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JSProxy: Safety from Javascript Benjamin Prosnitz, Tang Yi, Yinzhi Cao.

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Presentation on theme: "JSProxy: Safety from Javascript Benjamin Prosnitz, Tang Yi, Yinzhi Cao."— Presentation transcript:

1 JSProxy: Safety from Javascript Benjamin Prosnitz, Tang Yi, Yinzhi Cao

2 Motivation Most web attacks today are performed through JavaScript ▫Vulnerabilities in the execution engine ▫Invocations of vulnerable plug-in code

3 Goals Run Javascript code remotely in a way that ▫Does not require client modification ▫Is high performance ▫Maintains original functionality Test whether the JavaScript code performs an attack Filter code when it can be done safely Future

4 Running Javascript Remotely Modify pages viewed by client ▫Replace original scripts with remote calls (AJAX) Repeat the user’s actions on the server Send changes made by scripts that should be visible to the user back to client

5 Diagram of System Web Server Proxy Proxy Interface Modification Engine Session Manager Interface Javascript Execution Engine (modified browser) Javascript Execution Engine (modified browser) User

6 Timeline of Events t Client Proxy Server Request for page Original Page Modified Page Button Pressed Button Pressed remote_call() Inject button press Changes to page Changes to page (it is really asynchronous)

7 DEMO: Page Modification Uses Mozilla Gecko engine Searches for javascript and replaces it with calls (which will eventually be remote calls) Suggest a URL to download and modify!

8 Performance of Page Modification CDF of Processing Time

9 Performance of Page Modification Strong correlation between Page Size and Processing Time

10 Performance of Page Modification Processing Time is not clearly correlated with Number of Scripts

11 Interface and Session Management Client-server interface using Javascript/AJAX and FastCGI/C++ (not being demoed today) Session manager which ▫Identifies sessions that are alive and dead ▫Redirects calls to the correct browser session ▫Closes browser sessions which have ended

12 DEMO: Executing Javascript on Proxy Browser on Proxy is Webkit-based Remote execution of Javascript code would occur when user performs an action

13 DEMO: User-Visible Change Detection Also based on Webkit Can detect approximately 8 different changes now ▫.innerHTML changes ▫alert() ▫print() ▫close() ▫…

14 Where is state (cookies,etc.) kept? On both client and proxy ▫Proxy needs it to have javascript (esp. AJAX) work as expected ▫Client needs it to submit forms, display the data, etc.

15 Future Work: Remote Execution Create session manager Finalize interface Detect and fix cases that it doesn’t work with

16 Future Work: The Filter Acquire or implement a virtual-machine based vulnerability detector Determine how to safely identify which pages to run remotely Implement a mechanism to transparently switch between remote and local page execution

17 Conclusion Work on our system is in progress and will continue next quarter Key components of the remote execution system are currently functional and work well The remainder of the remote execution system can likely be finished soon

18 Q&A?

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