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TE/OR Subcommittee Presented to the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Scientific Steering Committee October 19, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "TE/OR Subcommittee Presented to the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Scientific Steering Committee October 19, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 TE/OR Subcommittee Presented to the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Scientific Steering Committee October 19, 2004

2 Members of the TE/OR Subcommittee Sandra Lehrman, MD (Co-chair) - NIH Director, Therapeutics Research Program, DAIDS/NIAID Caroline Ryan, MD, MPH (Co-Chair) - CDC/HHS Chief, HIV Prevention Branch, Global AIDS Program (GAP) R. Cameron Wolf, Ph.D., M.Sc.(Co-Chair) - USAID Senior Technical Advisor, Office of HIV/AIDS Jose Sanchez, MD, MPH - DOD Chief, Department of Epidemiology & Threat Assessment, Walter Reed Tim Fowler, MA, BA - U.S. Census Bureau Chief, Health Studies Branch International Programs Kathleen Handley, Ph.D - Health Resources Services Administration Jonathan Mermin, MD, MPH - CDC/HHS Director, CDC-Uganda Stefan Wiktor, MD, MPH - CDC/HHS Chief, Surveillance and Infrastructure Development Branch, GAP Tom Kenyon, MD, MPH - CDC/HHS Director, CDC- Namibia Thomas C. Quinn, MD, M.Sc.- NIAID Senior Investigator, International HIV and STD Section Chuck Oster, MD – NIAID Senior Medical Officer Samuel Adeniyi-Jones, MD, Ph.D. - -NIAID Medical Officer Vaccine and Prevention Research Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) – TBd Michael A. Strong, Ph.D. – USAID Senior Health Program Manager Office of Population and Health/ USAID Kenya Michael Cassell, Ph.D., MEM, MA - USAID Primary Prevention Advisor Glenn Post, MD, MPH - USAID Senior Medical Advisor Global Health Nadine Rogers, Ph.D., M.S - Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator Strategic Information Officer

3 Accomplished and Planned Activities to Date Accomplished Three subcommittee conference calls Announcement in Notes to the Field Planned Systematic review of all USG funded TE/OR activities Country level funded mechanism for TE/OR activities Subcommittee review and catalogue of TE/OR activities in FY 05 COPS Centrally funded mechanism for TE/OR activities Purpose: fill in the gaps, quick hit to get an answer for mid-term adjustment Tailor approaches appropriate to individual focus countries Coordinate efforts for TA and training for TE/OR capacity building Different models possible

4 SPNS Evaluation Center Model Supports development and evaluation of innovative models of HIV care, typically funding 5-10 demonstration sites and an Evaluation and Support Center which provides leadership in design and evaluation of interventions including: Lead and facilitate the demonstration sites in refining interventions and local evaluation Provide TA to the demonstration sites and responsible for developing centralized training, communication and dissemination activities Conduct needs assessment of site capacity to perform intervention and participate in cross-site evaluation activities (e.g. data collection and transfer) Design and conduct cross-site evaluation including development of standardized core data elements (biologic, clinical and psychosocial outcomes) Develop common evaluation and research protocols Design and oversee initiative website, plans meetings, site visits Some challenges - working with existing sites that have: diverse interventions in various stages of development different resource needs and capacity/willingness to do evaluation

5 Timing of Funding 1. Evaluation Center is funded prior to the demonstration sites Example: Prevention with Positives Initiative – UCSF, Steve Morin, PI Advantages: A head start on planning cross-site evaluation, communication, website and other responsibilities Develop RFA for demonstration sites Disadvantages: Takes longer to get interventions up and running Cross-site is less collaborative 2. Evaluation Center is funded at the same time as the demonstration sites Example: Caribbean Peer Support Initiative – AED, Elvis Fraser, PI Advantages: Sites work with Center on development of cross site evaluation Interventions can start sooner Disadvantages: Decision making less centralized (messy) Demonstration site RFA is less focused, prescriptive

6 NIH Pilot Projects Concept TitlePEPFAR ProgramCountry Targeted Evaluation of Antiretroviral Therapy Outcome and Acute Infection: Building Capacity for HIV-1 Drug Resistance Surveillance in HaitiTrack 1.5Haiti The Effect of Baseline Polymorphisms on Development of Resistance Mutations in Subtype G and CRF02 (A/G) in Nigerian Patients Treated with Antiretroviral TherapyHarvard SPHNigeria A Pilot Study of HIV-HBV Coinfection in PEPFAR in Nigeria: Prevalence, Hepatotoxicity and Effects on Antiretroviral EfficacyHarvard SPHNigeria Pilot Study on Effect of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) on Hepatitis B Viral InfectionHarvard SPHSouth Africa Economic Welfare and Quality of Life in Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy: Implications for patient Adherence, Treatment Cost, and Sustainability of Interventions as Evaluated in Right To Care a PEPFAR Funded Program In South AfricaRight to CareSouth Africa Evolution and Predictors of HIV Resistance Among Persons Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy in PEPFAR Sponsored Treatment Programs in AfricaProject Heart (Glaser)Rwanda Prevalence of Antiretroviral Drug Resistance in Patients Monitored by Virus Load Versus CD4 Count: Comparative Outcome of the Harvard School of Public Health PEPFAR Programs in Botswana and TanzaniaHarvard SPH Botswana Tanzania Evaluation of the Right To Care PEPFAR Funded Treatment Programme in Gauteng and Mpumalanga Provinces of South AfricaRight to CareSouth Africa What is the Durability of the Current WHO Recommended Second Line Regimen to Induce Sustained Viral Suppression (24 Months or More) When Initiated After Evidence of Treatment Failure when Defined by Virologic Failure, by Immunological Failure or by Clinical Failure Following a Primary Thymidine Analog, Cytosine Analog and NNRTI Regimen Treatment RegimenAIDS Relief ConsortiumNigeria/Uganda Investigation of the Role of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Persons Co infected with HIV in NigeriaHarvard SPHNigeria What is the impact of ARV care delivery systems used during the initiation of ARV therapy on treatment durability?AIDS Relief ConsortiumNigeria/Uganda

7 Focus of Emphasis Priority 1: Clinical implications of ARV treatment scale-up What are optimal approaches for ensuring drug adherence and minimizing disinhibition in Emergency Plan focus countries? What are the characteristics and causes of viral resistance to ARV treatment in Emergency Plan focus countries? What is the differential effect on patient outcomes for ARV treatment provided by physician versus non-physician providers? Priority 2: Behavior change What is the effect of the ABC approach to prevention on HIV risk behavior in Emergency Plan focus countries? What is the effect of widely available care and Tx on approaches to HIV prevention? What is the effect of PMTCT/PMTCT+ on HIV risk behaviors of participating mothers? Priority 3: Care and support What are the components of successful care models for OVC? What are the components of successful palliative care models? Other studies: Other studies may be conducted based on SI requirements or other needs Does the administration of single-dose nevirapine reduce mother-to-child transmission in Emergency Plan focus countries? What are the components of a successful networked health care system? CAVEAT: Need to listen to what the countries define as their TE/OR needs

8 Challenges/Considerations/Opportunities Time RFAs, standardized outcome measures, results Gaps Expect new issues to be identified after FY05 COP review and development of compendium of TE/OR Diversity of group HQ + Field staff Differing perspectives of TE/OR mission Program evaluation Public health impact Clinical outcomes/biologic markers

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