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Emotional Competence Model 2011 Matt Kayhoe. Emotional Eyesight 2 Competencies The World of Relationships 3 Competencies Self Management 3 Competencies.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotional Competence Model 2011 Matt Kayhoe. Emotional Eyesight 2 Competencies The World of Relationships 3 Competencies Self Management 3 Competencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotional Competence Model 2011 Matt Kayhoe

2 Emotional Eyesight 2 Competencies The World of Relationships 3 Competencies Self Management 3 Competencies Our ability to have positive and practical perceptual filters to shape our attitude about our lives, and our beliefs about ourselves. Our ability to interact effectively with others, in the short and long term. Our ability to understand and use emotion. Three Competency Sets, Eight Competencies

3 1. Self Perception Emotional Eyesight To respect and accurately assess yourself, and to achieve your potential Contribution Know one’s strengths and limits Appropriate, achievable career goals Healthy personal motives If Underdeveloped or Underutilized Missed opportunity to achieve Passivity; inauthentic humility Pessimistic; an energy drain for all If Too Highly Developed, Not Regulated Overreaching Arrogance Individualism 3

4 To be positive and to find the brighter side, and to be happy, content Contribution Self-fulfilling prophecy; seeing the upside creates more upside Brings energy and hope Attractive person to have around If Underdeveloped or Underutilized Lack of compelling vision, goals Uninspiring style; lackluster performance If Too Highly Developed, Not Regulated Rose colored glasses; perceived as unrealistic Others may feel inadequate; comparatively ‘moody’ 2. Outlook 4 1. Self Perception Emotional Eyesight To assess and respect yourself, and to achieve your potential

5 To constructively express oneself and to be self reliant and independent Contribution Can speak up for oneself appropriately Can come up with and carry ideas through Can express inner drive for achievement If Underdeveloped or Underutilized Passivity, less achievement Prone to group-think and seeking approval If Too Highly Developed, Not Regulated Perception as egocentric/arrogant Brusque communication; not able to join teams or creative dialogue 3. Taking Care of Me Concern for You The World of Relationships 5

6 To understand how others feel, and be a good team member 4. Concern for You 6 3. Taking Care of Me The World of Relationships To constructively express oneself and to be self reliant and independent Contribution Essential for communications, listening Essential to cooperation, group membership Mesh own goals with those of others If Underdeveloped or Underutilized Insensitive, unconcerned “Bull in a China Shop” If Too Highly Developed, Not Regulated Unable to ask for help; always putting others first Contribute to group think The World of Relationships

7 To understand how others feel, and be a good team member 9. Interp. Relationship 7 3. Taking Care of Me The World of Relationships To constructively express oneself and to be self reliant and independent Contribution Establishment of allies and information sources Build support for ideas Have a sense of belonging; less loneliness If Underdeveloped or Underutilized Lack of supporters Everything is harder to do If Too Highly Developed, Not Regulated Workplace is used to satisfy social needs Lack of attention to the work at hand 5. Network To cultivate and maintain a web of relationships 4. Concern for You

8 6. Emotional Dashboard Self Management To be aware of and understand one’s emotions, and validate them externally Contribution Opportunity to regulate and harness emotion Able to read the tea leaves and see the currents If Underdeveloped or Underutilized Reactive and/or destructive Incapable of needed behavioral change If Too Highly Developed, Not Regulated Tied up in knots by self awareness Constant search for consensus 8

9 6. Emotional Dashboard Self Management To be aware of and understand one’s emotions, and validate them externally Contribution Adaptable and able to overcome obstacles Have less baggage, more durable relationships If Underdeveloped or Underutilized Rigid, unyielding, and thus unproductive Loss of relationships If Too Highly Developed, Not Regulated Abandon positions too easily Don’t finish things; conclusions not reached 9 To adapt and adjust to new situations, and solve problems with others 7. Permanent Whitewater

10 6. Emotional Dashboard Self Management To be aware of and understand one’s emotions, and validate them externally Contribution Harness emotion for sake of self and organization Be a settling influence in times of turbulence If Underdeveloped or Underutilized Damaging outbursts Ready-Fire-Aim approach to problems If Too Highly Developed, Not Regulated Too “cool under pressure”; potentially alienating Lack of spontaneity, creative thinking 10 To adapt and adjust to new situations, and solve problems with others 7. Permanent Whitewater 8. In Command To effectively and constructively manage and control emotions

11 Self Perception Outlook Emotional Eyesight Taking Care of Me Concern for You Network The World of Relationships Whitewater In Command Emotional Dashboard Self Management The Emotional Competency Model 3 Competency Sets 8 Competencies

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