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ENTSO-E Network Codes Development Plan GCRP/JGCRP Belfast 20 th February 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "ENTSO-E Network Codes Development Plan GCRP/JGCRP Belfast 20 th February 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENTSO-E Network Codes Development Plan GCRP/JGCRP Belfast 20 th February 2013

2 Background ENTSO-E Network Code provisions will have to be translated into EirGrid and SONI Grid Codes The Requirements for Generators (RfG) code is the most advanced RfG expected to go forward for Committee deliberation / approval later this year TSOs will have three years following approval to ensure Grid Codes are consistent with RfG and other Network Codes

3 Impact on EirGrid/SONI Grid Codes The ENTSO-E codes may end up replacing or superseding large portions of the existing Grid Codes (80-90%?) ENTSO-E SDC want change processes to be developed and trialled for RfG and then used for other codes – assume RfG is final EirGrid/SONI to explore best way to proceed RAs keen to see progress in this area

4 Overview of Current & Future Network Codes Requirements for Generators (RfG) Demand Connection Code (DCC) HVDC Connection Code (HVDC) Connection Procedures (CP) Connection Related Codes Operational Security Network (OS) Operational Planning & Scheduling (OPS) Load Frequency Control & Reserves (LFCR) Operational Procedures in an Emergency (EP) Staff Training (ST) System Operation Related Codes Capacity Allocation & Congestion Management (CACM) Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA) Balancing Network Code (BAL) Market Related Codes Introduction to Network Codes December 2012

5 Other Considerations Alignment of Definitions in NCs vs current GCs Single Document vs Multiple Documents? Retrospection – EirGrid Grid Code – changes apply retrospectively – not the case for NCs Shared parts of the EirGrid / SONI Grid Codes? JGCRP member views?


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