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Software Defined Hybrid IT

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1 Software Defined Hybrid IT
Execute your 2020 plan

2 Changing IT Service Delivery
Disruptive Change Changing IT Service Delivery Cloud Computing Social Computing Cyber Security Big Data Mobility [this slide sets the scene and allows us to introduce Unisys as a company that understands the challenges in delivering an IT solution to an organisation] (0) The IT landscape is changing: Cloud Computing Cloud computing should be a strategic area of focus for CIOs and senior business leaders. This is due to the overwhelming agility and economic advantages of this new IT delivery model that touches nearly every aspect of IT. A common framework is essential for all IT service delivery models. It includes cloud, which addresses governance, security, integration, processes, policies, applications, and architecture within the context of three core areas: Applications, Data Centres, and Management. Social Computing Social computing is an important strategic platform for increasing workplace collaboration and knowledge management. It is also a platform for modernizing enterprise applications to connect collaboration with business processes and transactions. The benefit is tangible productivity gains and customer value. Addressing both parts of this equation – social-enabling “horizontal” strategic knowledge management functions and “vertical” mission critical business applications – is key to unlocking the full potential of social computing in the enterprise. Big Data Smart computing is all about utilizing the incredible processing power of today’s computing environments. Smart computing optimizes business decisions in real time and converts the ever-growing flood of data into both meaningful information and actionable intelligence. The strategic significance of smart computing in today’s globally-connected business environment is compelling. By 2015, there will be more interconnected devices on the planet than humans. The issue is broader than simply a storage issue around “big data”. What’s required is intelligent data analytics that can interpret data streams in real-time and make appropriate and automated business decisions. Mobility Employees have been at the heart of the mobility revolution. They have been blending personal, and business technology to make themselves more productive. This “Consumerization of IT” struck at the heart of every standardized, built-for-cost enterprise infrastructure. Now, increasingly we see enterprises taking back control over mobility as a core part of their business and IT strategies to drive revenue, enhance customer engagement, and be more competitive. However, some are more successful than others in taking advantage of the opportunities mobility creates. Who are these Mobile Trendsetters and what are they doing to get ahead and stay ahead? What can your organization learn from them about strategy, policy and governance to avoid falling into the Mobile Void? What business benefits do these Trendsetters achieve through a mature approach to mobility? CyberSecurity By having a logical framework for understanding cyber security, and the major domains it represents, enterprises can implement their cyber strategies and develop specific plans tailored for each domain. The challenge is far broader than simply addressing one issue such as securing mobile devices or securing cloud computing environments. It is about developing a comprehensive mission critical strategy and logical framework to address all of these inter-related trends. © 2015 Unisys Corporation. All rights reserved. 2

3 CXO Agendas Overlap, but Lag
CEOs Top 5 technology-enabled capabilities that will be the most important areas of investment to improve your business over the next 5 years CIOs Top 3 technology areas with the highest spending amount of new/discretionary funding in 2015 Growth Slide 4 shows another view, from Gartner, which view largely corroborates this, but shows an interesting gap. Here’s research that looks at both CIO and CEO priorities. Look on the right. CEOs were asked: what are the top tech capabilities most important to improving your business? They answered Digital Marketing, E-Commerce and Customer Experience Management. it’s pretty clear CEOs want growth first and foremost. Now look at the CIOs. Their top three are Analytics, Infrastructure and Cloud. Digital Marketing – CEO’s #1 – doesn’t show up until number 6. And Customer Experience is number nine. So there’s a gap, and CIOs appear to be lagging. Why? Source: Gartner 2015 CIO Agenda

4 Outlook towards Hybrid IT
Cloud growth is predominantly from new workloads Hybrid will be the dominant cloud computing model within 24 months Use Now Plan w/in 12 mo. Plan w/in 24 mo. Not w/in 24 mo. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Hybrid cloud (blend of public and private cloud services managed by a third party Private cloud IaaS (managed by a third party in your data center) Private cloud IaaS (hosted by a third party) Public IaaS – on-demand cloud-based compute service $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014* 2015* 2016* 2017* 2018* 2019* 2020* Cloud platform subscription revenue by category (US$ billion) Cloud platform complement to on-premises infrastructure, middleware Cloud platform replacement of on-premises infrastructure, middleware New IaaS and PaaS Replacement $30B in 2018 = IaaS: $21B PaaS: $9B 38% Annual Growth Rate Focus Source: April 24, 2014, “The Public Cloud Market Is Now In Hypergrowth” Forrester Report Source: Ovum / Informatica survey 2014; sample size 2,708; all countries, all verticals, all roles

5 Dedicated Infrastructure
Hybrid IT Improved User Engagement: Improve productivity, enable innovation, reduce cost to serve. Private Clouds Hybrid IT Transformed Business Processes: Enhance performance, progress business strategy, leverage industry leadership Optimized Infrastructure: Scale and secure, drive efficiency, power business impact Public Clouds Dedicated Infrastructure Simplified Management: Reduce complexity, create transparency, deliver real-time insights. (0) By adopting a Hybrid Management framework for you IT you can get Improved User Engagement - Improve Productivity, Enable Innovation, Reduce Cost to Serve Transformed Business Processes - Enhance Performance, Progress Business Strategy, Leverage Industry Leadership Optimized Infrastructure - Scale and Secure, Drive Efficiency, Power Business Impact Simplified Management - Reduce Complexity, Create Transparency, Deliver Real-Time Insights

6 Applications and Transformation advisory
The Unisys Strategy Public sector Financial services Life sciences Retail Communication and energy Transportation Improve user engagement Optimize infrastructure Simply management Transform business processes Advisory Services Application development services Platform services Operations management services Data management services Integration services Applications and Transformation advisory Our value and differentiator going forward is focusing on Hybrid IT. Industry Expertise Modern Mission Critical Enabling digital business Focused on creating a Software-Defined Services Model for Hybrid IT to enable the Software-Defined Data Center. © 2015 Unisys Corporation. All rights reserved. 8

7 Unisys Software Defined IT Model
Enterprise Service Catalog Metrics Dashboard Enterprise Service Portal Automated Orchestration Security Private Cloud Platforms Public Cloud Solutions Analytics Enterprise Systems Management IT Service Management Agile & Flexible Service Delivery Protection against Emerging Threats Cost Effective Infrastructure Management across all IT Assets (0) To address this challenge Unisys has created a phased approach to becoming Hybrid ready. This avoids the pitfalls of a big bang approach, so you don’t have large upfront investment or the risk of getting locked into the wrong system. Instead Unisys has a advisory service that helps you identify your organisation’s pain points and builds a solution that solves those problems whilst preparing you for further shifts to a Hybrid IT solution. To support this Unisys has created a Hybrid stack that integrates with, and supports any hybrid IT tooling so that you can work with whichever tools, for any vendor, that best support your business goals. You can implement parts of this stack without getting locked into the big picture and you get just the bits you need now, whilst preparing your organisation. (1) The Unisys Defined Methodology addresses the challenges of implementing a Hybrid IT solution by building on four essential IT capabilities: Agile & Flexible Service Delivery – With cloud management and brokering platforms to deliver IT services seamlessly and efficiently across all cloud environments. Cost Effective Infrastructure – With a software-defined foundation to deliver more agile and cost-effective services to end users. Security against Emerging Threats – With protection against vulnerabilities associated with new IT “assets” such as cloud, social, mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT). Management across all IT Assets – With a data-driven view of service management and the ability to control and provision services via a single point of administration (2) The Unisys Methodology looks at your IT needs from 8 distinct perspectives: Cloud management tools and processes, Physical and virtual architecture design, Storage, ITIL / ITSM, Financial policies, models & approaches, Security, Network engineering, & Support services At Unisys our mission is to be the leader in the Hybrid IT market for Tier 2 organisations. We aim to be the company that can advise, design, implement (and manage if that’s what you are looking for) the best mix of Hybrid IT based on both technological and financial drivers for your organisation. By approaching the design as your Hybrid IT Framework in this way you can ensure you will get the right solution for your organisation now, whilst preparing your organisation for the future.

8 2020 Plan Today 2015-2018 2020 Current mode of operations
Organisation IT Transition Plan Target Hybrid IT profile Low-cost operating model Shift from capex to opex More data and apps in the cloud Break free of vendor lock-in High Capex Consolidate Datacenters Today 2020 Example: consolidate Datacenters, shift to cloud (capex -> opex), “break” the vendor chains

9 Challenge: Future state decision model
Private cloud Technical Private Cloud Hybrid IT Financial Business Informed Decision Model Public Cloud Dedicated infrastructure Dedicated Infrastructure Current Model of Operation (CMO) Future Model of Operation (FMO) (0) To truly exploit the benefits of cloud computing a Hybrid Enterprise framework will be required that comprehensively addresses strategic considerations across applications, data centres, and management. This is best done across a model that addresses cloud architecture, management and tools, security, financial models, storage, networks, IT service management, and support services. (1) In addition to this, a workload placement decision model will be required to characterize applications and drive placement decisions, so workloads can run on the optimal infrastructure. A consistent approach will be required for building and evaluating data centre characteristics. This approach is one that meshes with the application modelling. It optimizes the data centre footprint across cloud and non-cloud delivery models and minimizes complexity. (2) Finally, a single management environment will be required that provides a set of controls to manage governance, risk, compliance, services, and costs across all infrastructure types. By approaching a Hybrid IT solution in this way you can ensure you get the full benefit of our investment

10 Response: CloudStep Methodology
Security Innovation Workshop Project Governance Updated Intelligent Application Alignment (IAA) Financial Model (EAM) Application, Workload, and Dependency profiling Hybrid IT design and plan CloudBuild and transform Operate 8 Track Methodology Cloud management tools and processes Physical and virtual architecture design Financial policies, models & approaches Security Network engineering ITIL / ITSM Support services Storage © 2015 Unisys Corporation. All rights reserved. 11

11 Response: CloudStep Advisory Services
CAPTURE CURRENT STATE ASSESS CURRENT AND FUTURE STATE DESIGN FUTURE STATE IMPLEMENT FUTURE STATE MANAGE THE ENVIRONMENT Capture detailed information on current environment. Develop IT infrastructure and operations strategy based on business objectives, provide GAP analysis Review future deployment model options and how they fit with business objectives Design the 2020 state Provide roadmap and execution plan to get to hybrid IT state Choose the right deployment model and skills Execute strategy based on a suitable toolset and intellectual property Build in phases, addressing immediate pain points first Integrate the on premise, private and public cloud operations. Manage (internally or externally) the Hybrid IT state. Deliverables Services Technical and Financial detailed view Application portfolio management Application and server dependencies Workload profiling Financial impact Optimal mix of A,B,C Desired roadmap End goal state Pain point examples: Workload migration to cloud Software defined elements Win2K3 migration Step by step multi vendor 2020 state Internal and external management and operations

12 Response: Intelligent Application Alignment
Discover & Assess Map Workloads to Models Impact Placement Business- as-Usual Innovation Place workloads in the best possible deployment model Repeatable Processes Mission Critical (0) The Intelligent Application Alignment process clearly identifies a prioritized list of cloud-ready applications and systematically recommends delivery models (private cloud, hosted cloud, etc.) based on requirements. (1) This is a set of tools that scan your current service, with particular focus on your applications, rather than infrastructure, so that we can build an accurate model of your organisations needs and operations. (2) For any specific Onsite/Private/Public cloud mix Unisys uses a set of tools to analyze and collect data on how your infrastructure operates. This allows us to understand how the connections between you server match up gives us the information to run “what if” scenarios to predict the impact any changes would have. This allows us to not only minimize the risk of any transition but also build a business case around any changes that would be made. However just looking at your infrastructure would not give us the right picture. Instead we think it is crucial to focus on your applications because that tells us how you use your IT environment and what you need it to do. This means the build we design will be focused on achieving your business goals, rather than the needs of the infrastructure. Ultimately this Application portfolio management view allows us to create a well defined stack of knowledge and select the right tools to use with your organisation. Ensuring you only see improvement in your IT provision without the disruption of being forced to change the way your organisation works to accommodate a shift to Hybrid IT.

13 Challenge: What to implement
Vendors 1 2 3 4 1 Gap Internal readiness 2 Vendor lock-in Gap Industry Standards 3 Internal readiness 4 Current market offerings Future market offerings (0) However the more significant challenge right now is that the market isn’t ready with a hybrid offering. None of the offerings available are mature enough, or proven enough to be the clear choice for organisations to invest in. (1) At the same time each vendor in the market is offering their own stack that works totally independently from any other vendor, so there is no possibility of mixing and matching. This makes it incredibly easy to get locked into one vendors approach and technology which is very risky when there is no clear leader with a proven offering to choose. So it seems clear that the smart choice right now is to wait and see whilst the market matures and then invest when you have better options available. (2) This approach might create its own problems if you need to invest now to refresh some aspect of your IT environment, but it is lower risk to just refresh one element rather than (3) investing in a complete Hybrid IT framework when it might turn out to be the wrong technology. For example rather than replacing cisco network equipment a company could invest in Hybrid IT, and remove the need for the outdated network system entirely with a software defined network solution. But that is a high risk approach if you don’t know the software defined network solution will work. (4) Especially if you are locked into whichever system you invest in.

14 Response: End to end approach
Consultants High Level Strategic Vision Vendors Tactical Approach OPERATE IMPLEMENT Tell you what you should buy Tell you what you should buy You need to match it all up and implement the solution Build you what you want Build you what you want DESIGN ASSESS CloudStep Methodology (0) Most consultancies or vendors only offer half the picture. They either tell you what you should buy, or build what you tell them you want, but not both parts. (1) Our approach sits in the middle and offers a truly end-to-end service. We work with you to understand your needs so we can design, build, and implement exactly what you need. We can even manage it for you as well. (2) This makes the process smoother and easier for you, It’s quicker to run, and you can be confident that the end result will work as you need it to. High level strategic vision combined with tactical tech approach

15 Response: Different Reference Architectures
Service Management On premise SDx Cloud Build Services Cloud Advisory Services Cloud Infrastructure Service Catalogues Service Aggregation

16 Software Defined Hybrid IT

17 Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART)
Allan Steele VP/CIO DART CloudStep Methodology “Based on the study Unisys conducted and the advice they provided, we were able to confidently select a cost-effective solution using cloud technology. Unisys provided valuable expertise in addressing executive team concerns and building confidence for the subsequent migration.” On premise Private Cloud Public Cloud Cost High cost and low flexibility Comfortable Mid Point Too Aggressive (0) Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) needed to address the high cost to maintain the existing outdated system and lack of effective collaboration capabilities, but they weren’t ready to move to a fully Hybrid Framework. (1) Unisys applied our standard 8 step methodology to validate the client’s as-is infrastructure, build a model of application dependencies and map business requirements to the delivery model. The existing environment across 15 departments and ~2300 employees was assessed financially and technically for the future states consisting of in the cloud and on-premises hosting. (2) This included assessments of Exchange 2010 environment, Office 365, and Google Apps for Government. This process identified a modern solution in line with business needs with updated functionality that promised minimal disruption to employees and cost effectiveness allowing DART to reduce the cost of their outdated system with investing in a full-scale shift to Hyrbrid IT.

18 Large US State Government IT Department
Managed hosting services, storage management, security, and database services Self-provisioning and capacity on demand to address real-time changes in business requirements Project and contract management, such as service desk and configuration management An agile, scalable and nimble IT environment that adapts to business needs and enhances access to IT services Simplified and automated IT environment that is professionally managed to enhance productivity and improve resource utilization Enable state agencies to access IT services as needed based on data center capacity to meet their current demands enabling the organization to reduce operating costs while enhancing flexibility service “By moving to a secure hybrid on-demand cloud computing model for delivering IT services, we are changing the way we have traditionally done business in IT. Rather than attempting to predict our technology requirements years ahead of time, our partnership with Unisys will allow us to purchase services when we need them, giving us greater flexibility and efficiency while saving money.” Business Issue Unisys Response Anticipated Results and Benefits CIO

19 General market statements
Why Unisys General market statements Unisys Experience 30% Cost savings across entire IT budget1 22% Client average cost reduction by shifting to public cloud 37% Greater responsiveness to IT requests2 1% Client decided to go for the 1% cost reduction option, due to business requirements matrix 26% Revenue increase due to new apps and IT services3 Cost is not always the driving factor Client X achieved a 22% cost reduction by moving their communication and collaboration platforms to the public cloud (Azure) Client Y decided to move their application workload to the private cloud, which although it only showed a 1% cost reduction vs the 20% promised by the public cloud, it proved to be a better fit in the clients business requirements matrix

20 What Do We Do Different? Single provider of today’s and future complete infrastructure landscape Ability to integrate additional vendor technology when required Phased approach Gradual service introduction, attack immediate pain points Help assess organizational and technology maturity, in full compliance with client financial strategy model No vendor lock in Able to move between vendors Presence in 100 countries Local skills – language Vertical industry knowledge

21 Client Examples COPA DART Telefonica La Caixa Global Energy Comp.
Consolidated 7 datacenters into hybrid cloud with automated processes COPA In line with business needs identified modern solution for in the cloud and on-premise hosting. DART Modernised IT environment and support services in areas of cloud computing and security Telefonica Consolidated and virtualized datacenter and implemented IT service management for better agility and compliance La Caixa Deployed global cloud infrastructure across 3 continents within 6 months Major Telecom Transitioned desktops to deliver a flexible end user environment with a common backbone and automation Global Energy Comp. Align IT services with the banks business needs and simplify and automate services Co-Op Bank Transformation of complex SAP landscape, virtualization and automation of SAP instances Knorr Bremse

22 Next Step – Innovation/Technical Workshop
Prioritized Opportunities High-Level Business Cases Implementation Roadmap Unisys Recommendations Now that we’ve talked to you about what Unisys can offer when it comes to creating a Hybrid IT solution that is right for your organization we would like to carry out an innovation workshop with you to start to find out what that really looks like. The workshop covers : Prioritized Opportunities High-Level Business Cases Implementation Roadmap Unisys Recommendations in an executive briefing To help you build the right plan for your organisation.

23 Thank You

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