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Cellular Devices EDUC 7101-3/8841-3 Tara Hatley Walden University Dr. Glenn Shepherd.

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Devices EDUC 7101-3/8841-3 Tara Hatley Walden University Dr. Glenn Shepherd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Devices EDUC 7101-3/8841-3 Tara Hatley Walden University Dr. Glenn Shepherd

2 Need Need for emergencies Need for location of user (jobs, business, etc.) Need for business calls Will be difficult to replace

3 Research

4 Shows that the cellular device emits radiation We cannot use the cellular device without radiation Radiation causes cancer

5 Development The history of mobile phones begins with early efforts to develop mobile telephony concepts using two-way radios and continues through emergence of modern mobile phones and associated telephony mobile phonesassociated services Radiophones have a long and varied history going back to Reginald Fessenden's invention and shore-to-ship demonstration of radio telephony, through the Second World War with military use of radio telephony links and civil services in the 1950s, while hand-held mobile radio devices have been available since 1973.RadiophonesReginald FessendenSecond World War

6 Commercialization First commercialized in the 1980’s Motorola’s DynaTAC 8000x was recognized as the first commercial cellular phone Early cell phones were unique because they simply allowed people to communicate wirelessly in a vast area Consumers bought, Despite the cost

7 Consequences Upgrading to new cellular devices Parents purchasing have increased More children have cellular devices Videos, pictures, text messaging, games Miscommunication Addiction Lost signals

8 Demand Great tracking devices Has GPS Most people already have them

9 Demand 2 GPS - The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite- based navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS was originally intended for military applications, but in the 1980s, the government made the system available for civilian use. GPS works in any weather conditions, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. There are no subscription fees or setup charges to use GPS.

10 Progression of Sales Sales up by 24%

11 Progression of Sales 2 Progression of Sales

12 CRS Cellular Repair Solutions - a technician will perform a complete inspection. A tracking number will be emailed once generated.

13 Advantages Easy to use Easy to carry Easy to purchase

14 Disadvantages Easy to steal Easy to sell Easy to lose Frequently replaced

15 Business Starting a mobile phone or cell phone business can be a profitable business opportunity in a growing market. At the Consumer Electronics Show, Dr. Eli Harary stated “the mobile phone market is the mother of all growth markets.”

16 Communication People must be involved Multiline communication Everyone must have a compatible device

17 Profession It has those highly-regarded and distinguishing features that make it future-proof Samsung Galaxy S II 8GbIt has those highly-regarded and distinguishing features that make it future-proof Daniel P. from PhoneArena ( 1 day ago ) 9/10 Samsung's Android peak for this season is future-proof not only with its powerful chipset and vivid display, but also with the top-notch connectivity options. You won't find 21Mbps 4G HSPA+, Bluetooth 3.0+HS, Wi-Fi Direct, DLNA, and MHL port combined in any other Android handset.

18 Landlines A landline telephone is a device with a physical line connection to a telecommunications network. Landline phones were developed in the late 19th century and became common around the world in the following decades. Cellular networks in the 2000s began to replace landlines as the dominant form of telephone connectivity.phones

19 Landline Advantages Even with cell-phone use on the rise and landline use declining, landline telephones do present advantages over cell phones. The biggest advantage is consistent fidelity of the telephone signal. Landlines don't suffer from the signal problems cell phones face during bad weather or in remote areas. Landline telephones do not require an electrical connection and are operational during power outages--whereas cell phones rely on relay towers that must be powered to receive or send a signal.cell phones

20 Landline Disadvantages The biggest disadvantage to landline telephones is their immobility. While cell phones can be taken and used almost anywhere, landline phones can be used only in or near the home or office. The landline may represent a redundant service and an added cost for those with a cell phone, though most basic landline service packages cost less than basic cell-phone plans. Landline phones are quickly losing their quality advantage as cell phones' audio signals and reliability improve.

21 Upgrades

22 Upgrades 2 Upgrades are a need for speed

23 Technical Support Training for customers and technicians Diagnosis problems Monitored customer complaints

24 Customer Loyalty Samsung Mobile has just announced that they have been awarded the #1 spot in customer loyalty for their 10th consecutive year – they’re only the 8th company to do that, and the first mobile division or company to achieve the feat.

25 Luxury Safety – great to have for emergencies Peace of mind Children do not need cell phones – they only talk, text and go online wasting time Children should be allow to use a cell phone after homework and chores are finished Adults need cell phones - they have families and work

26 Family Oriented You do not have wait by the cell phone for friends and family to call? You don't have to be chained to your home phone any more. Now you can enjoy shopping, hiking, or a night out on the town, knowing you will always be able to keep in touch.

27 Professional When away from office, it will be difficult for people to reach you. Whether on the road, in another state, or meeting with clients, a cellular phone can keep you on top of your busy work schedule.

28 Sociable Look good with a new Cellular device

29 Laggards Mentors who have the best technology Sales person of the new devices

30 Champions Technology promoters Att T-mobile Verizon

31 Organizational Characteristics Security – low security (gps installed software) Influence – will get a plethora of social participation Tenacity –High goals Resources – physical capital, tangible goods accessible to organization & clients Size – Corporation of 10 people including technicians

32 Intent of Innovation Promote communication local, state, and worldwide It will help connect globally to do business, research, distant learning for education

33 References Edwards, Benj. 2009. Evolution of the Cell Phone. PC World. Retrieved from one.htmlhttp://www Koomsin, Puripong. 2007. The Evolution of Cell Phones. Ezine Articles. Retrieved from Phones&id=830417 Phones&id=830417 Schorn, Daniel. 2006. Cell Phones: Evolution or Revolution? CBS News. Retrieved from tech/main1695876.shtm tech/main1695876.shtm

34 References www/.americaned/TED/cellular.htm Bauman, A. http://hst250.history.msu.ed/wiki- online/index.php/The_History_and_Evolution_of _cellular_phoneshttp://hst250.history.msu.ed/wiki- online/index.php/The_History_and_Evolution_of _cellular_phones Rosen, C. cell-phones-ourselves

35 References /startcellphone.htm http/

36 References www.

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