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Value Morality, Rationality and Value Ray Critch - Lecture 2 - The Types of Values In this lecture: What kind of values are important? What is the relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "Value Morality, Rationality and Value Ray Critch - Lecture 2 - The Types of Values In this lecture: What kind of values are important? What is the relationship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Value Morality, Rationality and Value Ray Critch - Lecture 2 - The Types of Values In this lecture: What kind of values are important? What is the relationship between types of value?

2 Types of Value Intrinsic Value What counts for intrinsic value? All accounts draw a contrast with what doesn’t count as intrinsic value Teleological Account - Valuable as an end things valued for their own sake rather things valued for the sake of something else - Korsgaard’s Formulation things valued as an end in their own sake rather than valued for the sake of some other end - A slightly clearer version of Korsgaard’s formulation Contrasts Intrinsic Value with Instrumental Value For Korsgaard, this is not intrinsic, but final value

3 Types of Value Intrinsic Value What counts for intrinsic value? Ontological account - valuable ‘in itself?’ Things which have their value in themselves rather than things which get their value from some other source. No relational properties - properties that arise from a relationship between the thing in question and other things - contribute to the value of the thing in question. Contrasts intrinsic value with extrinsic value G.E. Moore on the ‘method of isolation.’

4 Types of Value Summary Intrinisic Value: valuable in itself Extrinsic Value: valuable because of its place in a network of valuable things Final Value: Valuable as an end Instrumental Value: Valuable as a means to an end from which it derives its value

5 The Importance of Value The value of a work of art - Duchamp’s ‘Fountain.’ Intrinsic Value? Moore’s Approach Difficulties with this approach and modern art Extrinsic Value: The value of boundary pushing.

6 The Importance of Value The value of a work of art - American Psycho Intrinsic Value? Beauty and literature Extrinsic Value? As a parable? Can a book be morally reprehensible?

7 The Importance of Value In Moral Theories Hedonist Moral Theories - Pleasure or Happiness as Intrinsically Valuable Bentham and Mill’s Utilitarianism(s) ‘the principle of utility … approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question.’ Bentham, Principles of Morals and Legislation, C. 1, Para. 2. ‘From the dawn of philosophy, the question concerning the summum bonnum, or, what is the same thing, concerning the foundation of morality, has been accounted the main problem in speculative thought.’ Mill, Utilitarianism, C. 1, Para 1.

8 The Importance of Value In Moral Theories Deontological Moral Theories - The Value of a Good Will Kant ‘A good will is not good because of what it effects or accomplishes, because of its fitness to attain some proposed end, but only because of its volition, that is it is good in itself and, regarded for itself.’, Ibid., 4:394. And other Kantians ‘The question is then: what is involved in treating your own and every other human being’s capacity for rational choice of ends - that is to say, for conferring value - as an end in itself?’ Korsgaard, ‘Kant’s Formula of Humanity,’ in Creating the Kingdom of ends, pp. 124.

9 The Importance of Value In Political Philosophy Egalitarianism - The Value of Equality Is equality something good in itself, or something which is good because it leads to justice which is good in itself. Rawls’ View - Justice is the ‘first virtue of social institutions.’ Analogy with Truth Cohen’s View - Rawls’ approach to justice fails to recognize that equality is central. Insofar as it allows inequality, it allows injustice.

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