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Teacher Work Sample Hannibal-LaGrange University.

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2 Teacher Work Sample Hannibal-LaGrange University

3 “Every student deserves to be treated as a potential genius." ~Anton Ehrenzweig

4 Contextual Factors of Learning Early in the placement, the student teacher will be collecting data to complete the Contextual Factors of Learning section prior to writing their Teacher Work Sample. Student teachers will ask questions regarding diversity and characteristics of the district, the school, the classroom, and the students. Student teachers are expected to complete this phase during the evening.

5 Unit of Study for Work Sample Together with the student teacher, determine the unit of study Pre-assessment Minimum of 5 days teaching Post-assessment Each objective needs to align with standards CCSS, GLE’s, CLE’s Video recording requirement One recording of a Teacher Work Sample lesson

6 The student teacher will develop a pre-assessment that will assess each objective covered. Data analysis Student teacher will administer and analyze the pre-assessment. Assist the student teacher in setting a reasonable goal and record the goal on the Cooperating Teacher Feedback on Work Sample form located in the Student Teaching Syllabus. The goal must be set prior to unit being taught. Unit of Study for Teacher Work Sample Pre-assessment Expectations

7 Unit of Study for Teacher Work Sample Formative Assessment Expectations The student teacher is required to include two examples of formative assessment used during the unit. The student teacher must determine high, medium and low benchmarks on each formative assessment and include how many students scored in that range. On each benchmark example (3 benchmarks included for each assessment), the student will write: "High Benchmark--4 out of 21 students scored at least 18 out of 20 points on this project." "Medium Benchmark--12 out of 21 students scored 13 through 17 out of 20 points on this project." "Low Benchmark--5 out of 21 students scored 12 or less out of 20 points on this project."

8 Student Teacher Expectations Analyze post-assessment data. Write final reflection Cooperating Teacher Expectations Examine results Evaluate effectiveness Unit of Study for Teacher Work Sample Post-assessment Expectations

9 “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." ~Winston Churchill

10 Verification Click here to complete the verification form. Completion of this form verifies that you have heard and understand the information provided in this tutorial. All three tutorials must be viewed and completed prior to receiving your stipend.

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