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ICLEI Clean Air and Climate Protection Software. History of CACPS Over 450 cities internationally Partners –US EPA, NACAA (formerly STAPPA/ALAPCO), ICLEI,

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Presentation on theme: "ICLEI Clean Air and Climate Protection Software. History of CACPS Over 450 cities internationally Partners –US EPA, NACAA (formerly STAPPA/ALAPCO), ICLEI,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICLEI Clean Air and Climate Protection Software

2 History of CACPS Over 450 cities internationally Partners –US EPA, NACAA (formerly STAPPA/ALAPCO), ICLEI, and Torrie-Smith Associates Goals –Bring a climate planning tool to states and local governments –Expand the climate tool to include criteria air pollution emissions estimates action planning

3 Towards harmonized air emissions and climate action planning The next generation of this software will be online.

4 Overview of CACPS Capability: Create GHG and criteria air pollutant emissions for base year Forecast and backcast emissions growth Evaluate Measures to reduce emissions Prepare emissions reduction action plans

5 CACPS Emissions Factors: Powered by Emission Factors (EF Sources: US EPA and DOE Databases, IPCC) Emissions for: –Energy –Waste –Transportation –Others

6 Emissions Capabilities Thousands of emission coefficients for all of the major GHGs and air pollutants Average national emissions factors Criteria selected for identification of proper set of EFs Default CO2 EFs provided Estimates of NOx, SOx, PM10, CO,and VOCs Customized Emissions Factors Emissions factors updated

7 Inventory Starting Points Clearly outline data needed Identify necessary data owners Decide on base year by evaluating accuracy of available data

8 Baseline Selection Choose base year by considering availability of accurate data A balance between –Demonstrating previous progress –Tracking progress –Availability of accurate data 2000 popular year for baselines 1990 baselines can be backcasted using growth rates if data is not available

9 Inventory Design No limit to the number of records created Community data high level Government data more detailed Aggregation level Categories

10 Measures Capabilities Produces reports detailing –Measures –Emission reductions –Cost savings About ½ of cities that use ICLEI software to create a baseline are using the software to track progress by entering measures (reduction measures) and updating these measures periodically

11 Organization of Software –Community: The emission and reduction from the jurisdiction as a whole. –Government: The emissions and reductions associated with the governments own operations. –Analysis: Creates an inventory of all emission sources. –Measures: Allows you to quantify all existing or proposed emission reduction activities.

12 Organization of Sectors Government –Buildings –Vehicle Fleet –Employee Commute –Water / Sewage –Waste –Streetlights –Other Community –Residential –Commercial –Industrial –Transportation –Waste –Other

13 Individual Record Organization Each sector data is entered through individual records Metrics can vary Sectoral approach to emissions quantification can reveal the structure of emissions with sufficient detail to inform action

14 Stationary Source EFs (Direct Emissions) National Average Set –Most common fuels, available by sector –Based on EPA National Emission Inventory –Total Emissions / Total consumption –Commonly used by local governments to estimate emissions baselines for GHGs. AP-42 based detailed Emission Factors –1200 combinations of fuels and technologies

15 Mobile Source EFs (Direct Emissions) National Average Set –10 basic vehicle classes, common fuels and alternative fuels (like BD, Ethanol, CNG, etc.) –Year dependent –National emission inventory and DOT data – Appropriate for basic inventory estimate Fuel Standards Set –Emission factors for by vehicle type and emission standard –Appropriate for quantifying measures

16 Electricity Source EFs (Indirect Emissions) Grid Average and Marginal sets Marginal set not commonly used NERC region-based Developed from DOE/NEMS model output End use based (Emissions / Sales) Updated to 2004, forecasted to 2020

17 Waste Sector EFs (Direct Emissions) Emissions from landfills and dumps, methane only. Two options –Waste in Place (based on the LandGEM) –Methane Commitment (based on WARM model) Includes incinerator emissions factors


19 Emissions Analysis by Sector GHGs and air pollutants by record

20 Measures Quantification by Sector

21 Shift by 10% electricity demand In New York to Wind Energy Enter in amount of demand to be switched to wind electricty Output is projected reductiions of emissions Of CO 2, CH4, NOx, SOx, VOC, CO, and PM-10 Example: Quantification of Proposed Measures

22 Example of Measures Summary Report tonslbs

23 Tips to Remember: Do not become obsessed with obtaining the 99% accuracy with data or emissions factors Reduction measures can be implemented before a Climate Action Plan is complete Goal of CACP is to facilitate action Maximized utilization of software is a blend of policy decisions and quantitative analysis

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