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UNGASS Country reports Lessons learned MERG Meeting Geneva July 28 2003.

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1 UNGASS Country reports Lessons learned MERG Meeting Geneva July 28 2003

2 2003 UNGASS Survey l 104 countries have responded l 31/104 country reports completed all forms l Progress in policy environment l Insufficient progress in human capacity, financial resources, care and treatment, capacity to implement programs

3 Quality issues in UNGASS country reports l Scoring: best reports: Botswana,South Africa, Cambodia, l + Correlation between national consultation and quality of the report l + Correlation between CRIS/EVA workshop and quality l Poor use of

4 Process followed in developing reports Response rate: 70% l NAC/NAP was alone responsible in 50%; 15% other; 35% more than one entity l In more than half country processes, inputs from forum with civil society and others l 60% reported that data are stored centrally and 77% that the data is publicly available

5 Reported national M&E capacity Response rate: 57% l 84% report having a M&E unit for HIV/AIDS l 34% report having a M&E plan; 42% in process l 26% report having a budget for M&E: 30% in process l 90% report having information systems (IS) in place; of these, 66% report both health and education IS

6 UNGASS Core Indicators 18 indicators in four domains: l Global Level Commitment & Action (5) l National Level Commitment & Action (2) (National funds, policy analysis) l National Behaviour & Care Indicators (9) l National Level Impact (2)

7 National Composite Policy index Response rate: 87% l Issue of saturation after 2005 l Suggestion: Inclusion of implementation and coverage modules to policy index, such as AIDS Program Effort Index

8 National programme & behaviour indicators 1. Schools: life-skills-based HIV/AIDS education (A) 2.Workplace HIV/AIDS prevention 3.Sexually transmitted infections: case management (A) 4.Prevention of MTCT: ARV prophylaxis (A) 5.HIV treatment: ARV combination therapy (A) 6.IDUs: safe injecting and sexual practices (A) 7.Young peoples knowledge about HIV/AIDS (Target) 8.Young peoples condom use with non-regular partners (A4) 9.Orphans school attendance (A)

9 Non Response / Validity of data IndicatorResponse rateissues Life skills34/104 Some reports only urban or primary schools; some overall figure Workplace policy26/104Some overall figures STD case management 15/104 For 5 countries, WHO figures Some overall figures PMTCT26/104For most WHO figures ARV26/104WHO figures for 88 countries IDU20 countriesCoverage 9 countries/ behaviour 3

10 The way forward

11 Identified Challenges to Achieve UNGASS 2005 Goals l 25% --political commitment, stigma l 50% --resources l 75% --Need increased M&E capacity

12 Databases used for UNGASS Global: l MeasureDHS l WHO/Bureau of Census l WHO WR (Ad hoc) l NIDI l Ad hoc (IDU) Country Level : unclear l CRIS l Child Info l Dev Info l SHARED l Health Mapper

13 Strengthen country M&E and UNGASS DoC follow up l Advocate for increased resources (Global Fund and World Bank) l CRIS l Training / Development of protocols for each core indicator Provision of technical assistance: TRN and GAMET

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