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By Melissa Torres. The Cellular Device As the years go by, cell phones become more advanced which causes them to transform more into miniature computers.

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Presentation on theme: "By Melissa Torres. The Cellular Device As the years go by, cell phones become more advanced which causes them to transform more into miniature computers."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Melissa Torres

2 The Cellular Device As the years go by, cell phones become more advanced which causes them to transform more into miniature computers. New types of cell phones such as the voyager, the razor, the sidekick and the blackberry, along with many others, come about with touch scream, e-mail, music, picture sending, internet access, instant messeging, and built in palm pilot. Imagine what would happen in 10 years from now. What more could possibly added to this device??


4 What’s Really Good about these Cell Phones? you can reach anyone at anytime you can get emails sent directly to your phone if you have children, it is easier to contact them with a cell phone when in an emergency and no pay phones are around, you have your cell phone cell phones are very handy for business people


6 What We Don’t Like About These Cell Phones: can disturb people while on school when it goes off can disturb people in a movie theatre or library (any quiet place) long term effect on brain hemorrhage and ear diseases from usage monthly bills can be bad, especially when they are expensive cell phones themselves are expensive people who you do not want to talk to can reach you for kids & teens: when they are out hanging out having fun they always are randomly going to have their parents calling them sometimes cell phones act up, freeze, loose data and break easily


8 Who Has These Devices? Cell phones, nowadays, are found in every women’s pocketbook and every man’s pocket. Most people you find own a cell phone in this world. Cell phones are such a major source in communicating that it is useful to everyone. In the future cell phones will continue to be available, most likely more expensive, but still reachable to everyone. It’s at great use for everyone so it would be foolish to discontinue the technology. Also in the future cell phones will definitely be upgraded extremely to the point that they will be magnificent in everyway.

9 Everyone has Cell Phones

10 Fun Facts *There is now one cell phone for every two humans on Earth. That's 3.3 billion active cell phones on a planet of some 6.6 billion humans in about 26 years. *The first cell phone made it into consumer's hands in 1982. Each weighed about 2 pounds and was the size of a Philly cheese steak. *More than 30 African nations have more cell phones than land lines. *More than 1,000 cell phones are activated each minute, of everyday *An iPhone now has more processing power than did the North American Air Defense Command in 1965.


12 My Resources: ex?qid=20060915192438AAZqmpC ex?qid=20060915192438AAZqmpC ne ne neblog/2008/03/fascinating-cel.html neblog/2008/03/fascinating-cel.html

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