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Sexual Health Services for Young People in Sheffield Kerry Parkin – 29 th September 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Health Services for Young People in Sheffield Kerry Parkin – 29 th September 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Health Services for Young People in Sheffield Kerry Parkin – 29 th September 2010

2 Agenda Sheffield Contraception and Sexual Health Service (SCaSH) SCaSH Satellite Clinics SCaSH Open Doors Service –Enhanced Services –Nurse staffed services –Youth Work Lead Services Sheffield C-card What can young people expect from us? Questions

3 Sheffield Contraception and Sexual Health Service (SCaSH) Drop-in service for anyone (including under 16’s) –Mon – Fri 8.30-11.30 and 12.30-3pm Youth Clinic for Under 20’s –Mon – Thurs 3.30-6pm and Sat 11-1pm.

4 Central Health Clinic, Mulberry Street, City Centre


6 Satellite Services Manor Clinic, Ridgeway Road – Tuesday. Appointments, all age groups 9- 11.30am and 5-6.30 pm. Firth Park Clinic, North Quadrant –Monday. Drop-in. All age groups 4-6pm. –Wednesday. Appointments. All age groups. 9- 11.30am. –Thursday. Drop-in. Under 20’s. 3.30-6pm.

7 SCaSH Main and Satellite Clinics Provide: Full range of FREE contraception 2 types of Emergency Contraception Unplanned Pregnancy Advice and referrals to the Integrated TOP Service STI testing for patients with no symptoms Dedicated Men Only Clinic (Wednesday 4- 6pm) Treatment for Chlamydia Free Condoms and C-cards

8 SCaSH Open Doors

9 Provides training, guidelines and consultation to workers in Sheffield who wish to set up their own tier one sexual health service. Youth Workers provide: Information, advice, harm reduction on sexual health, relationships, alcohol and cannabis. Free condoms and c-cards, pregnancy testing and screening for Chlamydia. They can also “Fast Track” into main services.

10 School Based Open Doors Services Usually run with the School Nurse and school staff Lunchtime or after school drop-in Offers Levonelle (Emergency Contraception) if has a nurse. Also offers Information, advice, harm reduction on sexual health, relationships, alcohol and cannabis. Free condoms and c- cards, pregnancy testing and screening for Chlamydia. They can also “Fast Track” into main services.

11 Enhanced Services City College Monday and Friday 12-2pm Norton College Tuesday 11.30-1.30pm Staffed by FP nurses – work alongside college staff. Offers Implants, Injections, Pills, Emergency Hormonal Contraception, Pregnancy Testing, Full STI Screens, Referral for TOP, Free Condoms and C-cards.

12 Sheffield C-Card Free Condom Scheme for Under 20s Young Person assessed by a trained worker Allocated a C-card which can then be used 5 times in any participating venue. Full list at People over 18 can ask for free condoms from SCaSH 2 nd Floor Reception (No need to see a nurse)


14 What can young people expect? – Our Values To be given a confidential service. To be treated with dignity and respect. To have all their questions answered. To be seen alone or with a friend or partner. To be given the time they need. To have any medication or tests explained fully. To consent to – or against treatment. To be welcomed, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality or experience.

15 What questions will we ask? Young people can decline to answer any question, but in order to give them the best care we may ask; About who they live with and what support they have. About whether they have had sex, and what risks they may have taken. About their partner, if they have one, or about the people they have sex with. About what contraception they use and whether they are happy with it. About whether they use condoms and if they have ever been tested for STIs.

16 How do we try to help young people prevent unwanted pregnancy? Long Acting Reversible Contraception These are Implants, Injections and Coils. “Double Dutch” LARC plus Condoms is the best protection. The pill has 10 times the failure rate of a IUD, 40 times the failure rate of a Mirena, 50 times that of the Injection and 160 times that of an Implant.

17 What stops young women using LARC? Fear of needles Misinformation – “Old Wives Tales” Concern about weight gain Concern about irregular bleeding Concern about acne Not having a regular partner

18 Key Messages Without contraception 85 women who are having sex out of every 100 will get pregnant within a year. Services are confidential, free and usually you don’t need an appointment. LARC methods, especially Implants, are much more reliable than pills. Side effects effect about 15% of women but all of these can be managed – go back to clinic if you are not happy! We WILL sort it out! “Double Dutch” is the best method as it prevents against pregnancy and STIs.

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