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 To create resources to develop students’ understanding of the teaching of early reading and literacy in the primary phase;  To create fresh and inspiring.

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2  To create resources to develop students’ understanding of the teaching of early reading and literacy in the primary phase;  To create fresh and inspiring footage of experienced teachers at work;  To use the funding in order to have maximum impact on our large number of students.

3 Phase one ~ 2008-2009  Filming: focus on early reading. Phase two ~ 2009-2010  Filming focus broadens to include creativity in the teaching of literacy throughout the primary age-phase.  Involvement of class teachers from Phase one: sharing their DVDs; input; question and answer sessions.

4 Films Story boxes in reception Guided reading in Year 1 Reading aloud in Year 5/6 Phonics in reception Phonics in Year 1 Phonics in Year 2 Phase one

5  Reception phonics: Amy Dhillon, Woodlands Infant School, Ilford  Year 1 guided reading: Lee Reynolds, Sheen Mount Primary School, Richmond, Surrey  Year 5/6 reading aloud: Chris Oddy, St Richard with St Andrews, Ham, Surrey








13 EYFS:  still photos of a children’s centre with audio  montage of the ‘language-rich curriculum’  Working from a picture book KS1  Year 2 phonics with struggling readers  Year 2 poetry writing  Year 3 drama  Year 3 shared reading KS2  Year 5 talk for writing

14  All PGCE groups during their unit on the teaching of reading  All BA Primary Year 2 groups during their module on the teaching of reading

15 Gerard Durcan and Jude Lennon from St Helen’s Catholic Infants School



18 I found the DVD useful: 87% I found the class teacher’s visit useful: 90%

19  Felt confident with everything she said, trusted in her experience. She gave long, detailed answers that we could take a lot from. Particularly useful to be able to discuss the DVD; she gave her honest view and allowed us to do the same.  It was really interesting to speak to a teacher who is not from School Experience school; she was here purely to inform us and talk to us. More please!  Very relevant to the course and allowed us to see how to include technical vocabulary in the teaching of phonics.  The talk we had from a teacher about how to teach phonics has inspired me to teach phonics in a way that the children will enjoy but also to help them learn.  It was so helpful to watch an example of outstanding teaching and having the chance to ask questions.  I thought the input was fantastic. It has enabled me to feel more confident in teaching phonics.

20  Overall ratings (scale of 1-5): very good The project has had a great impact on my professional development. My head thinks differently about me. I am now a lead teacher for phonics in my school and respected in the field.

21  Overall ratings: very good I feel much more confident about a range of ways of teaching phonics creatively. We are able to show students a greater range of schools and approaches than they will see from their school experiences. Very positive to communicate the shared purpose of our two communities: schools and RU. Insights gained from the teachers have been built into the way I explain certain elements to students.

22 DVDs also shown on:  mentor training programme  CPD sessions with partnership schools  Training for Roehampton staff

23  More filming  Bring in more teachers  Develop resources to support our students in the planning and assessment process.


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