomagnetic variations  Extremely high as well as extremely low values of GMA seem to affect the health status  Experimental studies support the hypothesis for a possible correlation between mental health and solar activity, i.e. correlations between geomagnetic intensity and  The number of persons admitted to a psychiatric hospital  The suicide attempts  The traffic accidents  The number of suicidal terroristic acts  The occurrence of acute neurological vascular accidents In order to demonstrate the potential correlations a large scale research, including hundreds or even thousands of subjects, has to be performed

4 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia4  To study: The effects of GMA and meteorology on behavior of healthy volunteers; The effects of preliminary advertisement of possible magnetic storms on the wellbeing of health volunteers (well-being surveys); The link between geomagnetic activity and the occurrence of cerebral pathology; The lag, if any, between the time of manifestation of cerebral vascular accidents and the geomagnetic indexes; The relation between the cerebral vascular pathology (ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebral infarction) and the stages of magnetic storms, i.e. to confirm or reject the theory that during geomagnetic disturbances the microcirculation parameters of human brain may undergo rapid changes from increased coagulation (i.e. increased probability of thromboses) to decreased viscosity (i.e. increased probability of hemorrhages)

5 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia5

6 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia6  Subjects Healthy voluntaries Brain damaged patients  Methods  Healthy subjects ▪ Longitudinal monitoring of vital parameters: ▪ Systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure ▪ Heart rate variability ▪ Reaction time to simple audio-motor stimulation ▪ Reaction time to simple visually-motor stimulation ▪ Reaction to moving objects ▪ … Registration time to simple audio-motor stimulation

7 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia7  Psychology tests  Activity  Attention  Level of anxiety  Locus of control  Laterality (Handedness)  Personality …  Brain damage patients  Retrospective surveys and selection of suitable patients  Distribution of patients according to diagnosis, gender, time of cerebral accident  Meteorological and geomagnetic data ◦ GMA indices - ◦ Meteorological parameters Locus of control Attention proof test

8 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia8  Data collection – patients with cerebral vascular pathology 20012009 6225

9 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia9 Acknowledgement: The date were provided by j. H. King, N. Papatashvilli at ADNET, NASA GSFC and CDAWeb, Illustrations: Copyright WebMed 2002,

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12 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia12 Ischemic stroke

13 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia13 Ischemic stroke

14 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia14 Ischemic stroke

15 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia15 1.Nervous System 2.Musculoskeletal System 3.Respiratory System 4.Cardiovascular System 5.Endocrine System 6.Gastrointestinal system 7.Reproductive System

16 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia16

17 June 4-8, 2012Space Weather Effects on Humans..., Moscow, Russia17

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