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WTO Trade Facilitation Self Assessment of Needs – (country name)

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Presentation on theme: "WTO Trade Facilitation Self Assessment of Needs – (country name)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WTO Trade Facilitation Self Assessment of Needs – (country name)
Needs and Priorities in the WTO Trade Facilitation Negotiations Workshop (CITY) (DATE) 2008

2 The Geneva NGTF (Geneva delegate provides overview of negotiation process and importance of needs assessment) (Provide examples such as: important so COUNTRY gets what wants in negotiations So negotiators understand what is important Negotiate for TA SDT Resolve a problem with importers from X country or transit through Y country)

3 The Guide 46 proposed Measures examined Basic Standard
Scope of Proposals Requirements to meet the Basic Standard Detailed answers for each measure in chart 46 proposed Measures examined

4 Needs Assessment Chart
OFFICIAL FROM customs describes in general the process used during the NA Needs Assessment Chart Current Situation relative to basic standard Barriers to meet basic standard Local Actions needed Technical Assistance required Agency responsible Stakeholder not participating Priority: of the measure for our country for TA This is a rough history of the WTO trade facilitation work. Trade facilitation was put on the WTO agenda at the1st WTO Ministerial Conference in Singapore in 1996. Then, mainly work was done by the WTO Council for Trade in Goods, namely, CTG. New Round, so called, Doha Development Agenda, was launched in Nov 2001, where the launch of trade facilitation negotiations was agreed subject to the consensus on the modalities of negotiations. Just some minutes past the midnight, very early morning of 1 August, the WTO agreed the modalities of negotiations on trade facilitation. Real negotiations have not started yet; the chairperson was appointed just two weeks ago. Probably, some of you are not familiar with the WTO decision making structure; I will show it to you.

[46] proposed measures were considered Preparedness- Already Compliant with # (?%) Partially compliant with # (?%) Not compliant with # (?%) Not applicable with # (?%)

6 COMPLIANT MEASURES Include the following-
(list some of the measures with which you are in compliance)

7 PARTIALLY COMPLIANT Include the following-

8 NON COMPLIANT Include the following-

9 Top 10 Negotiation Priorities for (COUNTRY).
Determine and list the top 10

10 Reasons for Non- Compliance/Barriers
Representative of private sector presents 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure includes (i) telecommunications (ii) roads/bridges (iii) power 1 The information technology in place at the moment has some problems, limiting its effectiveness. However, the main problems lie in the inadequate infrastructure. E.g. with regard to the proposals on automation, internet publication, reducing officer discretion For the WTO proposals to be fully effective a country wide improvement in infrastructure is required. Limited improvements/investment in infrastructure from user fees is also a barrier to improving the system. Government commitment is critical to achieving national infrastructure sustainability 2 Institutional Culture/Change Management 3 Limited dissemination o information - e.g. right of appeal, publishing information on the internet. The distribution of Parliamentary regulations/acts is limited. The public find it difficult to acquire this information.

11 Reasons for Non- Compliance/Barriers
Institutional Cooperation: High staff turnover in Ministries impeding smooth coordination with implementing agencies, Poor management of national enquiry points owing to limited staff 4 National legislation There are concerns on national security on publishing information on the internet. This is due to there being no IT policies/laws in place to prevent fraudulent use of the internet. One of the proposals relating to this barrier is Internet Publication of information and documents Negative perception of Customs Brokers on proposal. The general worry is job losses, especially that number of brokers in the country is high 5 Awareness Justification - Lack of awareness of information will reduce the effectiveness of the WTO proposals. With regard to the proposal on Information on Policy Objectives this is an important issue Availability – Awareness to the Private Sector on procedures, fees, appeals, etc will increase effectiveness of trade. At present there is limited use of the available information on the internet. There is still a cultural tendency to get information face to face, rather than remotely from a computer

12 Local Action List some examples of the local action needed

13 Top 10 Priorities for Technical Assistance


15 Recommendations [Examples:
Continued review an update of needs assessment findings Stakeholders continue to meet Establish better communication between capital and Geneva]

16 Commitments we can make today (WHILE HIGH LEVEL OFFICIALS ARE THERE GET A COMMITMENT TO CONTINUE MEETINGS OF TASK FORCE, TO CONTINUE WORK ON NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND SUPPORT FOR NEGOTIATIONS ) [Examples: Review of text by all stakeholders within 2 weeks Next meeting of stakeholders]

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