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E-Procurement in Georgia Everyone sees ev e rything Tbilisi, May, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Procurement in Georgia Everyone sees ev e rything Tbilisi, May, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Procurement in Georgia Everyone sees ev e rything Tbilisi, May, 2011

2 Georgian e-Procurement System Decentralized - 2500 Procuring entities Procurement budget (annual) - $ 1.8 bln State Procurement Ag e ncy (SPA) - policy making/ monitoring SPA financing (through state budget) $ 295 000 Staff – 35 employees

3 Georgian e-Procurement System – main features Transpar e ncy Non-discrimination Fair evaluation Str e amlined and easy to follow procedures

4 Transparency All procurement related information is open and available online Annual procurement plans Tender notices Tend e r documentation Bids and bidding documents All decisions of tender commission All relevant correspondence Contracts (including amendments) Bidding process is open as well and available online…. Identity of bidders is anonymous

5 Non-discrimination No local preferences No need for local presence (online payments and online submission of guarantees) Free and simple r e gistration (username/password instead of e-signature)

6 Fair e valuation Objective and quantifiable criteria - price Pass/fail for others (delivery time; relevant experience, etc.) vs. scoring system Availability of bidding documents and immediate publication of evaluation documents & right of appeal guaranteed

7 Streamlined and easy to follow procedures  No need for physical visits (only when signing the contract)  Minimization of tender participation costs  Web-payment of tender participation fee/ online submission of guarantees  Less formalities: no need to obtain/submit documents from other state bodies in advance  Online submission of appeals to Dispute Review Board & 10 days standstill  Easy access to procurement related information Everyone sees ev e rything!!!

8 Befor e  Number of procuring entities 3 000 approx  Number of suppliers N/A  Number of tenders  2010 2300  2009 1950 Incomplete and overdue data incomplete and overdue monitoring

9 Aft e r  Number of procuring entities 2 500  Number of suppliers 5 105  Number of e-tenders 13 574 Estimated value 347 751 348 Contractual price 295 844 592 Savings ($) 51 906 755 Savings (%) 14.92 Singl e electronic portal for all procurement related activities

10 B e fore Everything based on paper Limited access to information High number of procedural mistakes High number of physical visits & logistical expenses Non-transparent procedures High risk of collusive practices 15 000 000 pages of tender documentation

11 Aft e r  Tender fee decreased 4 times – GEL 50 (instead of GEL 200)  Tender threshold decreased 20 times  Non-competitive procurement procedures are merely used  Significant decrease of administrative and logistic expenses  Efficient and transparent use of public funds  Fair and unbiased evaluation process  Increased competition

12 Aft e r  Annual plans and quarterly reports available online  Active involvement of stakeholders in e-procurement system development (meetings, working groups)  Electronic dispute review board/Civil society participation in decision making  Introduction of HR management system/ restructuring of SPA  E-notification of subscribed users  Training of trainers/ User manualUser manual

13  SPA – more service oriented  Ex ante prevention vs. ex post enforcement;  Constituent part of Anti-corruption Strategy  Business Intelligence module for better mon IT oring E-Treasury linked to e-procurement system to streamline public expenditures Aft e r

14 Planned Activities  Trainings using Distance Learning Technologies  Linking to Civil and Company Registries  Mobile payments/Point-of-sale (POS) terminals  Framework contracts  Monitoring and supervision methodologies and guidelines  Quality based evaluation - two-staged e-tender

15 Biggest savings (in thousands $)

16 Top 10 procuring entities

17 Top 10 tenders with maximum bidders

18 Top 10 active bidders

19 Top 5 procurement objects

20 Most expensive tenders

21 We did IT !!!

22 Thank you for your attention! 28 Pekini Ave., Tbilisi 0160, Georgia tel.: (+99532) 382184, e-mail:

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