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Severn Estuary Partnership Update 2013/14 Gwilym Owen / Rhoda Ballinger Severn Estuary Partnership, Joint.

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Presentation on theme: "Severn Estuary Partnership Update 2013/14 Gwilym Owen / Rhoda Ballinger Severn Estuary Partnership, Joint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Severn Estuary Partnership Update 2013/14 Gwilym Owen / Rhoda Ballinger Severn Estuary Partnership, Joint Advisory Committee 14 th May 2013

2 Timetable Meeting Schedule Key Priorities Key Activities

3 MonthEventAction JanuarySEP Management GroupProduce Annual Action Plan for coming Year AprilSEP Management GroupStart of Business Plan Year and sign off Annual Action Plan MayJoint Advisory CommitteeExplanation of targets for year and request for support JulySEP Management GroupReview of delivery - targets and support SeptemberSevern Estuary ForumLaunch Annual Report covering previous year OctoberSEP Management GroupDraft roll forward of Business Plan (new year 5) JanuarySEP Management GroupProduce Annual Action Plan for coming year



6 Membership and involvement Organisational Status Key Roles Encouragement of delivery of estuary principles Promoting and Publicising the Estuary Adding value and filling gaps Ensuring Effective Communications Selling the service Resources and operations

7 Membership 5/1: Encourage members of ASERA, SCOSLA, SECG & NDCSG to join SEP as the coordinating body for the estuary 5/3: Actively support WCMP (replacement), the Welsh Group of European Marine Sites and the Wales MCZ Stakeholder focus group 5/7: Continue to publicise SEP & explore opportunities for joint working, while encouraging new members to join 5/10: Develop a sponsorship scheme & list of potential sponsors for SEP events and core outputs (e.g. Forum and Severn Tidings). 5/11: Continue to encourage current funding partners to contribute & new partners to join by developing a benefits paper and writing to LA chief executives

8 Encouraging delivery of estuary principles 7/2: Continued development & annual updating of agreed State of the Severn Estuary Report themes 7/4: Respond to consultations 7/6: Encourage the Welsh Assembly Government and UK Government to work in a cross-border manner in the Severn Estuary 7/8: Encourage MMO & WG to jointly plan any Marine Plan covering the estuary 7/8a: Work with the Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum and Welsh Government (WCMP) to update the ‘Wales Coastal Directory’ 7/9: Engage, where appropriate the Finding Sanctuary (and MCZ Project Wales) 7/12: Continue to develop and strengthen the Joint Estuary Groups Initiative Secretariat and run Secretariat services for BCSEG, SECG & ASERA 7/13 : Provide support and coordination for the Bristol Channel Standing Environment Group 7/15: Facilitate discussions (neutral perspective) for options for tidal power

9 Promoting and Publicising the Estuary 8/1: Continue to develop and expand Severn Estuary Gateway and SEP websites 8/11: Produce a community focused Severn Tidings Newsletter twice a year to develop the voice of communities around the estuary

10 Adding value and filling gaps 9/1: Continue support SMP2 and FRMS delivery – offer SEP services as appropriate 9/2: Possibility of additional FRMS public consultation coordination 9/3: Co-ordinate production of Management Scheme for Severn Estuary European Marine Site through secretariat services for ASERA 9/7: Contribute to the DeltaNET project via attendance at workshops completion of theme workplans and organisation of final meeting (funded)

11 Ensuring Effective communications 10/1: Organise quarterly meetings of the SEP Management Group 10/2: Organise annual meeting of the Joint Advisory Committee 10/3: Organise the Severn Estuary Forum, alternating between England and Wales 11/1: Explore how SEP can more effectively assist the work of partner organisations 11/2: Develop the website to include pages on what SEP can deliver both for individual organisations and the region

12 SEP Staffing & work plan Paul Parker (EA) Gwilym Owen New SEP/ASERA post Student placements

13 Key Activities

14 SEP Website Development

15 SEP Web Development

16 Monthly E-News



19 State of the Severn Estuary Reporting Merging updated report card content (2011) with original SOSER 2010 report & preparing for website update (Summer launch) Bathing Waters, Population & Development, Maintenance Dredging, Marine Aggregates, Sea Defence & Shoreline Management, The Water Environment, Climate Change Ports & Shipping Development of Indicator Sets / Process Birds, Fish & Habitats Draft annual reporting process matrix See handouts

20 Publication of Final Newsletter Development of the following themes and associated work programmes: Theme 3 – Healthy Delta Environment Theme 4 – Delta Awareness Theme 5 – Coordinated Delta Policy Final meeting: Cardiff, January 2013 (Site visits: Cardiff Bay; Gwent Wetlands Reserve) Further information

21 DELTANET Recommendations Stimulate an overall vision for each delta/estuary Develop an integrated vision/plan for each area Ensure wide participation and wide stakeholder involvement Stimulate the formation of a common platform/partnership/working groups for a balanced approach Ensure political commitment is maintained Have central coordinator/organisation to ensure strategy and plans are implemented & continuous stakeholder involvement Endeavour to achieve balanced implementation of EC directives Use an innovative and simple communication process

22 Projects for Welsh Government and the Marine Management Organisation: CPN Project WCMP / Welsh Government Project


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