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Dear Juno Vocabulary Review. crackle Dry leaves crackle when I step on them.

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Presentation on theme: "Dear Juno Vocabulary Review. crackle Dry leaves crackle when I step on them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dear Juno Vocabulary Review

2 crackle Dry leaves crackle when I step on them

3 A small, sharp, snapping noise What are some other things that crackle? crackle

4 They announced the opening of a new store on the radio announced

5 Something that is told o people in a loud or official way. What are some items that are announced at our school? announced

6 The plane soared into the clouds. soared

7 To fly high in the air What other kinds of things have soared in the air? soared

8 We saw hundreds of little lights in the starry sky. starry

9 When the sky is full of stars at night How is a starry sky different from a cloudy sky? starry

10 I opened the envelope and found a birthday card from my uncle. envelope

11 A flat paper container that usually holds a letter or a card. What else can you send in an envelope? envelope

12 I have a photograph of my grandmother when she was a girl. photograph

13 A picture made with a camera How is a photograph different from an illustration? photograph

14 Your vocabulary words are: Announced Photograp h Starry Envelope Crackle Soared

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