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Microprocessors A microprocessor is essentially a computer on a single chip. It is also an example of a complex finite state machine or clocked sequential.

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Presentation on theme: "Microprocessors A microprocessor is essentially a computer on a single chip. It is also an example of a complex finite state machine or clocked sequential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microprocessors A microprocessor is essentially a computer on a single chip. It is also an example of a complex finite state machine or clocked sequential circuit. The first microprocessor was introduced around 1970 By 1974 the 8-bit Intel 8080 and Motorola 6800 were introduced By 1978 the 16-bit Intel 8086 and Motorola 68000 were introduced Microprocessors have continued to develop along two lines: 1) Performance – modern computers are based on powerful microprocessors where the focus is on speed and processing and storage of large amounts of data. 2) Integration – smaller microprocessors that include built-in memory and interface circuitry, or microcontrollers, are often integrated into applications, such as appliances, vehicles, equipment, etc. The focus here is reduced size, reduced cost, and a reduced chipset (onboard memory, for example, rather than separate memory chips). The general public is less familiar with microcontrollers, although ten times more microcontrollers are sold than microprocessors! 1 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

2 Microcontroller evolution Microcontrollers have continued to evolve. Using Motorola as an example: Recall that in 1974 the Motorola 6800 was introduced Later versions included the Motorola 6801, 6802, and 6808. In 1985 the Motorola 68HC11 was introduced (including several versions) In 1996 the Motorola 68HC12 was introduced. July 2004 the Motorola microcontroller division broke off into a new company: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc 68HC11-based applications – just to name a few: Chrysler transmission and engine control modules Ford digital instrument cluster Chevrolet engine control modules Canon cameras Motorola phone systems AIM portable gas detectors StairMaster’s exercise machines 2 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

3 3 a few words from their web site ( Freescale is a leader in embedded processing solutions for the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets. From microcontrollers and microprocessors to sensors, analog ICs and connectivity, our technologies are fueling the next great wave of innovation. A few applications are listed below: Consumer Augmented Reality Boiler Heating Control Cooking Products Dishwashers Dryers Refrigerators Smartphones Washing Machines … Automotive Alternator Regulator Basic/Low Line Instrument Cluster Basic Rear View Camera Battery Monitoring Breaking and Stability Control Doors, Window Lift and Seat Control DSI Airbag System Electric Power Steering … Medical/Health Care Blood Glucose Monitors Blood Pressure Monitors Continuous Glucose Monitor Machine Defibrillators Digital Stethoscope Digital X–Ray Electrocardiograph (ECG) …

4 Microcontroller boards Microcontrollers are often available on circuit boards for learning and building prototypes of designs. Microcontroller boards might contain: Microcontroller Crystal clock generator Power supply (or regulator) Input/output connections for downloading programs, reading keyboard inputs, and displaying outputs Connection points the microcontroller’s input and output pins Additional memory 68HC11 Microcontroller Boards – just to name a few: M68HC11EVBU (Motorola Evaluation Board) 68HC11F1 by Allen Systems, Inc. ( Handy Board – developed and licensed by MIT ( F68HC11 single chip evaluation board by NewMicros ( MicroStamp11 by Technological Arts, Inc. ( – used in EGR270 and EGR 262 4 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

5 MicroStamp11 The MicroStamp11 is a microcontroller built by Technological Arts and is based on the Motorola 68HC11 microcontroller. Technological Arts states that the MicroStamp11 is the world’s smallest 68HC11 microcontroller module. The MicroStamp11 is about the size of a postage stamp! 5 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

6 MicroStamp11 Breadboard Setup The MicroStamp11 is easily used on a breadboard with two modules: MicroStamp11 Module – fitted with a 20-pin connector that plugs into a breadboard USB-to-MCU Interface Module – allows for serial communication using a USB port on a computer. The USB connection can also be used to provide power (5V) to the breadboard. A few wires are required as shown below. MicroStamp11 Module USB-to-MCU Interface Module 6 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

7 MicroStamp11 Features (reference: 7 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

8 Microcontroller Architecture A microcontroller includes the following key elements: CPU (Central Processing Unit) Memory I/O (input/output) Devices These elements communicate with each other via buses. Bus - essentially a group of parallel wires like a parallel cable CPUMemory I/O Devices Computer Bus 8 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

9 More detail is added to each element of microcontroller as illustrated below: Control Unit ROM I/O Ports Data Bus ALU Special Registers Gen. Purpose Registers CPU RAM Memory I/O Devices Secondary Memory Address Bus Control Bus 9 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

10 Register – a temporary place to store data (to transfer data, manipulate data, etc.). An 8-bit register can be easily formed using 8 flip-flops. Special Registers – Program Counter (PC), Stack Pointer (SP), Index Register (IR), Memory Address Register (MAR), Condition Code Register (CCR), etc General Purpose Registers – Handy places to store values used in computations ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) - performs operations such as Add, Subtract, AND, OR, XOR, complements, etc. The ALU typically has special registers (sometimes called accumulators) associated with it. RAM (Random Access Memory) – used as a scratchpad to store variables during the execution of a program. Data stored in RAM is lost when the microcontroller is powered down. ROM (Read Only Memory) - used to store permanent programs and data. Data stored in ROM is not erased when the microcontroller is powered down, so programs that you save will still be in memory for future use. 10 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

11 68HC11 Architecture (simplified) BMAR Control Unit PC 8 ALU 16 Memory Data Bus Address Bus IR A Notes: A and B registers (or accumulators) are used in arithmetic operations The control unit connected to each element via control bus An external clock connected to each element 11 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

12 68HC11 Registers Condition Code Register (CCR) Bits in the CCR are checked for carries, overflows, signs, interrupts, etc. More on this later. C – Carry from MSBV – 2’s complement overflow error Z – ZeroN – Negative I – I-InterruptH – Half-Carry from Bit 3 X – X-InterruptS – Stop Disable 7A 0 7B 0 15PC0 15SP0 15Y0 X0 D0 8-Bit accumulators A and B 16-Bit double accumulator D Index register X Index register Y Stack pointer Program Counter SXHINZVCCondition Code Register 12 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

13 Assembly Language Microcontrollers are programmed using a precise set of instructions available in their instruction set. The 68HC11, for example, has an instruction set that contains about 150 different instructions (see the course web site for a complete list). Op Code – each instruction has a particular binary code called an op code that is used to execute the instruction. Programs written using op codes are called machine code. Assembly language – programs written in assembly language use symbols or letters (mnemonics) to represent op codes so that they are more readable. Assemblers convert assembly language programs into machine code. Example: The assembly language instruction LDAA is used to “load the A Accumulator”. LDAA is a mnemonic that represents the op code 86. In the example below, the hexadecimal number 43 is loaded into Accumulator A. LDAA #$43 Assembler 8643 16 or 10000110 01000011 2 Machine Code Assembly Language Op Code (86) for loading Accumulator A Operand (data) Mnemonic (easier to remember than 86) 13 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

14 14 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering … The op code (86) for LDAA is highlighted below from the instruction set for the 68HC11 (full list available on course website)

15 High-Level Language versus Low-Level Language C++ is a high-level language. High-level languages are independent of the platform (type of computer), although when you compile a C++ program you generally compile it for a particular “target,” such as a Windows application. Assembly languages are low-level languages. Each type of microprocessor has its own assembly language, so there are hundreds of different assembly languages (although they have many common features). We will learn assembly language for the 68HC11. Programming in assembly language is different from programming in high- level languages in that the user must have knowledge of: Microprocessor registers Available memory addresses for temporary storage of information Available memory addresses for permanent storage of programs 15 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

16 Example: High-Level Language versus Low-Level Language Suppose that we wanted to store the decimal constants 10, 20, and 30 and find their sum. C++ program: A = 10; B = 20; C = 30; Sum = A + B + C; 68HC11 program: LDAA #$0A ;Load hexadecimal $0A into register A STAA $01;Store in memory location M[$01] LDAA #$14 STAA $02 LDAA #$1E STAA $03 ADDA $01;Add the contents of M[$01] to A ADDA $02;Add the contents of M[$02] to A STAA $04 Memory AddressContents $01$0A $02$14 $03$1E $04 What value is stored here? 16 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

17 Format for 68HC11 instructions In the last example, each 68HC11 instruction had two parts: the mnemonic for the op code and the operand. Actually, different 68HC11 instructions may require 0, 1, or 2 operands. The general form for any instruction is: op code ; where is used to indicate an optional item. Examples: Labelop codeoperand(s)comments ABA;add A and B and store results in A LDAA#$0A;load hexadecimal $0A to contents of reg. A L1BRAL1;infinite loop (branch to L1) STAA$00 FF;store A at extended (2-byte) address M[$00FF] Example: LDAA #$0A op code mnemonic operand 17 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

18 68HC11 Addressing Modes The operand(s) following an op code can have different meanings, depending upon the type of addressing used. There are six addressing modes for the 68HC11, but we will only focus on two of them. Immediate addressing Direct addressing Inherent addressing Extended addressing Indexed addressing Relative addressing We will only use these two types Immediate addressing Useful for working with constants The symbol # is used before the constant Examples: LDAA #$05;A  $05 ADDA #$05;A  A + $05 Direct addressing Useful for working with variables that are stored in memory. Examples: LDAA $05;A  M[$05] ADDA $05;A  A + M[$05] 18 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

19 68HC11 Instructions The instruction set for the 68HC11 includes about 150 instructions (mnemonics). Additionally, each mnemonic may be translated into different op codes by the assembler depending upon the type of addressing used. Since the focus of this course is to only briefly introduce assembly language programming, we will focus on just a few instruction as listed below. Addition: ABA, ADDA, ADDB, ABX, ABY Subtraction: SBA, SUBA, SUBB Loading registers: LDAA, LDAB, LDX, LDY Clear registers: CLRA, CLRB Storing register values in memory: STAA, STAB, STX, STY Branching: BRA,BEQ,BNE,BGE,BGT,BLE,BLT,BMI,BPL,BCC,BCS Incrementing values in registers: INCA, INCB, INX, INY Decrementing values in registers: DECA, DECB Logical operations: ANDA, ANDB, ORAA, ORAB 1’s complement: COMA, COMB 2’s complement (negate): NEGA, NEGB Compare to memory: CMPA, CMPB Only these instructions are needed for assignments, labs, and tests: 19 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

20 Instruction: ABA Description: Add the contents of accumulators A and B and store the result in A Notation:A  A + B Example:ABA Instruction: ADDA #dd or ADDA aa Description: Add the constant dd or the contents of memory address aa to the current contents of accumulator A. Notation:A  A + dd or A  A + M[aa] Examples:ADDA #$05; A  A + $05 ADDA $05; A  A + M[$05] Similar examples using accumulator B: ADDB #$06; B  B + $06 ADDB $06; B  B + M[$06] Instruction: SBA Description: Subtract the contents of accumulator B from the contents of accumulator A and store the result in A. Notation:A  A - B Example:SBA 20 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

21 Instruction: SUBA #dd or SUBA aa Description: Subtract the constant dd or the contents of memory address aa from the current contents of accumulator A. Notation:A  A - dd or A  A - M[aa] Examples:SUBA #$05; A  A - $05 SUBA $05; A  A - M[$05] Similar examples using accumulator B: SUBB #$06; B  B - $06 SUBB $06; B  B - M[$06] Instruction: LDAA #dd or LDAA aa Description: Load the constant dd or the contents of memory address aa into accumulator A. Notation:A  dd or A  M[aa] Examples:LDAA #$05; A  $05 LDAA $05; A  M[$05] Similar examples using accumulator B: LDAB #$06; B  $06 LDAB $06; B  M[$06] 21 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

22 Instruction: STAA aa Description: Store the current contents of accumulator A at memory address aa. Notation:M[aa]  A Examples:STAA $05; M[$05]  A Similar example using accumulator B: STAB $06; M[$06]  B Instruction: INCA Description: Increment the contents of accumulator A Notation:A  A + 1 Example:INCA Instruction: INCB Description: Increment the contents of accumulator B Notation:B  B + 1 Example:INCB Instruction: DECA Description: Decrement the contents of accumulator A Notation:A  A - 1 Example:DECA 22 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

23 Example: Write a program to swap the values stored in memory locations M[$10] and M[$11]. 23 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

24 Example: Write a program to rotate the values stored in memory locations M[$10], M[$11], and M[$12]. In other words: M[$10]  M[$11] M[$11]  M[$12] M[$12]  M[$10] 24 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

25 Branching (conditional structures) Branching is much cruder in assembly language programming than with high-level languages such as C++. Branching is generally accomplished based on the results of the Condition Code Register (CCR), which is called the status register in some microcontrollers. Bits of the CCR may be set or cleared based on the results of the last instruction executed. Notes on the Condition Code Register (CCR): Some instructions may explicitly set or clear condition code bits. We will only focus on three bits in the CCR: Z = 1 if the result was zero, Z = 0 otherwise N = 1 if the result was negative, N = 0 otherwise C = 1 if the result generated a carry or borrow, C = 0 otherwise S Condition Code Register XHINZVC C – Carry from MSB V – 2’s complement overflow error Z – Zero N – Negative I – I-Interrupt H – Half-Carry from Bit 3 X – X-Interrupt S – Stop Disable 25 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

26 Example: Determine the values of Z, N, and C as well as the contents of register A for each case below after executing the last instruction. OperationAZNC LDAA #$43 SUBA #$33 LDAA #$33 SUBA #$43 LDAA #$33 SUBA #$33 LDAA #$33 COMA ;1’s complement of A LDAA #$FF INCA 26 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

27 Instruction: BRA Description: “Branch Always” - Branch always to the label indicated Example 1:L1BRAL1;infinite loop Example 2:L2 BRAL2;keep executing main loop Instruction: BNE Description: “Branch if not equal to zero” - Branch to the label indicated if Z=0 in the CCR Example:LDAA #$00; initialize x to 0 LDAB #$05; initialize y to 5 L3ABA; add x and y, store in x SUBB #$01 ; decrement y BNE L3; loop if not done L4BRA L4; all done (infinite loop) So what are the final values in A and B in the program above? Trace (single step) through the program to see. Use the table on the following page. 27 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

28 Trace through the program below using the table provided: initialize x to 0 LDAA #$00; initialize to 0 LDAB #$05; initialize y to 5 L3ABA; add x and y, store in x SUBB #$01; decrement y BNE L3; loop if not done L4BRA L4; all done (infinite loop) Note: What other commands could have been used in place of the commands below? 1) LDAA #$00 2) SUBB #$01 InstructionABZ 28 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

29 Instruction: BEQ Description: “Branch if equals 0” - Branch to the label indicated if Z=1 in the CCR Example:LDAA #$00; initialize x to 0 LDAB #$05; initialize y to 5 L1ABA; add x and y, store in x SUBA #$01; decrement y BEQ L2; loop to L2 if done BRA L1; branch always to L1 L2BRA L2; all done (infinite loop) 29 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Sometimes branching can be performed by comparing by using different comparisons (such as BEQ vs BNE or such as BLT or BGE). Sometimes one method is slightly more efficient. The example below accomplishes the same task as the previous example, but branches using BEQ instead of BNE. Which is more efficient?

30 30 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Instruction: CMPA aa Description: Compare the contents of accumulator A with the contents of M[aa]. Note that the contents of A are not changed. Key result: the CCR is updated. Notation:(Update CCR)  A - M[aa] Example:CMPA $05; (Update CCR)  A - $05 BNE L1; Branch to L1 if the contents of A and M[aa] are not equal Comparing a register value to memory. Sometimes it is useful to compare a register value to memory. This could be done with a subtraction operation, but then the contents of the register are changed. A compare operation, such as CMPA or CMPB, essentially performs subtraction to set the condition code register (CCR), but doesn’t change the contents of register A or B. Other branching commands: BCC ; branch to label if carry cleared, C = 0 BCS ; branch to label if carry set, C = 1 BMI ; branch to label if negative (minus), N = 1 BPL ; branch if positive (plus), N = 0 BGT ; branch if greater than zero BGE ; branch if greater than or equal to zero BLT ; branch if less than zero BLE ; branch if less than or equal to zero

31 Example: Form a simple loop in assembly language to perform some operation 10 times. This might be equivalent to the following in C++: for (int j = 9; j >=0; j--) { // perform operation } 31 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

32 Example: Write an assembly language program to form the sum: This could be done easily in C++ as follows: int Sum = 0; for (int j = A; j <=B; j++) Sum += j; Assume that: A positive value for A is stored in memory location M[$10] A positive value for B is stored in memory location M[$11] A < B (i.e., M[$10] < M[$11]) The result is to be stored in memory location in M[$12]. 32 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

33 Example: Write an assembly language program to determine the larger of two numbers. This could be done easily in C++ as follows: if (A > B) X = A; else X = B; Assume that: A is stored in memory location M[$24] B is stored in memory location M[$25] The larger of the two values should be stored in M[$26]. 33 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

34 Example: Write an assembly language program to determine the smallest value in memory locations M[$00], M[$01], M[$02], and M[$03] and store it in M[$04] 34 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

35 Example: Write an assembly language program similar to the C++ program below: Sum = 0; for (i = 1; i >=20; i+=2) Sum = Sum + i; 35 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

36 Data values in 68HC11 registers. Recall that registers A and B are 8-bit registers and that registers D, X, and Y are 16-bit registers. Since the registers contain signed binary numbers note that: If the MSB = 0, the value is positive If the MSB = 1, the value is negative and in 2’s complement form 7A 0 7B 0 15PC0 15SP0 15Y0 X0 D0 8-Bit accumulators A and B 16-Bit double accumulator D Index register X Index register Y Stack pointer Program Counter SXHINZVCCondition Code Register 36 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

37 Example: Determine the value stored in each register below in decimal form: 00011001 Register A (decimal value) 11011100 Register B (decimal value) 00010000 Register X 00000110 (decimal value) 11111110 Register X 11110011 Example: Determine the largest and smallest (most negative) values that can be stored in registers A and X. Show the values in binary, decimal, and hexadecimal. RegisterLargest ValueSmallest value A X 37 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

38 Memory Addresses in 68HC11 registers. Note that memory addresses are NOT signed binary numbers so no sign bit is used. Example: So if an 8-bit memory address is specified (2 hexadecimal digits) as in the examples below, what is the largest and smallest memory address? STAA $00  memory address = ___________ (decimal form) STAA $FF  memory address = ___________ (decimal form) total amount of memory addresses with 8 bits: ____________ Example: So if an 16-bit memory address is specified (4 hexadecimal digits) as in the examples below, what is the largest and smallest memory address? STAA $0000  memory address = ___________ (decimal form) STAA $FFFF  memory address = ___________ (decimal form) total amount of memory addresses with 16 bits: __________ 38 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

39 68HC11 Assembler Directives So far we have concentrated on writing assembly language using commands in the 68HC11 instruction set. Additional commands, called assembler directives (or pseudo-ops), are available for: Specifying the memory location for the program Reserving memory for variables and assigning labels to the memory locations Specifying constants directly into memory Assembler Directives: EQU ORG FCB FCC FDB BSZ RMB END 39 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Assembler directives aren’t too important in this course, but some of them will be needed for programs used in lab (ORG, FDB, and END)

40 ORG Directs the assembler to set an address. Any code or data following an ORG will begin at the specified address. Example: ORG $8000;Store the following program at this location in ROM LDAA #$FF;First line of program EQU Directs the assembler to substitute the expression value where the label appears Example: Amount EQU $40;Equate the label Amount to memory address M[$40] … STAA Amount;Store value in memory location labeled Amount ( ) FCB (,,…, ) Form Constant Byte - 8 bit constants Directs the assembler to store each value listed as an 8-bit constant in successive memory locations Example: ORG $0050 Fibonacci FCB 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13;;Store constants beginning at M[$0050] 40 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

41 ( ) FDB (,,…, ) Form Double Byte - 16 bit constants Directs the assembler to store each value listed as an 16-bit constant in successive memory locations Example: ORG $0040 Mask FDB %1000100110101011 ;Store binary value at M[$0040] Data FDB 4000, 6000, 8000 ;Store 16-bit constants beginning at M[$0042] ( ) FCC 'String' Form Character Constant - Character String Directs the assembler to store the ASCII values in successive memory locations. Example: ORG $0050 Message FCC 'Hello World!‘ ;Store ASCII Code for H at M[$0050] and ;remaining ASCII codes in successive bytes 41 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

42 ( ) RMB Reserve Memory Bytes - number of bytes in expression. Directs the assembler to reserve the specified number of bytes and associate them with the label. Nothing is stored there yet. Example: ORG $0060 Buffer RMB 16 ;Reserve 16 bytes beginning at M[$0060] ( ) BSZ Block Storage of Zeros Directs the assembler to store 0’s in the specified number of bytes and associate them with the label. Example: ORG $0070 Available BSZ 64;Store 0 in 64 bytes beginning at M[$0070] ;Associate the label Available with M[$0070] END End of assembler input Directs the assembler to stop reading the file. All lines following END are comments. If END is omitted, the assembler reads until the end of file. 42 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

43 Memory When working with microcontrollers and their limited memory, it is important to be aware what memory addresses are available for: 68HC11 registers Storing data Storing programs A memory map is often used to illustrate different sections of memory. Different microcontrollers have different amounts of memory. Note that some memory addresses are used to access RAM and others are used to access ROM. RAM (Random Access Memory) Used for temporary storage of program data and register contents This information is lost when power is turned off to the MicroStamp11 Most MicroStamp11’s have only 256 bytes of RAM, although some versions offer additional RAM. ROM (Read-Only Memory) or EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM) Used to store programs (i.e., S19 files that are downloaded). This information is NOT lost when power is turned off to the MicroStamp11 The MicroStamp11 is available with 8kB, 32kB, or 64kB of EEPROM. The MicroStamp11’s to be used in lab have 32kB of EEPROM. 43 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

44 Memory Map for the MicroStamp11 (32k Turbo) 32kB EEPROM ($8000 to $FFFF) 32kB External RAM ($0100 to $7FFF) (64k MAX version only) (unused in other versions) 192 bytes Internal RAM ($0040 to $00FF) 64 bytes Internal Register Block ($0000 to $003F) $FFFF $8000 $7FFF $0100 $00FF $0040 $003F $0000 Used to store programs (S19 files) In lab be will always begin our programs with ORG $8000 The MicroStamp11’s used in lab have 32k of EEPROM Extra RAM for data storage (Not available with our MicroStamp11) Used to store data (Ex: STAA $0040 ;Save count Used for register contents (Ex: LDAA #$04 STAA $09 ; Set PD2 as an output) 44 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

45 Compiler Directives – use in lab Example program from the lecture for Lab 8 Don’t worry about the details now, but note that the program uses two compiler directives: ORG and FDB. 45 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

46 Assemblers An assembler converts assembly language instructions into machine code. Most assemblers are “2-pass” assemblers, where the assembler essentially converts mnemonics into op codes on the first pass and then determines offsets for branches, memory locations, etc., on the second pass. The assembler often produces two key files: the executable machine code (.S19 file) and a listing file (.LST) which shows the program listing with op codes and computed offsets. Assembler Assembly language program (Ex1.asm) List File (Ex1.lst) Machine Code (Ex1.s19) 46 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

47 Simulators Simulators are used to test assembly language programs. Simulators can be used to step through programs, check memory and register contents, etc. It is always a good idea to simulate a program if possible before downloading it into a microcontroller. Assemblers and Simulators used in this course In this course we will use two freeware programs to assemble and simulate programs:  MGTEK MiniIDE – Windows 68HC11 assembler  Wookie – Windows 68HC11 simulator Refer to the following handout available on the instructor’s webpage: “Example: Mini IDE Assembler and Wookie Simulator” 47 Microprocessors EGR 270 – Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

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