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Pinellas County, Florida Adapting To Change NAPC Conference April 2011.

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1 Pinellas County, Florida Adapting To Change NAPC Conference April 2011


3 PLANNING Education Analysis Technology SERVICE DELIVERY Prevention Disease Management

4  HHSCC & St. Petersburg College Public Policy Department  Combined Health Care Leadership Meeting (Nov. 2010)  Public Forum: Federal Health Care Plan – Fact or Fiction (Jan 2011)  Provider Forum: Federal Health Care Plan – Bottom Line Impact on Providers  Planned Future Sessions  Collaborative Lab: Critical Pathways for Vulnerable Populations within the context of health care reform.  Funder/Provider Workshop: Support for Organizational Transitions

5 * All Pinellas County Health Plan enrollees will be eligible for the expanded Medicaid Beginning 2014, eligibility expands 133% FPL 100% 2014 100% 2015 100% 2016 95% 2017 94% 2018 93% 2019 90% 2020 and Beyond Federal Match (FMAP)/Expanded Population FMAP/Current Eligibility Level (57.44%) PLANNING: Analysis

6 * Figures provided by AHCA. Does not reflect changes in Children’s Health Insurance Program enrollment – May add an additional 168,997 Statewide and 7,098 in Pinellas County. **Projections based on County’s current enrollment as compared to State enrollment. State*Pinellas CountyFMAP Current Medicaid Enrollees (As of 6/30/2010) 2,804,783118,840 *57.44% New Enrollees: Expansion to 133% FPL 1,207,84250,729** 100% (2014-2016) 95-90% (2017-2020) Currently Eligible/ Not Enrolled 301,96012,682**57.44% “Crowd Out” 218,0279,157** 100% (2014-2016) 95-90% (2017-2020) TOTAL NEW ENROLLEES 1,727,82972,568 PLANNING: Analysis


8 Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) Obesity Seeking effective, sustainable policies, systems and environmental changes that encourage healthy choices for nutrition and physical activity.

9 SERVICE DELIVERY: Disease Management SERVICE DELIVERY: Prevention American Journal of Public Health, 10.2105/AJPH.2009.185652 Am J Public Health. 2010 Apr;100(4):590-5. Epub 2010 Feb 18. A framework for public health action: the health impact pyramid. Frieden TR. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA. txf2@cdc.govFrieden TR

10 Media Campaigns promoting healthy choices for Food/drinkPublic transitBicycling/walking Increased Access to: Healthy food/drink availability Safe, attractive, accessible places for activity Safe routes to school Local Government Policies City planning and zoning assessments Signage for neighborhood destinations Increased signage for public transportation and bike lanes Proposed Interventions

11 Pinellas County Diabetic Equity Project A collaboration of local health care providers To provide for the unmet needs of uninsured diabetics in Pinellas County

12 Screen, Qualify Assess Refer Support Outreach Test Educate Disease Manage Vaccinate Refer to Specialty Primary Care Sites Volunteer Recruitment Management Information Prescription Assistance Program Medical Devices Dental Specialized Services Health Department Health Council FQHC Free Clinics FQHC Health Department Hospitals Private Foundation


14 QUESTIONS Health and Human Services Coordinating Council for Pinellas County 727-582-7951 Denise M. Groesbeck Executive Director Joe Baldwin Senior Researcher/Planner

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