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Inclusive Education of Children with Emotional and Behavioral Problems Riitta Viitala University of Jyväskylä, Finland Department of Special Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusive Education of Children with Emotional and Behavioral Problems Riitta Viitala University of Jyväskylä, Finland Department of Special Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusive Education of Children with Emotional and Behavioral Problems Riitta Viitala University of Jyväskylä, Finland Department of Special Education

2 Research questions  1. What kind of children are named emotionally and behaviourally disordered?  2. How this kind of children are socially integrated in their programs? (The topic of this prensentation.)  3. What kind of pedagogic methods do the teachers use?

3 Method  Research is qualitative (ethnografhic)  Data is: collected from three different kind of kindergarten classes  1) general program  2) integrated special education program  3) special education program

4 Research group: general program  23 children altogether  Three children with emotional and behavioral problems  Two early childhood teachers, one kindergarten practical nurse, one assistant  (In Finland most of the children with special needs go to this kind of ordinary preschool or kindergarten)

5 Research group: integrated special education program  13 children altogether  Six children with special needs Two children with emotional and behavioral problems  One special kindergarten teacher, one early childhood teacher, one kindergarten practical nurse

6 Research group: special education program  Seven children altogether  All of them had emotional and behavioral problems  Two special kindergarten teachers, one kindergarten practical nurse, one assistant

7 The data  Includes: Observing memos*, interviews of the staff, children’s interviews*, documents (IEPs)  * the data of this presentation  Is categorized as social episodes: shared activities discussions concerning everyday events community experiences conflicts playing alone

8 Case studies: Tim  Shared activities very active  Discussions concerning everyday events eager to take part in  Community experiences creates them, participates

9 Case studies: Tim  Conflicts quite a few often the iniator takes some part in incidents in which the aim is to exclude someone  Consequences Tim is mostly included has some friends uncertain mentions of friendship, too

10 Case studies: Mary  Shared activities participates to some extent  Discussions concerning everyday events sometimes take part in  Community experiences every now and then always with the same girl

11 Case studies: Mary  Conflicts extremely seldom, defends herself tries not to exclude other children  Consequences Mary is mostly excluded by  verbal name-calling  underestimation  direct verbal or physical rejection  teasing

12 Case studies: Henry  Shared activities many kind of shared activities  Discussions concerning everyday events doesn’t discuss a lot  Community experiences doesn’t often take part in

13 Case studies: Henry  Conflicts takes part in difficult to say how conflicts start or who’s the iniator tries to exclude a girl with severe learning difficulties  Consequencies Henry is mostly included

14 Case studies: Alex  Shared activities is engaged in  Discussions concerning everyday events takes part in  Community experiences tries to create

15 Case studies: Alex  Conflicts is involved in quite often the initiator aims to exclude the girl with severe learning difficultie  Consequencies Alex is partly excluded by  verbal name-calling  direct verbal rejection

16 Conclusions  A certain kind of behavior doesn’t directly lead to his or her social position  What kinds of factors effect the social integration of children with emotional and behavioral problems? The amount of child’s constructive activities?

17 Conclusions  What kinds of factors effect the social integration of children with emotional and behavioral problems? The typical peer culture in each group? The amount and nature of conflicts? The guidance given by the adults?

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