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SOC Design Challenge Rajeev Madhavan Chairman and CEO.

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Presentation on theme: "SOC Design Challenge Rajeev Madhavan Chairman and CEO."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOC Design Challenge Rajeev Madhavan Chairman and CEO

2 Search For Killer Applications …. Search is on for the next killer applications (microprocessor) − E.g Combination communications, consumer and computer − What do we do in the meantime? 1980’s1990’s 2000 CommunicationsConsumer Computer

3 Economy of Scale for Product Company on 300mm Fab 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1112131415161718191 2001 Revenue2000 Revenue (6,000) ( M US$) Source: Dataquest (2002) SC Vendors above $6B Year 2000-14 companies & Year 2001 only- 5 companies. SC Ranking in 2001, 2000 Product Revenue from one 300mm Fab

4 Economy of Scale for 300mm Fab** One single 300 mm fab with 30K wafer/month capacity in 90nm will generate about US$6B of product revenue, or about US$2.4B of foundry revenue. ** Cost about US$3B**  Handful of product companies and few foundries can afford it or need it. Joint ventures will be formed** Killer applications (microprocessors) and some other IDMs will have foundries but partnerships in general are evolving Reticle Costs are increasing $1M+.. But ….

5 Foundries – Partnerships and Evolutions Moore’s law – Process engineers has delivered at or faster pace Moore’s law will slow not so much technologically, but economically. Disintegration of supply chain continues

6 Development Costs – Software Case Study - Magma > Development Environment » Visual C++ » Utilities (Purify, quantify) » Automated QA & regression suite > Purchased available IP » Verilog, VHDL, DEF, GDSII parser » Other parsers » Schematic viewer > About 1.2M lines of code » C++/JAVA MANTLE Single Executable JAVA XML QA Designs C++ IP C++ Purify Quantify Software Development Regression/QA Compilers Editing and Debugging Env

7 Software Development - Progress Ease of deployment has allowed proliferation of software/IT across the world

8 Software Investment Case Study – Magma > Roughly 1.2M lines of code > Synthesis, placement, routing, timing, noise, delay calculation, power rail …. > 65+ Ph.d’s > Low hardware expenses > Total investment - $110M » $80M on R&D

9 Development Costs - Hardware Advanced 90nm Complexities − Advanced analysis and hence correction > Optimization with On-chip variation > Multi-mode analysis throughout IC design flow > Complex delay calculation requirement > Slew, skew, hold, setup, multi-corners …. − Noise models, EM models − SPICE delay correlation per path/net − Routing complexities – Manufacturing effects

10 Hardware - Investment 40 M gate designs − 18mm X 18mm, 2000 I/Os, 500Mhz − Approximately 4M lines of RTL Design re-use (wherever possible) 50+ engineers − Experts in synthesis, P&R, signal integrity, design closure $80M investment − Requires $160M in 2 years to realize break even − Where is the killer application for this?? Traditional design flows will make Moore’s law economically infeasible

11 Hardware – Traditional IC creation flows Series of point tools that looks at various steps − Software does not require every user to look at assembly − Placed gates is too late, netlist is just an intermediate format − Corrections at the end is suicidal − Wireload is completely off and is a non-starter − Standalone analysis is dead − Power and other manufacturing effects cannot be done as point solutions

12 Sawai Madopur – Slide 1

13 Sawai Madopur – Slide 2

14 Sawai Madopur – Slide 3

15 History – Determining The Design Flow? Does not leverage similarity − Increases implementation effort − Increases bugs − No consistency by construction Does not minimize interfaces − Tools spend most code on reading data and conditioning data. common data base with all data. api internal datastructure Tool 1 api internal datastructure Tool 2 api internal datastructure Tool 3 api internal datastructure Tool 4 api internal datastructure Tool 189 api internal datastructure Tool 190 e.g. router e.g. timer e.g. placer Incremental tools (Timer, extraction, noise, rail) are part of the infrastructure. They are not tools!

16 Taming Costs – EDA Advances Designer spends time doing architecture selection Verification − Model Checking/assertions − Could become major bottleneck Implementation − Correct by construction − Flat or Hierarchy > Not driven by tools > Flat » Ease of use > Hierarchy » IP and design management VLSI COMPILER RTL Goals GDS II Design Closure Faster Turnaround Time Least Resources Process, Library VLSI Compiler – An Economic Necessity

17 Unified data model – essential for 90nm Tools share a common data structure. They run directly on it. All design data lives “in core” during the flow, attached to data structure. Only one format: the data structure Allows deep incrementality Data-model Placement Alg. Routing Alg. Tool n Alg....... TCL access Timing Alg. GUI access Verification Alg. Image Snapshot External formats or tools

18 “The Tall Thin VLSI Engineer” Focus on product − Algorithm, functionality and architecture of product − Simplify implementation Engineering responsibility − Architecture/algorithmic engineer > Is architecture right? > Is design feasible? What is the early silicon performance? » Sign-off to implementation − Implementation engineer > Logistics, implementation, packaging & testing Open EDA system with built in technology Reduce integration needs and meet design goals

19 Leverage “Give me a lever long enough, and a prop strong enough, and I can single-handedly move the world.” -- Archimedes

20 Magma’s Technology Edge FixedTimingSuperCellUnified Data Model Fast chips – on time Large designs – on time Quality designs – on time B A 1X Logic design A 1X B After layout B A 4X Wire widening Wire spacing Cell sizing

21 RTL-to-GDSII Solution Single executable…multiple product packages Patented unified data model Blast Rail Blast Fusion GDSII Blast Fusion APX Blast Create RTL Netlist Blast Plan Blast Noise Netlist

22 The Fastest Growing Market “IC Implementation market will be one of the highest- growing markets in the next 2 years” – expected to be $483M in 2006 Magma market share currently at 31% and growing rapidly – “grew at a staggering 343% last year” Source: Gartner Dataquest (October 2002) Cadence 24% Synopsys 41% IC Implementation Market Share, 2001 31%

23 Conclusion VLSI Compiler − Productivity gains for digital IC design by leaps > Keeps Moore’s law economically more viable VLSI Verification − Progress essential for complex designs Tall thin VLSI engineer − Cost improvement − Productivity improvement EDA − Change from PD to unified system

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