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SEG Post-Convention Workshop SEAM Phase 1: Initial results Technical and Operational Overview of the SEAM Phase I Project Michael Fehler.

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Presentation on theme: "SEG Post-Convention Workshop SEAM Phase 1: Initial results Technical and Operational Overview of the SEAM Phase I Project Michael Fehler."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEG Post-Convention Workshop SEAM Phase 1: Initial results Technical and Operational Overview of the SEAM Phase I Project Michael Fehler

2 SEAM Mission Advance the science and technology of applied geophysics through a cooperative industry effort focused on subsurface model construction and generation of synthetic data sets for geophysical problems of importance to the resource extraction industry.

3 What Do We want to Accomplish? State-of-the-art geophysical numerical modeling Develop datasets for testing geophysical imaging and characterization techniques First model is Deepwater Gulf of Mexico – Subsalt – Variable-density acoustic and other geophysical datasets SEAM Phase I (This talk) SEAM RPSEA (Talk at 3:15)

4 SEAM Operation Board of Directors (BOD) – Bill Abriel, Chair – Broad overview focused on future of SEAM and SEAM/SEG relationship Management Committee (MC) – Kevin Bishop, Chair – Each participating company has one vote – Make project-specific decisions Steve Danbom is liaison between BOD and MC

5 SEAM Technical Organization 6 Technical Committees composed of members from participating companies – Define and implement objectives and work plans – Program Manager coordinates work by and among committees Communication through regular meetings and e-community – Technical committee co-chairs meet ~monthly – Management Committee meets quarterly One member from each participating company Decision making body

6 SEAM Technical Committees and Co-Chairs Model Design Committee – Joe Stefani and Richard Day Numerical Design Committee – Scott Morton and John Anderson with help from Bill Symes Acquisition Design Committee – Chuck Meeder and Adam Seitchik NonSeismic – Michael Frenkel and Neville Barker Execution Committee – Peter Wang and Dan Ebrom Data Storage and Distribution Committee – Stew Levin

7 SEAM Vendors Numerical Simulations done by Tierra Geophysical – Careful evaluation prior to selection by Vendor Qualification Process Quality Control done on simulations by Nexus Geosciences Inc. – QC procedure to evaluate quality and reliability of data delivered by Tierra Geophysical – Regularly communicate and report to Project Manager Data Storage & Distribution done by Landmark Graphics – Data are stored in compressed format (10:1 compression) – Delivery of either compressed or uncompressed data – Will store model files, all model description files, simulation data, classic datasets


9 Model Parameters Dimensions – 35 km East-West – 40 km North-South – 15 km deep Gridded model on 10 m grid – 84 GB per parameter Velocity Range – 1490 km/s (water) to 4800 m/s (Cretaceous) Density Range 1.003 gm/cc to 2.904 gm/cc

10 Acquisition Parameters (Phase 1 Seismic) Variable-density acoustic Frequency: 25 Hz Source-receiver separation: max 9.9 km – Receivers in rectangular grid around source Shot locations: 150 m grid over entire model Shot, receiver depths: 15 m Receiver spacing: 30 m Sample interval 8 ms Trace length: 16 s Calculation grid: 30 km (for aperture) 60K+ shots, 450K traces/shot 3.5 GB data volume per shot (> 200 TB total)

11 Source and receiver depths are 15 meters. Npoles=8 f3db=26Npoles=2 f3db=20 Npoles=6 f3db=24Npoles=1 f3db=5 Npoles=4 f3db=22 Source waveletTwo ghosts30 Hz high cut SEAM Source Wavelet Broad band Flat spectrum after surface ghosts Causal

12 Source: C. Stork, Tierra Geophysical


14 Status of Simulations, Phase I Variable-Density Acoustic Number of Shots

15 Velocity at 4 km depth 40 30 20 10 0 North

16 Velocity at 4 km depth 40 30 20 10 0 North

17 Velocity at 4 km depth 40 30 20 10 0 North

18 Dark Blue: in Storage Purple: QC Complete Dark Red: Simulated 40 30 20 10 0 North

19 7599 Shots delivered to participants (about 3 TB compressed) Blue: 2793-shot Classic Dataset Red: 9-line Classic Datasets – 15 and 17 m receiver depths – free and absorbing upper surface 40 30 20 10 0 North

20 Next 6 Talks about SEAM Development and Results Model Design and Construction Numerical Simulation Issues Acquisition Design and Classic Datasets Data Storage & Distribution including compression CSEM modeling Gravity modeling

21 Discussion of Phase II Project Begins at 4:00 Two major options presented – 4D – Land Your input and preference are solicited

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