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Renewable Energy Organization. About the Renewable Energy Organization Aimed towards ending unsustainable methods of powering America. Trying to help.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable Energy Organization. About the Renewable Energy Organization Aimed towards ending unsustainable methods of powering America. Trying to help."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable Energy Organization

2 About the Renewable Energy Organization Aimed towards ending unsustainable methods of powering America. Trying to help renewable energy gain momentum. Spreading the word on cleaner techniques.

3 The Problem with Unsustainable Energy

4 Summary Caused by unsustainable energy usage As well as a lack of clean energy research Which leads to huge repercussions

5 Environmental Effect Global Warming Stronger Diseases Wildlife Affected Raising Water Levels

6 Economic Effect Oil Dependence Loss of Jobs Loss of Money Lost Opportunities

7 Significance Bad planning – There’s a limit on Fossil Fuels Problems and effects have been known Current techniques are unsustainable Alternatives, such as wind, solar, and geothermal, have not been taken advantage of Research is needed to increase efficiency

8 The Geographical Background of Unsustainable Energy

9 Origin Ancient Microbes lived millions of years ago Died, and pressurized into sedimentary rock Drilled out and sold

10 Historical Example Russia relying on fossil fuels Lack of cheap alternative Economy is now extremely dependent

11 Environmental Example Climate change affecting wildlife Warmer temperatures beneficial to diseases 2/3 of Harlequin Frogs now extinct

12 The Current Situation of Unsustainable Energy

13 Alternatives Available Wind Utilizes strong winds, producing clean energy Solar Utilizes energy from the sun Photovoltaic cells generate electricity Current technology is expensive, but can be improved

14 Bloom Energy Bloom Box is a chemical reaction generator Adjustable and affordable Efficient both environmentally and financially

15 National Renewable Energy Lab Laboratory utilizing clean technology and methods Produced positive results Has spread the word

16 The Solution To Unsustainable Energy

17 Stop Using Current Methods Fossil Fuels are bad They negatively affect the climate They hurt the economy and the future

18 Establish Clean Systems Technology still needs research and mass production Government needs to fund the research and give rebates Small steps help gain momentum

19 Steps to Reduce Energy Use Turn off and unplug electronics when not in use. Use smart, power efficient appliances (which the governments provides rebates for) Build your home with large windows (facing North or South) for passive heating, as well as with skylights.

20 Results of Change Environmental Recovery Healthier Future More Jobs Energy Independence Money to be spent here

21 What You Can Do Utilize steps presented Support clean energy bills, as well as research funds Purchase smart appliances Build clean energy systems at home

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