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Network-I/O Convergence in Too Fast Networks: Threats and Countermeasures David R. Cheriton Stanford University.

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Presentation on theme: "Network-I/O Convergence in Too Fast Networks: Threats and Countermeasures David R. Cheriton Stanford University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network-I/O Convergence in Too Fast Networks: Threats and Countermeasures David R. Cheriton Stanford University

2 Network-I/O Convergence: An Old Story Network – I/O Convergence – an old story File transfer vs. tape in 1950/60s File I/O from way back 1975: Thoth – message-based but RDMA-like move operation necessary for read/writes 1985: V – distributed message passing – again an RDMA-like move for file I/O File servers – only external I/O is network Blade servers – only I/O is network, except on boot Network-I/O Convergence is not new

3 Recent Problem: Attacks and Attack Resistance Reordering – what does that do to delivery Reordering must not kill performance Inserted/forged packets – encrypted Must not corrupt memory or use extra bandwidth Replay – partial packets Being attacked by your peripherals iSCSI – one of your SAN disks could be compromised Ideal: Performance of host not degraded by attacks

4 New Problem: Too Fast Networks E.g. 10 Gbps Ethernet Network speeds exceed memory and processor Network processing cost increases: MAC and decryption Too fast to handle goodput in software i.e. receive, demux, decrypt, deliver into memory Too fast for protecting host in software Too many hardware resources used to reject a packet Need for encryption just makes it worse Not Just Zero-Copy Too fast means very expensive not to be protect and not feasible to do in software

5 Objective: Zero-copy, zero- corruption, zero-compromise Receiver authorization: fixed limit on cost on receiver host processor/memory resources E.g. 10 percent mem/processor cycles per net I/F System performance depends on this No combination of packet traffic (attack) can exceed Resource allocation/protection problem How to do, how to do efficiently, how to do safely

6 What about Moores Law? Too fast is intrinsic Fiber operating at the limit of the memory system Switch write/read Processor operating at the limit of the memory system system write/read on reception Memory goes faster – network will go faster Too fast networks – at the limit of memory speeds

7 Collision between I/O and Processor for Hardware Resources Contention for pins to memory between I/O vs. processor Memory is random-access, caching – latency-sensitive, temporal/spatial locality, single subsystem I/O streams: streaming, multiple subsystems Contention for on-chip state Mapping state for network vs VM, cache, etc. Like VM page tables Contention on for-chip logic: Software-centric protocol design overhead Worse with multiprocessors Multiple integrated NICs in processor chip so more demands If not in the processor, way across the I/O network E.g. Infiniband link

8 Threat: Infiniband Specialized networks for I/O Just like Fiber channel 1995 (actually 1999): RDMA over TCP, versus NextGenIO, FutureIO and now Infiniband 2005 (actually 2003): RDMA-based transport Unified I/O designed protocol architecture Safer because limited range – data center network Potential for deconvergence, at least relative to general-purpose networking, Ethernet, IP Note: need for remote disaster recovery GE Ethernet adaptors on the edge of the data center net Fix IP for storage or else lose to IB

9 The Multi-Layer Solution? Ethernet/IP/ESP/TCP/MPA/DDP/RDMA Many layers, redundancy, complexity, semantics E.g. TCP sequencing semantics Plus, still need control plane communication so need HW demux, delivery, decryption there too Can an attacker compromise by? forcing high CPU, extra memory bandwidth. flooding garbage traffic, including control plane Trip-up the fast path with exceptions Very complex solution, or meta solution

10 Meta-protocols Standardize yet dont provide interoperability E.g. RDMA over … Several different choices next level down, e.g. SCTP but TCP allowed. Standards are too flexible to design hardware to. Good standards require hard choices to get interoperability and market size, not metaprotocols

11 High-performance RPC Problem High-performance RPC including framing support (marshal/demarshal) for large parameters E.g. file/block read and write Networks as fast as memory so copy is painful Semantic gap between transport and OO RPC Transport is byte stream but RPC is frames Makes it hard to avoid copies Safe, secure, transport with prevention of DoS, e.g. syn attacks RPC – control plane for RDMA Not just RDMA, RPC needs to be handled too

12 Proposed Solution: Refactoring the Transport Layer Protocol Theory: refactoring the protocol design problem between hardware level and non- hardware Hardware Hardware must protect resources – mem BW, memory, processor HW data path, e.g. receive, decrypt, MAC, deliver to memory in right place and right way, else drop Software handles control, with control building on hardware path so immune to attacks

13 Solution: RDMA-based Protocol Region-level: handles packet-based data delivery Receive, decrypt, MAC and copy to memory region Control-level: RPC using RDMA regions Shamelessly harvest TCP techniques fast retransmit Slow-start, etc. Connection Management: RPC using special RDMA region Integrate key exchange, session setup

14 Region What: Collection of packet frames to/from which a sequence of packets of particular flow are mapped Flow label plus an offset/seqNo field maps to frame in region else drop Static MTU per frame from MTU discovery Transmission: Gather, encryption and authentication Region – like in virtual memory, but frames, not pages Similar mapping to page tables

15 Region structure E.g. UDP header plus 32-bit offset Similar to page mapping except MTU-size packet frames Packet reception state in region desc and frame descriptors region frame k k+w Flowlabel sequenceNo frame k+1... File system disk buffer

16 Region, contd Delivery conditions: Only deliver if decrypts and MACs Only deliver if maps to region and buffer Only deliver into exact location Best-efforts delivery with retrans at higher-level Pros: Simple state and logic for xmit, recv, acking Competitive with Infiniband Protection: no memory cost if packet not accepted Multiple Protocols feasible: UDP, ESP Fine for data, what about control?

17 ROP Control Level Build on hardware region mechanism for delivery and transmission Exploit OORPC technology Call, return and update regions as well as application-level RDMA regions Referred to as a channel Acks as RPC calls into update region Software or hardware processing of acks Same HW decryption, authentication, delivery mechanisms apply

18 File Write Client has return region and update region Server has call and update region plus region per RDMA buffer Client knows identifier for buffer from file open File write: Client RDMAs data to remote buffer using region transmission mech. Client sends RPC write call to server call region, identifying buffer Server is notified of reception of write call Server checks data is completely received If not, requests retransmission of missing Perform write processing and map buffer to new memory Send RPC return frame to clients return region Client processes return frame and returns Regions are used as (hardware) windows to flow control

19 Connection Setup Channel Manager: mechanism to create/setup new channels Provides a default call region for channel setup Channel setup as RPCs Present credentials and get a cookie Present a cookie and get a new channel Builds on experience with SYN attacks Exposure: flooding of these channel setup RPCs

20 Conclusions Network-I/O convergence – old story The threat: too fast networks – too fast for software protocol design as usual Memory is most limited, I/O is memory-intensive Attacks on host resources Threat: specialized I/O networks vs. complex general- purpose Refactoring protocol design between hardware and software Protecting resources, efficient delivery Direct data placement only part of the story New transport protocol better than going to a competing network protocol architecture, e.g. Infiniband RPC-simplified protocol – demux/delivery for control plane There is a counter-measure – can the IP/Ethernet community respond?

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