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EGS1003: Section on International Environmental Justice and the Climate Change Challenge Mary Lawhon This work.

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Presentation on theme: "EGS1003: Section on International Environmental Justice and the Climate Change Challenge Mary Lawhon This work."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGS1003: Section on International Environmental Justice and the Climate Change Challenge Mary Lawhon ( This work by Mary Lawhon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

2  Change lightbulb  Use public transportation By Sean Wilson/ SEI

3  Solar geyser  Hybrid car

4  Residential energy use is only about 20% of total, and even less of GHG emissions  Need for full lifecycle accounting- where in the cycle are GHG emitted?  Trade offs between carbon and other environmental problems (toxics, biodiversity)

5  Use purchasing power to demand change  Engage in creating systemic change

6  Carbon trade or carbon debt?  Transfers through carbon trade/clean development mechanism  WangariMaathai,  Marthinus van Schalkwyk (the remainder of the slides are based on Bond, 2010a)

7  These funds have not been able to address concerns of African countries on adaptation,  Inadequate and inappropriately structured;  Access to the funds has been made difficult,  But, position of African governments on their preferred way forward remains vague

8  Who is at the negotiations?  The delegations are full of those who “oppose fuel efficiency standards, tax on big cars, or tough penalties for polluters. But they will still talk glibly about low-carbon economies.” (Bond, 2010a)

9  South Africa vaguely promises 34% emissions cuts below anticipated 2020 levels  Based on the “growth without constraint” model  Which is based on unlimited resources and cheap energy- authors of the report say this scenario was not possible

10  Demand payment of carbon/ecological debt to global South  Amount varies, but in the billions  Need for South to agree on what to demand  Political processes around this

11 “Some earlier, very ambitious demands -- such as the end of apartheid or access to AIDS medicines -- were only won after years of struggle, after initially appearing equally audacious and unrealistic” (Bond, 2010a)

12  Examples with countries of environmental justice  Examples of international courts

13  Protests  Disruption of production

14  Use for meeting basic needs rather than structural change?  Through what channels (African governments?)


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