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Renovating the University Looking Back; Looking Ahead May 6, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Renovating the University Looking Back; Looking Ahead May 6, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renovating the University Looking Back; Looking Ahead May 6, 2008

2 Presentation Overview The January 2006 Picture What We’ve Achieved Where We Are Going What Must Be Done The Task Ahead

3 UMKC -- January 2006 Rife with conflict –faculty-administrators –students-administrators –faculty/staff/students of color-others –community-university Beset with significant financial challenges –$14.2 million in bonded debt and deficit balances –$13 million shortfall to finish Nursing/Pharmacy Building –$22 million of operating budget used for financial aid –No relationship between revenue generation and allocation –Inefficient academic structure

4 UMKC -- January 2006, Continued Facing a serious facilities deficit –Only 4 buildings built between 1980 and 2005 ($70 m) –Insufficient student housing, recreational, and activity space –Insufficient and outdated research space –Insufficient and outdated instructional space Encumbered with an inefficient academic structure –Imbalance between undergraduate & professional students –Percentage of residential & full-time students too small –Medical school faculty employment out of line with national practice

5 What Has Been Done Ameliorated most of the existing conflict (2006-07) Created an Office of Diversity, Access, and Equity (S07) and established mandatory training –Over half of full-time faculty and staff have completed compliance training –On-line training set up for part-time faculty and staff Created $10 million in administrative savings that were allocated to academic units (2006-07) –Outsourced a number of activities (bookstore, bus service, printing and copying, property management) –Eliminated or restructured several centers & institutes Completed $200 million capital campaign (June 07)

6 What Has Been Done, Continued Hired a new administrative team –Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (May 06) –Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources (May 07) –Deputy Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Access (Feb. 07) –Director of Affirmative Action (Feb. 07) –Director of Athletics (March 07) –Deputy Chancellor for External Relations (April 07) –Provost (February 08) –KC Rep Artistic Director (May 08) –Interim Vice Chancellors of Administration and of Advancement and Interim Budget Director –Searching for Deans of Conservatory, School of Computing and Engineering, and Bloch School

7 What Has Been Done, Continued Developed a new budget model that aligns revenue generation with budget allocations (1st phase FY09) Obtained approval and/or financing for $173 million in new construction –Chiller replacement (financed through a performance contract) -- S08 –Oak Place Residence Hall (developed through a public-private partnership) -- F08 –Nursing/Pharmacy Building completion -- S09 –Cherry Street housing replacement -- F09 –Durwood Soccer Stadium -- F09 –Miller Nichols Library Phase I expansion – F09 –Student Union -- F11 Developed plans to pay off debts & obligations (in progress)

8 What Has Been Done, Continued Progress on expanding the educational pipeline –IUE is on target, with a national advisory board established & the first class graduating next year –Early college high school will open F08 at SW High –Special program for training math and science teachers (KCTeach) is in the planning stage –New articulation agreements signed with KCKCC –Established Hispanic Advisory Board and Black Community Partners Progress on the entrepreneurship initiative –Kauffman match for IEI has been renegotiated, and all matching funds required for the first five years ($3.2 million) have been raised –About 25% of the money needed at the end of five years ($3 million) has already been raised

9 What Has Been Done, Continued Alumni participation has increased significantly –Events have been held in 15 cities, with 8 more scheduled for 2008 –Participation has grown from 7.65% to 8.19% as we have made 2,417 first time contacts with alumni –265 new donors with new gifts totaling more than $65,000 Intercollegiate athletics has been revitalized as a new AD and new coaches have been hired New marketing campaign that focuses on student recruitment has been implemented Spring on-campus student credit hours up by 10.8%

10 Where Are We Going Vision UMKC will become a model urban research university characterized by signature professional programs, a dynamic undergraduate population, a highly diverse faculty, staff, and student body, and active engagement with its city and region

11 What Must Be Done The university must be restructured The university must focus on revenue generation even as it continues to identify cost reduction opportunities The university must continue to build facilities rapidly to overcome the current facilities deficit The university will formalize its strategic plan through a well designed, inclusive process

12 Restructuring the University We must “flip the university” –increase undergraduate enrollment until the proportion of undergraduate students grows from just over half to 75% increase retention and graduation rates expand transfer agreements with community colleges expand the educational pipeline through dual credit offerings and early college high schools –increase the proportion of full-time students from 57% to 75% and residential students from 7% to 11% Hire medical faculty through the School of Medicine

13 Focusing on Revenue Generation Tuition –50% of our operating budget comes from tuition –A 25% increase in student credit hour production would produce $20 million in unrestricted funds Sponsored Program Funding –UMKC generates about $40 million a year –We can double this with restructured medical faculty, new hiring, and a new research facility Private Fundraising –Endowed scholarships reduce pressures on operating budgets and help attract the best students –Endowed professorships attract the best faculty –Some private capital will be needed to help fill the funding gap for facilities

14 Building New Facilities Many of the facilities needed to enhance student life are under construction or have been approved. We still need –Student life facilities on Hospital Hill (housing and wellness/recreation center) –An arena for athletics that includes some classrooms New facilities are also needed to advance the academic mission of the institution –Conservatory Building –New School of Medicine/research building –New School of Dentistry/research building –Miller Nichols Library Phase II expansion (classrooms)

15 Strategic Planning We will coordinate our strategic planning with UM System strategic planning We will develop an inclusive process that involves a wide range of constituents We will examine models of great public urban universities around the country –University of Pittsburgh –Arizona State University –University of Alabama-Birmingham

16 The Task Ahead Includes Developing creative financing mechanisms for facilities (e.g., tax credits, public-private partnerships) Raising private dollars to close the funding gap for facilities –$20 million for the Conservatory Building –$10 million for Phase II of Miller Nichols Library Expansion –$30 million for Medical School Education and Research Building –$25 million for an Arena Completing the IEI match -- $10 million needed

17 The Task Ahead Also Includes Raising private dollars to endow scholarships –$30 million endowment for the Conservatory –$10 million for the Theater Department –$5 million for IUE –$30 million for the Health Sciences –$35 million for the general scholarship fund Raising private dollars to endow professorships -- $50 million

18 With Sincere Thanks for Joining This Exciting and Important Effort

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