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Activity Fees An overview to inform the community.

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1 Activity Fees An overview to inform the community

2 Agenda Definitions Scope of Programming Costs of Programming Booster Dues and Fees Activity Fee Background Information and Definitions Activity Survey Results

3 Definitions Extracurricular Programming: Includes interscholastic sports, art, music, and clubs Promotes the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and moral well being of the participants Important and integral part of the total school program Open to all students Students assume the academic and behavioral responsibilities and obligations of the club or activity Key connection for school success College admissions expectation

4 Definitions Funded Activities Activities that are facilitated by paid coaches or advisors. Non-Funded Clubs District approved student activities that are facilitated or advised by an unpaid staff member LevelAthleticNon-Athletic High School26 * 791 participants 37 Middle School15 *676 participants 32 Elementary SchoolNA36

5 Benchmarking of Funded Activities Funded ActivitiesGarnet ValleyAverage Funded Activities of Benchmarked Districts Athletic3837 Non-Athletic10560

6 Extracurricular Expenses Athletic Expenditures Non-Athletic Expenditures

7 Athletic Expenditures Direct Expenses—those expenses that are commonly associated with running athletic programs. Indirect Expenses—those expenses that represent capital purchases, field maintenance, utilities, etc. Revenue—Monies received by the district through gate receipts, fund raising, and fees.

8 Direct Expenses Expense Category2011-122012-13 Salaries729,120737,577 Benefits285,466288,777 Contracted Services (game day workers, officials, security) 153,913136,308 Maintenance Agreements/Equipment Repair 34,10731,884 Transportation10,8142,514 General Supplies120,765168,814 Dues and Fees14,12410,500 Totals1,348,3091,376,373

9 Indirect Expenses Expense Category2011-122012-13 Capital Purchases (from 4 year loan) 4,140 Field Maintenance, Custodial Costs 26,68727,487 Utilities21,56322,210 Totals52,39053,837

10 Total Athletic Expenditures Expense Category2011-122012-13 Direct Expenses1,348,3101,376,373 Indirect Expenses52,39053,837 Total Expenses1,400,7001,430,210

11 Non-Athletic Expenditures Expense Category2011-122012-13 Salaries445,407494,964 Benefits174,394193,797 General Supplies633,786613,759 Dues and Fees18,66514,538 Total Expenses1,272,2521,317,058

12 Revenue Revenue Category2011-122012-13 Gate Receipts52,43257,375 Student Activity Receipts 629,778612,706

13 Totals Expenses/Revenues Categories 2011-122012-13 Athletic1,400,6991,430,211 Non-Athletic1,272,2521,317,058 Gate Receipts(52,432)(57,375) Student Activity Receipts(629,778)(612,706) Total1,990,7112,077,188

14 Booster Dues and Fees Booster Club-any parental or community support group that provides services, awards, funds and/or equipment for school district sponsored programs. These programs shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, athletic and nonathletic as well as interscholastic and extracurricular programs.

15 Athletic ProgramDues/Fees ($) per Participant Football$200 ($50 for 9 th Grade) Boys and Girls Soccer$100/$90 Field Hockey$80 Volleyball$100 Golf$100 Cross Country0 Boys and Girls Basketball$100/$75 Wrestling$100 Swimming$65 Baseball$100 Softball$100 Boys and Girls Lacrosse$150/$125 Boys and Girls Tennis$85 Boys and Girls Track$60 Cheerleading$50

16 Non-Athletic ProgramDues/Fees ($) per Participant Musical * Cost varies due to rentals and copy rights  $50 registration fee (actors; tech/stage crew)  $25 pre show and student pit Marching Band$60 Indoor Guard$250 Indoor Drum Line$300 Newspaper$40 dues or $40 in ad revenue. Class Dues - Grade 12$20 Environmental Club$7 FBLA $20 (Plus 15 for Regional Competition registration) FCCLA $20 ($9.00 for Nationals, $6.00 for States, and $5.00 for supplies for projects)

17 Non-Athletic ProgramDues/Fees ($) per Participant Interact$7 Language Clubs$10 National Honor Society$10 Literay Magazine$20 Peer Counselors$10 Photography$10 Robotics$40 Science Olympiads$20 SADD$10 Student Council$15 Yearbook$15

18 Activity Fees A Quick Review

19 Definitions Activity Fees/Pay-to-Play/Participation Fees Growing trend in Pennsylvania and nationally Requires students and their families to pay fees to participate in extracurricular activities. Activity fees do not replace booster dues or fees.

20 How prevalent are activity fees? Nation As of 2009, 33 states had districts that utilized activity fees State In Pennsylvania, in 2010 13% of school districts surveyed reported charging fees. As of 2012, that percentage has risen to 30% Local As of this school year, some of the local districts that charge fees include: Downingtown, Great Valley, Marple Newtown, Tredyffrin/Easttown, Unionville, and West Chester Marple Newtown is the only Delaware County district to charge fees

21 What is the typical fee? Fees Vary: Ranges from $10 to $250 for individual students State average: $65 per activity Some districts have one-time fees, fee caps, different fees for different activities, only charge for sports, etc. Fee structures are a reflection of the community

22 Against Fees! Illegal in some states as extracurricular activities are seen as vital and guaranteed part of students’ education. Could decrease student participation Could discriminate against lower socio-economic families Large families will carry a heavy financial burden Parents are already paying fees through booster clubs and fund raising Activity fees could cannibalize booster club funding

23 Against Fees, Continued Slippery slope—paying for activities could eventually lead to other fees. Could lead to the demise of smaller programs, sports, and clubs Could add pressure on coaches, directors, and advisors—I paid, so my kid plays! Yet another tax Collection and compliance is an administrative nightmare. Revenue does not outweigh the cost of time and effort to administer the fee.

24 For Fees! Most states, including Pennsylvania, from a legal standpoint do not regard extracurricular activities as part of the guaranteed basic education. Fees allow districts to maintain existing programming by generating added revenue. Fees support the philosophy that extracurricular activities are “extra”. It is commonplace for parents to pay for their children’s activities.

25 For Fees, Continued Most districts have waivers and financial assistance for low socio-economic families or financial hardships. Family “fee caps” could be established to limit the burden on large families. Districts may utilize cafeteria pre-payment software for collecting fees to lessen the administrative burden. Booster clubs often provide above and beyond programmatic costs, so their fees could be reduced.

26 Survey Results 1637 Total Respondents 958—have a child or will have a child in the district 679—do not have a child in the district

27 Survey Results I have enough information to express my opinion about activity fees All respondents: 82% yes; 18% no Respondents who have a child or will have a child in the district: 75% yes; 25% no Respondents who do not have a child in the district: 91% yes; no 9% I support the idea of implementing activity fees to help the district support its extracurricular programs. All respondents: 52% yes; 48% no Respondents who have a child or will have a child in the district: 36% yes; 64% no Respondents who do not have a child in the district: 76% yes; no 24%

28 Survey Results I would support the implementation of an activity fee that ranges between (choose one). 880 Respondents $25 to $75—63% $75 to $125—25% $125 to $175—6% $175 to $225—6%

29 Survey Results If the district implements an activity fee, having a family fee cap that sets a maximum amount that families are required to pay is important to me. All respondents: 70% yes; 30% no Respondents who have a child or will have a child in the district: 77% yes; 23% no Respondents who do not have a child in the district: 65% yes; 35% no

30 Survey Results If the district implements an activity fee, students should have to pay per activity. All respondents: 62% yes; 28% no Respondents who have a child or will have a child in the district: 49% yes; 51% no Respondents who do not have a child in the district: 72% yes; 28% no

31 Survey Results If the district implements an activity fee, students should only have to pay a one-time fee that allows them to participate in as many activities as they wish All respondents: 45% yes; 55% no Respondents who have a child or will have a child in the district: 57% yes; 43% no Respondents who do not have a child in the district: 34% yes; 66% no

32 Survey Results If the district implements an activity fee, offering assistance for families that face financial hardships is important to me. All respondents: 77% yes; 23% no Respondents who have a child or will have a child in the district: 75% yes; 25% no Respondents who do not have a child in the district: 80% yes; 20% no

33 Next Steps Continue to collect participation and enrollment data. Continue the activity fee discussion at the January work session when our two new Board members are officially in place. Determine next steps at the January Meeting.

34 Questions/Comments?

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