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Level 2 Award in Employability Skills

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Presentation on theme: "Level 2 Award in Employability Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 2 Award in Employability Skills

2 Health & Safety Monitor and maintain a safe working environment
Apply security procedures

3 Why Health & Safety? Consider the importance of H&S
Think of examples where it might apply? Who should be covered? Do you know of any legislation that covers H&S?

4 Health & Safety at Work 1974 According to the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Employers must provide a safe working environment Employees must be responsible and cooperative

5 Health & Safety at Work 1974 EMPLOYER’S DUTIES: EMPLOYEE’S DUTIES
Provide safe plant and equipment Provide of a safe place to work Arrangements for safe use of articles and substances Provision of safe systems of work Provide information, instruction, training and supervision. Provision of welfare facilities Non employees are not exposed to risk EMPLOYEE’S DUTIES Take reasonable care of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts and omissions Co-operate with their employer in pursuance of his statutory duties

6 Safe working practices
How would you deal with: Fire Accident Hazards Emergencies

7 RISK ASSESSMENT What is the definition of a HAZARD?
A Hazard is something with the potential to cause harm. What is the definition of a RISK? Risk is the likelihood of that potential to do harm being done.

8 Consider Which of the following is a risk and which is a hazard?
Toxic chemicals Exposed wires Bright lights Tripping over Poisoning Headaches

9 Hazards and Risks What is the consequence of not reporting a hazard?
How are risks recorded? How could you minimise the risk when exposed to a hazard?

10 Signs

11 PPE, COSHH, RIDDOR PPE – Personal Protective Equipment – eg hard hats, safety goggles – COSHH - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations Report all accidents or near misses to the Health and Safety Officer or your manager 11

12 Safe working practices
Think about equipment or machinery that you use at work. What checks do you make to ensure it is safe? What instructions do you follow to ensure it is being used properly? What would you do if it was not working properly?

13 Security Of the customer Of staff Of possessions Of information

14 Security Think of instances in your workplace where security is important, what do you do to ensure people, possessions and information are secure?

15 Breach of security What would you do if you discovered that you found problems with security at work?

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