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EQ: How is money related to the pursuit of happiness?

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Presentation on theme: "EQ: How is money related to the pursuit of happiness?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ: How is money related to the pursuit of happiness?

2 Can happiness be bought? Why Save? Is there only one way to save? Who controls your money? Unit Questions

3 By S. Layne’ Herr Introduction to Money Matters

4 United States currency review Adding and subtracting money Savings Persuasive speech - happiness Unit Overview

5 Penny Nickel Dime Quarter Half-dollar Dollar Coins

6 Common Bills One dollar bill Five dollar bill Ten dollar bill Twenty dollar bill Fifty dollar bill One Hundred dollar bill

7 Golden rule Always line up decimals Money Calculations

8 $4.65 +$3.72 $8.37 Calculations Continued $7.98 - $5.49 $2.49

9 Why save? Emergencies Wants Special Occasions Savings

10 English Integration Assignment Persuasive speech Argue – Can happiness be bought? Persuasive Speech

11 So can happiness be bought? GO GET IT! Wrapping Up

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